Heard this joke from a friend's Dad who (as far as I know) never used a computer in his life. So St. Peter was questioning a certain black fellow at the Pearly Gates: ``So, what achievements have you made in your lifetime?'' ``Well, I once won a basketball game with a slam dunk in the last second!'' ``Hey, that's pretty good! When did this happen?'' ``Well, for that one you hafta go back `bout ten years''. ``Hmmm, that's kind of a long time ago. Have you done anything of merit more recently?'' ``Well, I once ran 100 meters in less than 10 seconds!'' ``Wow, no one up here has done that before! When did this happen?'' ``That was 5 years ago, back in high school. It was wind-aided.'' ``Hmmm, that's still very impressive. One more thing and you're in. Anything at all more recent?'' ``Well, OK, how about this. I once made love to a white woman under the bleachers at a Klu-Klux-Klan rally.'' ``Holy Smokes! That takes real courage! Few men have done that before! When did this happen?'' ``Oh, jus' about 10 minutes ago. . .'' --- Mark Hall Disclaimer: I hate racist, offensive jokes as much as the next person.
(From the "Rest" of RHF)
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