Try telling this; it works better out loud than in writing.
Five English gentlemen and one American computer programmer are walking along the Thames, discussing terms of venery. (Terms of venery are names for groups of animals, such as "pod" of whales or "exaltation" of larks.) They see three English prostitutes, and wonder what the term of venery is for them.
The first English gentleman says, "A fanfare of strumpets."
The second says, "No, it's a trey of tarts."
The third says, "No, a volume of Trollope's." [Trollope was an essayist.]
The fourth says, "Nope, a pride of loins."
The fifth says, "No, I say it's an anthology of English prose."
And the programmer says, "It's a string of cache misses."
[Ed: The first five of these are from the famous book of such terms, only the last is original to this author.]
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