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Technology of! (Wonko the Sane)
(smirk, computers, true)

NBC has been running a series called "Almost 2001" on the national news 
broadcasts.  Last night they broadcast a segment on "voice recognition" 
and how it was changing the world.  A shot that I almost didn't notice 
caught my attention and summarized the current state of this technology.

The voice-over was discussing the great achievments of speech 
recognition, and the "expert" being interviewed was writing a letter 
about it in the background.  The expert said "soon voice recognition will 
assist in everything from electronic mail to faxes and voice mail." The 
computer can be seen churning away in the corner, faithfully typing out 
"soon voice recognition will assist in everything from electronic mail to 
faxes envoy smell." 

I'm waiting for NBC to profile handwriting recognition on the Newton.  
Almost 2001, but not quite.

(From the "Rest" of RHF)

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