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USENET security -- needs and goals

USENET security -- needs and goals

USENET at first was built with effectively no security. Anybody, anywhere could introduce any article which could do anything. There was limited auditing even to detect abuse, let alone prevent it.

Over time abusers came, and this meant in many cases that "privileged" functions had to be in some places either shut down or "put on manual" at great administrative cost to admins. In some cases, actual security using digital signature was applied, for newgroup messages (pgpverify), moderated groups (pgpmoose) and NoCem. PGP was commonly used because it is a widely distributed standalone program capable of doing digital signature.

Authority on USENET

USENET has no government. It is an anarchy -- the absence of government -- but this does not mean total chaos. It has rules, guidelines, traditions, movements and principles of governance, if not government.

USENET is, in spite of its public nature, a privately owned network. It is a cooperative, owned by the owners of the sites that are on it. Nobody gets on the network or uses it without the permission, directly or indirectly of these owners. In these site owners lies all the authority on USENET.

This makes sense, as anything on USENET involves storing or changing data on the site owner's machines. Those files are theirs. Of course, having each individual site owner privately administer all aspects of the net on their machine would never work. There are over a few hundred thousand machines on the net, serving millions of users. So means to delegate administration have been found.

As noted, the first way to delegate it was to simply let anybody do anything. In fact, at first anybody could create a new newsgroup just by typing a new name. In the past there were not many malicious users, so the system worked.

Today we have malicious users. Both spammers and the like who abuse for imagined gains, and plain sociopaths like trollers and crackers who abuse the net or people on it for the sake of abusing it.

Barring malice, in the past we still had politics -- different groups wanting different things. To solve this various anarchic and pseudo-democratic systems evolved to develop group consensus or a measurement of group will, and everybody agreed, without force, to go along with the group will where it was important. One example was the newsgroup voting system.

This works because in fact to get anything done in a co-op like USENET, you need the almost unanimous consent of the site owners. Any site owner is free to not participate in any group, hierarchy or other activity. So you must keep them all happy if you want to do something netwide. While total unanimity is hard, near-unanimity, won through compromise, has actually worked better than might be expected. This is true in part because almost all of us are drilled from childhood to accept the democratic principle and accept things the majority wants so that we can get our way later when we agree with the majority.

What needs to be secured?

Security on USENET amounts to the question, "Should anybody and everybody be able to perform this action?" If the answer is yes, you need no security. If no, you need some security to divide those who you do wish to perform the action from those who you don't.

Security of course has a cost, so sometimes you're willing to accept letting anybody perform some action if the risk of that is less than the bother of security. When the net was smaller, and there were few malicious people about, security wasn't necessary simply because even though anybody could do certain things, they tended not to.

Now on USENET, the only "action" is the posting of an article. However, this gets broken down based on what the headers of the article do, and in particular the Control header on control messages. So while "post an article" is not the unit you secure, you are interested in "post a cancel" or "post an article in a moderated newsgroup."

Here is a list of the actions on USENET I believe most people would prefer not be available to anybody and everybody. As such, we must address how to secure them.

Arbitrary users should not be able to:

  1. Cancel an article they were not involved in originating
  2. Post an article identified as coming from somebody else against that person's will.
  3. Post to a moderated group without the moderator's approval
  4. Violate a newsgroup's policies on crossposting, article size, mime-types, etc.
  5. Machine post vast volumes of articles to one or many groups
  6. Create a group
  7. Create or replace a named article with a specified purpose
  8. Change or set the status of a group
  9. Issue a sendsys in the name of another, or possibly any sendsys at all
  10. Delete a group
  11. Modify the headers or body of another's message
  12. Block the propagation of another's message by hijacking its message-id
  13. Issue a checkgroups or change a group description

While there is some fine debate about some, and in some cases these rules may vary in some hierarchies (for example alt might allow any party to create a group) I think that for the mainstream of USENET, ideally most people would prefer these functions were not entirely open.

Who can be trusted

If not all parties can be trusted to perform these actions, who can or should be trusted? Well, that varies from action to action. In some cases, like the cancel message, everybody agrees the original poster of a message should be trusted, and most agree the administrators of the equipment used to insert the posting into the net should be trusted as well. Many others wish to pick specific 3rd parties and trust them, to deal with abuse.

For other functions it's more political. The actions themselves require subjective judgement and must be performed by individuals or groups who win the trust of the machine owners who in turn grant it.

It turns out that the vast majority of people on USENET can be trusted, at at least given the benefit of the doubt, with their trust revoked only after it is abused. That's how the net used to work, but there was no way to revoke the trust when people started abusing.

The answers as to who people want to trust to perform these actions are varied and many. The underlying security system has to allow people to create the various structures of trust and enabling that they desire.

System Goals


It's vital that all trust be easily delegated. Site admins don't want to worry about the administrative problems of newsgroups or other small subsets of the net. They want to examine the big picture at best, and sometimes no picture at all. Most would like to just leave things to work, and only deal with problems if problems occur that are big enough to reach their attention. The delegation itself must be secure.


In addition, secure delegation is the only way that cooperation on USENET can work. If each site tunes its own parameters for a newsgroup independently, either by deliberate will or more commonly just by accident, then the group starts being useful to none. All sites have to be reasonably in sync -- the near unanimity -- about how most components of the net work. You can't have a third of the sites thinking a group is moderated with one moderator, another third naming a different moderator and the other third thinking the group is unmoderated. The group becomes damaged for everybody.


While I've listed common things we want to secure today, it is certain that other things will come up. New control messages or headers. New newsgroup policies and ways to run newsgroups. Good software design insists that there be one system -- since this is complex enough as it is -- and that it be general and extensible, just like the other facets of USENET are.


Good security is of course secure. Once you have a general security system, you don't leave things unsecured without an explicit reason for doing so. Sadly, when you have malicious attackers, if you close one security hole they just move to the next. You must close all the holes they will try. This is usually not totally possible, but one tries to get as close as possible to the goal as one can.


Unlike most systems, a security system for USENET has to factor in its anarchic nature. Authority remains with site admins, you can never prevent that. However, the system must allow people to work together, to cooperate and compromise as they see fit. Security becomes a tradeoff between the burdens of complexity of security and cooperation and the risks of insecurity.

In particular, one function worth supporting is the technological vote. In this case, an action is enabled if N or more (presumably a majority) of a set of trusted parties approve it. There is no vote with ballot counting or a returning officer. Instead, the actual privileged command comes with proof of the approval of at least N of the trusted parties. This way no one party can have control or represent a single point of failure or takeover. However, this is complex so it is typically limited to the highest level functions of a system, like the 2 keys needed to fire the nuclear missile.

The Solution

My investigation shows that other than for the specialty problem of verifying that a cancel message comes from the original generator of a message, there is no other solution to the problems stated above than public key based digital signature combined with certificates, ideally attribute certificates which certify authorized actions rather than individuals.

Such as system consists of:

  1. A way to digitally sign messages, to confirm they come from the holder of a secret key
  2. A way to certify keyholders (and other certifiers) as having certain attributes, by providing a language to express those attributes and a syntax for signing statements in this language
  3. A way for a system owner to, using his or her true "root" power over the site, specify which keyholders to trust or to follow chains of trust through.
  4. Refusal to allow, in the areas that are secured, articles which do not meet the test of trust -- that there is a chain of trust from the site owner to a/the keyholder who signed the message.
  5. A means to revoke expressions of trust at any level at which it was declared.

I view these as the minimum requirements. There are other useful attributes that have been discovered by researchers on certificate systems which are also good ideas. They add some complexity but have been shown to be worth it. These include auditing information that tracks how certificates came about, expiration dates on certificates, and certificate and signature collapse for efficiency, among others.

Do you have another proposal

Some have claimed all this is too complex. I believe in the end it is the simplest solution that meets the goals. If you wish to contend otherwise, you must demonstrate how another simpler system meets the goals, or why one of the goals is not necessary or good.