Once you posted a joke that ran something like this: Once there was a farmer who was feeding apples to his pigs. An efficiency expert happened by and, seeing what the farmer was doing, said, "Old man! Why are you holding the pigs up to the trees and letting them eat your apples there? Would it not take much less time to simply shake the tree and let the pigs eat where the apples fall?" The farmer thought for a moment, and then answered him, saying, "What do pigs know of time?" Now it happened that a Zen master was feeding apples to his pig. A student happened along and, seeing what the master was doing, said, "Master! Why are you holding the pig up to the tree and letting it eat the apples there? Would it not take much less time to simply shake the tree and let the pig eat where the apples fall? For surely your time is more valuable than the pig's!" The master thought for a moment and said, in humble tones, "Master! You are right. I will sit at your feet while you hold the pig." ---------------------------------------------------------------------- First potion heavily rewritten. Second portion original. copyright (c) 1992 stephen p spackman ----------------------------------------------------------------------
(From the "Rest" of RHF)