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Stage Name (Particle Man)
(maybe, pun)

My friend Danno told me this:

A casting director was auditioning people for a movie he was working on.  For
a particularly pivotal male role, however, he was having no success.  Everyone
just seemed wrong.  Finally, in exasperation, he tells a guy walking by the
set to try out.  The man does, and the director is delighted!

He tells the man, "Terriffic!  You're perfect for the part!  What's your name?"

The man says, "My name is Penis van Lesbian."

The director chuckles and says, "Really?  Well we can't put that up on a
movie screen.  Can you come up with a stage name?"

The man thinks a moment and says, "How about Dick van Dyke."

|-Ian Novack (Particle Man)

(From the "Rest" of RHF)

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