Rest of RHF Index Page 109
This page contains 50 entries with the rest of the jokes from
the early years
of rec.humor.funny. These jokes didn't make it into
the top 25%, or are recent and thus were not yet culled, so it's not
intended that you will want to read them all from this index. Rather, this
index is here so net search engines can index these joke to help you find
Visit the Home Page for more jokes, or
the Best of RHF topic index page.
Be warned that this is not a joke collection for children. If you
are under 18, check with your parents before browsing these jokes.
Debugging... (Rick Moen) original, chuckle, computers
Three wise women... ( smirk, sexist, forwarded
Change of mind... ( smirk, heard it, forwarded
Life imitates Art in Scotland (Paul Darwen) smirk, true
Heed the warning... (Mony) Iyer) smirk, true
And why didn't the defense attorney know that? (Greycat Sharpclaw) chuckle, heard it
You've got MAIL (Evan Golub) topical, smirk, computers
UPS (Finn Jensen) smirk, true
American Heart Association ( smirk, original
Dismissing Darwin (Robert Wallace) smirk
Making the rounds in Canada (Dave) chuckle, heard it, offense=Americans
Quote from Science News (John Lindal) smirk, forwarded
A Push (Amanda M Parvu) smirk, heard it
Really Important Stuff if you frazzled (Michael Farrell) smirk, forwarded
Teletubby Personality Test... (Ian Williams) chuckle, forwarded, offense=homosexuals
Charity on a budget ( smirk, true
Like ships that pass in the night (Timothy Hunt) chuckle, swearing, forwarded
Teachers picket ( smirk, true
Milan Horse ( smirk, original
The Grandmistress (Bob Rosenberg) smirk, sexual
They died in the service? (Mark J Laird) chuckle
Requisition for software (Merlin Hansen) original, chuckle, computers, original
ESB: extra scene (Alison Brooks) chuckle, forwarded
Get thee behind me, Satan (Jokemaster) smirk, true
If Dear Abby were Dear Bob.... (Nick Christopher) chuckle, sexist, forwarded
High Tech Watch (Little Frank) smirk, sexual
Physics Exam Answer (Markus Emmenegger) smirk, true
Inappropriate Message? (Stephen Shepherd) smirk
LBJs (Neil) smirk
3l1t3 0v3rCl0cK3rz Gu1Ld (Aaron Engelhart) chuckle, computers
One-Upsmanship in the 90's (Bob Martino) smirk, true
Psychology journals (Matt Davey) smirk, true, forwarded
(Too much) truth in advertising? (Kent Stoneking) topical, smirk
Joke (Margaret Jackson) smirk, heard it
Tax Bill (Neal Leland) topical, smirk, original
In the beginning... (in2home news) smirk, swearing
Where do you want to be (mis)directed today? (Erwin Mascardo) original, smirk
The Homosexual Agenda (Jim Haungs) chuckle, forwarded
Where does Mr. Johnson want to go today? (Jonathan Eisenhamer) original, chuckle, sexual, swearing
Get while the getting's good (Andy McFadden) smirk
Just like Microsoft... (Maegaera Erinnyes) smirk, sexual
Charlie Brown (Ian Williams) smirk, sick, forwarded
BSOD (Jeff Spirko) chuckle, computers, forwarded
Edited out of History (David Chess) smirk, forwarded
Education bureaucracy (Jonathan D Loo) smirk
Does Home Depot sell formaldehyde? (Ellett, Kirk D) smirk
Dark Ages Tale (Max Brown) chuckle, long
Doctor's visit (Ian Williams) smirk, groan, forwarded, heard it
We don't know what we want, but we want you to do it (Lori and Ryan) original, smirk
Bad behavior at the movies (Susan Gable) smirk, sexual
Pots and kettles (Scott Cramer) topical, smirk