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How 'bout them cubs?

eddie@pur-ee.UUCP (Sun Worshipper)
(true, chuckle)

(Baseball humor, for those out there who are Non-Cub fans.)

In 1908, the Chicago Cubs won the World Series. Since then:

  1. Radio was invented.
  2. Four states were admitted to the Union.
  3. The atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
  4. Television was invented.
  5. The U.S. went through the Great Depression.
  6. The U.S. participated in two world wars and two major armed conflicts, Korea and Vietnam.
  7. The NFL was founded.
  8. Man landed on the moon.
  9. Thirteen presidents were elected and one was appointed.
  10. Harry Carey was born.
  11. Wrigley Field was built and became the oldest baseball park in the National League.
  12. Five flag poles, erected at Wrigley Field for the purpose of holding a World Series flag, have worn out and been replaced without ever holding a pennant.
  13. Lights were installed at twenty-five major league baseball stadiums--except Wrigley Field.
  14. Ten teams were added to the major leagues.
  15. Halley's Comet passed the earth twice.
  16. Hundreds of boys were born, raised, played inept baseball for the Cubs, retired and died of old age.

[Ed: Clearly item 13 dates the list.]

Ed Nieters
Purdue University

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