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Two bums disgussing subpoena (Tom Taylor)
Sacramento PC Users Group
(chuckle, heard it)

Two bums, one named Rastus and the other named Lyza, met walking down
the street.

"Say Rastus, what you bin doon wit yo self, man?"

"Oh, I bin goin to da law school, Lyza, watt's happnen?"

"Hey Rastus, maybe you kin hep me wit dis here dock-u-ment" [whereupon
Lyza hands Rastus a subpoena he was recently served].

"Lessee, in da law school we learned to break it down into de parts. Ah,
sub, ah dat mean `under'; And poena .... Oh!  ... Dat mean dey got you
by da balls!"

Author unknown.

(From the "Rest" of RHF)

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