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Luck of the Irish

leonard%iros1.UUCP (Nicolas Leonard)

Two Irish lovers are sitting on a bench, in a park. They are holding hands, but the lady is nervously twisting her hands.

Mary: "Patrick. I have something to tell you."

Patrick: "Well, what's on your mind? You know you can tell me everything."

Mary: "It's so terrible."

Patrick: "You know you can trust me. What is it?"

Mary: "Well, it was a few years ago. Father lost his job, and no money in sight.."

Patrick: "So, what is it?"

Mary: "Oh. We were so desperate. For some time I had to turn ... prostitute!"

Patrick: "WHAT!"

Mary: "We needed the money so bad!"

Patrick: "There is no good reason for this! Endangering your very soul! How could you? YOU! Mary, this is more than I can stand!"

Mary: "Not you, Pat! No! I thought you'd understand. I thought you could still love me, even though I had been a whore."

Patrick: "Oh! ...You... Well, that's ok. For a moment I thought you said 'protestant'!"

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