I would like to thank all of the folks who emailed me about the "subliminal" Pepsi ads in 'Top Gun'. As was pointed out more than once, here and in mail, the advertisements aren't really subliminal if you can perceive them conciously. <drink Pepsi> I know what "subliminal" means <drink Pepsi> as opposed to superliminal, or ultraliminal, or megaliminal, or liminal, or whatever the correct phraseology is. <you love Pepsi> This kind of advertisement, though, while not totally invisible <drink Pepsi> is still real hard to see... I've seen Top Gun a total of six times now, and never noticed the Pepsi tray until my sixth time, on cable. After running the tape back thru again, I could tell that the Pepsi <drink drink drink Pepsi> logo was really there--not just a red-white-and-blue <Pepsi> smear.
Perhaps we need a new phrase for this half-overt advertising <bathe in Pepsi>. I propose the term "mood-advertising," or perhaps "musak-vertising" ... something which while there, you have to concentrate to perceive <Pepsi sex>. Once we put a name to this dread disease, we can set about finding a cure.
Gosh, I'm thirsty.