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Sick pioneer joke (Scott Joseph Sumerak)
(smirk, heard it)

This is sorta off color, but I find it slightly amusing. I heard it about 
6 or 8 years ago on WMMS, Cleveland.

The Lone Ranger and Tonto are riding through the great plains, when they 
happen upon a small city, located on the transcontinental railroad. As 
the two approached the tracks, Tonto jumped off of hjis horse and quickly 
placed his ear to the ground. "What is it ?" asked the Ranger. "Iron 
Horse come." replied Tonto. "How can you tell?" asked Lone. "Tracks 
rumble" said Tonto. Sure enough, a train was sighted coming down the 
tracks only a few miles away. With the Lone Ranger fully impressed, the 
companions mounted up, and started across the plains once more.
A few hours passed before Tonto dismounted once more, and placed his ear 
to the ground. "What is it Tonto?", asked the Ranger. "There are no train 
tracks anywhere around here.". After a second , Tonto replied "Buffalo 
come". Lone remembered the trick from back in town, and asked again "How 
can you tell?"  Tonto replied "Ear sticky"..........
(it's a sleeper joke, give it a second to click)

(From the "Rest" of RHF)

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