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Freeze, turkey (tom reingold)
(chuckle, sexual)

A woman went into a pet shop and said to the man, "I want a parrot but sell me one that definitely talks."

The man sold her a parrot, saying, "This one definitely talks."

The woman took him home, set his cage up on a table and said to the parrot, "Ok, talk."

The parrot said, "Show me your tits." The woman was outraged. So she put him in the refrigerator. After a while, she took him out and said, "So talk."

Again, the parrot said, "Show me your tits." The woman, to show the parrot his place, put him in the fridge for a longer time and the same thing happened. She was quite annoyed. This time she put him in the freezer.

There was a turkey in the freezer. The parrot said to the turkey, "How did you get here? Did you ask for a blowjob?"

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