A plumber, an electrician, a dentist and a programmer are fast friends: buddies for life, eternal bachelors..until the programmer announces he is getting married. Never ones to pass up a golden opportunity, the three compadres find out the name and location of the hotel where the programmer will be honeymooning, and bribe the desk clerk to let them in to rig a few 'welcome' surprises.
A week after returning from the honeymoon, the programmer meets his buddies in a bar for drinks, and half-heartedly chuckles with them over the gags. Pointing to the plumber, he comments "Yeah, the drippy faucet you couldn't turn off was a neat trick." And to the electrician: "And a flickering table lamp with no off switch was cute, too." Then, shaking a fist at the dentist "But, you! YOU! Novacaine in the Vaseline was one cheap shot!"
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