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Janet Jackson Digest (Funny Guy)
(smirk to chuckle, original)

Here are the better of the Janet Jackson jokes I've received, coincidentally all original material, and all pretty good stuff too - ed.

= = = = = = =
>From: (Robert Woodhead)
>Subject: Janet Jackson's Titilation

IMHO, all the fuss over Janet Jackson's SuperBowl Stunt is merely a tempest in a C-cup.

= = = = = = = >From: (Brad Templeton) >Organization: >Subject: Janet Jackson at the Superbowl

I have to say, if Janet Jackson keeps up stunts like this, her family might get a scandalous reputation.

On the other hand, it's good to see that plastic surgery can work for a Jackson.

= = = = = = =
>From: (Doug Eastick)
>Subject: Janet Jackson...

Monday Feb 2nd, there were many discussions going on about the Janet Jackson "clothing malfunction" on mailing lists. The following is a quote >from Jon Delfin of the TVBarn mailing list:

	thank you all for your restraint in not making  
	any "Tito" Jackson jokes. 

= = = = = = = >From: (Heath David Hart) >Subject: Beauty and the Breast

Show your breast! Show your breast! Have your sidekick bare your chest! Then pretend it's a 'malfunction' and the whole thing was in jest! Flash your boob on the tube! Prove that Viacom's your rube! Why, that nipple silver plating's gonna top the TiVo ratings! I'll be blunt: What a stunt! (least you didn't show your [other breast].) The FCC is pissed, you might have guessed. You and Michael, I suppose need to both keep on your clothes. So stay dressed! So stay dressed! So stay dressed!

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