Here is my third Institute of Fuzzy Science bulletin. I wrote it shortly after The Bad News came out about Hubble... IFS and the Hubble Space Telescope There has been a great furor recently over the realization that the Hubble Space Telescope is a very sick optical instrument. Amidst finger-pointing and name-calling, it has become clear that the optics involved were not tested adequately. "We goofed," admitted one high-ranking NASA official, who asked to remain anonymous. "I mean, what with one thing and another, the space shuttle blowing up, bad weather in Washington, and the rising price of dairy products...well, we were years behind schedule. Years and years. Years and years and years. Who ever thought we'd actually get around to launching the damned thing? Then, you know, you let things slide for a while, then all of a sudden, blammo, you've got to stuff the thing into the cargo bay, and you suddently remember all the stuff you've been putting off, like not taking down the storm windows at home, or filling out your income tax returns, or testing the mirror with collimated light. It could happen to anyone." Yet in the cross-fire of accusations and bureaucratic posterior-covering, the dedicated thinkers at the Institute of Fuzzy Science have been quietly working to correct the problem. While conventional scientific techniques look dubious at best, the bolder approach of IFS may soon bear fruit. "At JPL," commented Institute scientist Hier O. Nymous, "they're talking about putting additional optics in the camera to correct the problem. That's just giving the telescope a crutch to lean on; it doesn't get at the root of the problem." Nymous's solution is to boost into orbit a copy of See Without Glasses by Ralph MacFayden. "With the proper exercises and the right mental attitude, it should be able to correct the problem without artificial aid. The paperback version of MacFayden's book could be purchased and launched at very low cost." Dr. Nymous, one of the Institute's most distinguished scientists, is the author of numerous theories on almost as many subjects. One of his most controversial ideas is that mass extinctions have occured periodically throughout the history of life, due to infections caused by the dumping of garbage from an alien restaurant. This restaurant normally orbits the sun at a distance too great to be noticed. Periodically, though, its highly eccentric orbit brings it near the Earth, where it dumps the trash that has accumulated in the previous several million years. For evidence, he cites the much debated discovery of hamburger wrappings in a layer of Jurassic rock. Detractors suggest that the wrappings might have become mixed in with the other fossils by a careless field worker, who'd been eating on the job. Nymous dismisses these criticisms. His co-workers have suggested the name "Nymous's" for the alien restaurant, and the theory is commonly known as the '"Nymous's" hypothesis'. Another Institute worker, Simon Earnest, questions the need for the HST at all. "My radical new optical theory permits us to make images here on the ground that are sharper than anything the Hubble could provide, even if it were functioning perfectly," he declares. In proof of this he has produced a number of photographs of distant galaxies. Individual stars stand out with remarkable clarity against the darkness of the sky. No blurring at all is observed, though Earnest claims that the shots are well beyond the range of any telescope in use today. "These stars," he says, "are so far away it just makes my head swim. You know Timbuktu? It's like the corner store, compared to this. I mean, we're talking far, here. Andromeda is in the next room, by comparison. Mucho distant, do you get what I'm saying?" On being shown the photographs, this reporter was surprised to notice the presence of a watermark in the middle of the sky. When asked whether these stars were not in fact just pinholes in a sheet of black construction paper with a light behind it, Dr. Earnest answered easily: "Well, maybe a little. But it doesn't really make any difference. You've seen one star, you've seen them all." -- Anon E. Muss
(From the "Rest" of RHF)