(The following jokes contain a slight amount of ethnic humor, and so may offend weak-minded acrocephalic twits. You have been warned. These jokes were created by me (copyright 1988) - insert standard disclaimer.) What is Jonathan Richmond's favorite joke? Joke? What's a joke? ===================== Why doesn't Jonathan Richmond go out to eat very often? Because he can't throw his voice. ===================== {ed I disagree with Chris Long on this one. There is nothing truly ethnic-related in these jokes. They simply lampoon a prominent USENET personality. Is this joke unfair? I think not. If Mr. Richmond or his supporters care to submit a joke about me, I'll run it by others, as I did with this one, and if they think it's funny, I'll post it.} -- Chris Long
(From the "Rest" of RHF)
The Internet Jokebook![]() |