Rest of RHF Index Page 29
This page contains 50 entries with the rest of the jokes from
the early years
of rec.humor.funny. These jokes didn't make it into
the top 25%, or are recent and thus were not yet culled, so it's not
intended that you will want to read them all from this index. Rather, this
index is here so net search engines can index these joke to help you find
Visit the Home Page for more jokes, or
the Best of RHF topic index page.
Be warned that this is not a joke collection for children. If you
are under 18, check with your parents before browsing these jokes.
Presidential candidates (Jason H. Elbaum) topical, smirk, original
SCRIPT I (fwd) (Mike Clark) chuckle
Close call, godly ... (Hobson's Choice 23-Jan-1992 1405) smirk
Make yourself a star (SWELTON%ESOC.bitnet) smirk
Recession (David Tice) smirk
1992--the year in retrospective (topical) (trygve lode) original, chuckle
New Hampshire primary (Douglas Smith) topical, smirk, original
Men, women, and roaches (true) ( true, chuckle
Democratic T-shirt (Harvey S Cohen) smirk
Bible Scholars reveal new findings ( chuckle
Carpentry 2 (Shahar Steiff) sexual, chuckle
A Japanese Christmas (sIR pATRICK OF bURKE) chuckle, true
Orbital Mechanics ( topical, true, science, smirk
Scrotum Self-Repair (Stephen Friedl) true, smirk
Man hijacks bus to go to California to see God (news item) (Bob Morris) topical, sick, chuckle
The Seven Deadly sins in the Modern World (Warwick Allison) original, chuckle
An evening at the bar... (Thomas W. Scroggins) hair stereotypes, smirk, heard it
The old hand and the horseshoe (Tim Bowden) smirk
Presidential advancement (Robert Russakoff) original, chuckle
Dow Corning Announces..... (Monte Bateman) topical, true, chuckle
Plate-licking dog joke (Augie Kuo) chuckle
New lightbulb joke (Benjamin E Delfin) sick, chuckle, original
Love your dog. (Fred J. E. Long) smirk, original
Bathroom graffiti ( chuckle, true, nasty words
Confusion of the Politically Correct (SEGEL honna) smirk
Taxing the Supreme Court (Dan O'Neill) true, chuckle
Some people just don't like Texas (J. Brian Rigdon) smirk, regional stereotypes up the ying-yang
Cowboys and indians (Donald E. Carver) chuckle
Bathroom Graffiti (John T. whelan) chuckle, true
More bogus computer legalisms (Lance Norskog) computer, chuckle
Hints on using your Stereo - original (Jarod Nash) original, chuckle
Campaign '92. (Vijay Rangarajan) topical, chuckle
True support story (Michael Taht) true, computer, chuckle
Tyson & yokel. (Booles) topical, sexual, chuckle, original
Breakthrough in male contraception (Jeffrey Hitchin) smirk, sexual
Unix vs. US Govt ( computer, chuckle, original
Urban legend humor (Peter Cherna) topical, smirk, original
USA Today Coverage of Outcome of Bush Visit to Japan (castor! chuckle
Extended Kill command (Claudio Calvelli) computer, unix, smirk, original
1991 Unix support headlines ( unix, chuckle
PC men ( smirk
More Viola Jokes (Adam M Birnbaum) smirk
A Philosophical Truth (Ian Barkley) chuckle
The wax-job story. (RUSS FERRIDAY) smirk, sexual
Does anybody really know what time it is? ( smirk
Jewish Christmas Tree (Harry Dolan) chuckle
Bathroom Graffiti (Rand Whillock) chuckle
True, out of the mouths of babes (Chuck Herr) smirk
Crimson's Laws of Adventure (Lucas v.d. Berg) original, computer, chuckle
Say What? or: Why Johnny Still Can't Read or: I bet he has tenure (Mark Crispin) true, smirk, science
Anagrams *What's in a Name* ( smirk