And now a word from our sponsors:(Deep, authoritative voice:) Proposition 22 makes sure that in California, marriage is defined as being between a man and a woman. Gays want to define marriage by allowing it to be between members of the same sex.
Protect the sanctity of marraige by voting yes on 22. Only a union between a man and woman is truly dignified and sacred. Yes on 22.
And now back to... Who wants to marry a multimillionaire!
Other jokes on the topic...Gay version: Who wants to not be legally allowed to marry a multimillionaire?
Inverted version: Who wants to buy a trophy wife?
Fox version. Oh wait, this is on Fox already: Who wants to marry trailer trash?
Cancelled version: Who wants to marry a nice, generally decent guy?
Crossover version for sweeps week: a) Hour 1 - Who wants to be a millionaire? Contestants answer a series of progressively difficult questions to win a million dollars. They then walk through a door into b) Hour 2--Who wants to marry a game show millionaire?
Never even got a pilot:
Who wants to win marriage to a multimillionaire? Contestants answer a series of difficult questions. The guy picks the smartest one without seeing them in a swimsuit.