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Pointless Web Survey Page

Hey, isn't it a good thing that trademark and copyright laws have an exception for parody?

Parody of Cool Site Still, I have to admire Point/Lycos for coming up with this. Though it seems impossible that somebody could really sit and judge all, let alone 5% of the web sites out there to figure out which was best, they did come up with a great way to flatter a lot of people with popular sites and convince them to put up their logo and a link to their page.

Wish I had thought of it.

Parody of Point Survey But I did think up the parody! The great thing about the "Pointless" survey is that I'm not doing a survey. Feel free to include yourself in the bottom 5% of all web pages and link back to the rec.humor.funny home page. Same applies for being a "cruel site." But please remember that while it is legal to make fun of somebody's logo and plan as we have here, it is not legal to attempt to cause confusion between your work and theirs, or to capitalize on their good will. So don't use this logo in any way to make it seem that you were chosen by their survey (unless you were.) As a joke page we can get away with things you can't.

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