There exists a magazine called "Business Tokyo" which provides an interesting glimpse of Japanese politics, business, and culture. In a recent issue, a guest editorial appeared which was written by none other than Ralph Nader. He argued, apparently perfectly seriously, that Japan's major problem was a shortage of lawyers which hampered the advancement of consumer protection. I was moved to write the following: Editors Business Tokyo 104 5th Ave. New York, N.Y. 10011 Dear Sirs or Madams: Mr. Nader is absolutely correct in his assessment that Japan suffers from a critical shortage of lawyers ("Meeting Point", February 1991 issue). Fortunately, the United States possesses the wherewithal to remedy this problem at once. Clearly, all right-thinking Americans should request -- nay, demand! -- that their Congresspersons immediately authorize the export of some small fraction (say, 40,000) of America's lawyers to our friends in Japan. Furthermore, Congress should offer to pay their salaries for the ten years deemed necessary to bring Japan's regulatory and liability litigation climate up to America's advanced standards. Our government has shown that, when the interests of society are at stake, it is willing to pay people not to do something; witness the farm support programs. I have long thought that this philosophy could usefully be applied to the activities of the legal profession. Here we have a golden opportunity to double the benefits of this approach while taking the moral high ground. The $6-8 billion/year cost of the program would be repaid manyfold by the elimination or, possibly, complete reversal of America's trade deficit with Japan by the end of the decade. We could undo the damage wrought by Mr. Deming at a single stroke. The only tiny flaw in this otherwise admirable scheme is the likelihood that the Japanese may miscontrue our beneficence as an act of war... Sincerely yours, Richard B. Mott Princeton Gamma-Tech
(From the "Rest" of RHF)