A co-worker received this from Sri Lanka Net News. From: GAMAGE NIMAL K K <uunet!paradox.colorado.edu!gamage> Reported in the Denver Post (May 9th, 1992) --> Colombo. Sri Lanka- Police in Sri Lanka arrested a man after finding a condom in his wallet, a newspaper reported yesterday. The arrest prompted the medical director of the Family Planning Association, Sriyani Basnayake, to write a letter to the police advising them that "condoms are not a security threat". But the police were skeptical. "Why would anyone want to carry a condom in his wallet, unless of course he was upto some mischief?" the state owned Daily News quoted a police officer as saying. --> transcribed from the denver post without permission. [But it's only 4 sentences]
(From the "Rest" of RHF)