Rest of RHF
This page contains direct links to the rest of the jokes from the early years
of rec.humor.funny. These jokes didn't make it into
the top 25%, or appeared after 1991 and thus were not culled, so it's not
intended that you will want to read them all from this index. Rather, this
index is here so net search engines can index these joke to help you find
Visit the Home Page for more jokes, or
the Best of RHF topic index page.
Be warned that this is not a joke collection for children. If you
are under 18, check with your parents before browsing these jokes.
File System Joke (David Fox) maybe
Top Ten New York City Pedestrian Tips (Michael Rossow) smirk
Forgive me, Dijkstra... (Philip E. OKunewick) original, maybe
Cycles for nothing (Matt Crawford) smirk
Yet Another War Story (long) (steve@nuchat.UUCP) smirk
Proctology (EDDIE.MIT.EDU@heath.UUCP) maybe
Genuine Soviet Joke (Bruce Jones) smirk
Flying Out Laws (Kee Hinckley) smirk
Behaviorists (Matt Crawford) maybe
A night of passion. (Mr. X) mabye
DEC Wars (Andrew Klossner) funny
Don't open 'till Xmas! (Steve Alter) smirk
The Hotline (from the fidonet newsletter) (Mike Arms) funny, sexual, gross
The creation of the universe (edw@zps.UUCP) smirk
An amusing poem (John F. Wardale) smirk
the meaning of creation (Kent Paul Dolan) maybe
Pillows (Brent Petersen) pun, maybe
DEC Wars (LONG) (Jeff Michaud) chuckle
Wry humor (bird@ihwpt.UUCP) maybe
New Sitcom (Edward Falk) maybe, offense=homosexuals, sexual
Tasteless illness joke (Rich Salz) maybe
Hotline (#4) (Ken Eglaston) chuckle
unexpected endings (bde@ihlpl.UUCP) mabye
Russian Joke (Nik Habermel) smirk
Erosion (David John Williams) chuckle
Love your mother in law (Inna Lauris) maybe
Plumber's Joke (eileenp@athena.TEK.COM) heard it, chuckle, sexual
Real Programmers Don't Eat Health Food (Clint Wong) smirk
drought (david@uokmax.UUCP) maybe
They say that in the army ... (James Gehrke) smirk, sexual
A brand new riddle (David Keith) smirk, offense=women
Riddle with unix overtones (Richard Sexton) smirk, swearing, rot13
Ollie North opens up (Jack Bonn) smirk
Another Gary Hart Joke (Warren Burstein) smirk, topical
Your all a bunch 'o dangerous crazies! (Nic McPhee) smirk
Visual joke (Ted H. Emigh) doubt it
Papal visit (Bill Kennedy) smirk, topical
A new topical joke on religion chuckle
Political joke maybe
Hey Jack (Steve Poole) maybe, pun
LA - from Late Night (watmath!ihnp4!a.s.kamlet) smirk, topical
New Topical Joke with computer overtones funny, topical
pumpkins (John J. Chew III) smirk
Airplane Joke (ciaraldi@rochester.UUCP) maybe
Where does morality come from? (Rick Floyd) smirk
Old Klaus Barbie joke (Jeff Meyer)
feminism (resident factious factotum)) original, smirk
You can save lives (P. Ryan)
speaking of language usage... (Steve Upstill) smirk, heard it
Divorce (Zahid Ahsanullah) smirk, sexual
A top 15 list from the Dave Letterman Show (Steve Alter) laugh, topical
A Yuppie Christmas (Eric Tilenius) topical, chuckle
Tweeze Denied Beef Worker Isthmus (Frank Carey) topical, smirk
speaking of language usage... (Ken Dykes) smirk, heard it
Politics - Nixon, Jackson, Hart, Biden (Operator) topical, swearing
Male jokes (cblph!kee)
cadillacs (Andy Soravilla)
advice for life....:-) (Thomas S. David) rec_humor_cull,
****PLACE SUBJECT HERE***** (Dumb netter didn't give one) (Alan R Meiss)
Ho Ho Ho (Jim Kendall)
a REAL retirement party (Susan Hammond)
The Hackers Prayer (David Goodenough)
Interesting Quotes (Jeff Meyer)
Harvard man in New Haven (for rec.humor.funny) (Rahul Dhesi)
Hard-hitting journalism (David Keppel)
Joke submission (Andrew Moore)
Tammy Faye Bakker (206) topical, funny
Political humor (David Arnold) topical, chuckle
Voting Tips (BELLIVEAU) funny, topical
Lousy business (Derrick Hamner) sexual, swearing, smirk
it never happened (Rob Peck) original, smirk, gross
Re: anti nazi humor (You may ask yourself... How do I work this?) smirk
For each and every action. (Bryan Wolf) smirk
Political joke (Stefano Sani) topical, sexual, maybe
New Technologies (Ken Marks) smirk
New item: Spain orders U.S. to remove 72 F16's ( topical, smirk, original
Hotel Soap Nightmare (M. Joseph Barone) chuckle
Best from NutWorks Issue021 (Brent C J Britton) chuckle, original
May God call me home. (Lawrence Fischer) smirk, sexual
Another fine myth (lloyd allison) doubt it, racist
-*- S L U G S -*- (Dorian Garson) original, smirk
God's vacation (Seth Adam Eliot) maybe, offense=christians
Mooo... The latest update of COWS (Eric W. Tilenius) maybe, original, swearing
Cure for the depression? ("Henry_Cate_III.PA"@XEROX.COM) smirk
True humour in uniform (Bill Kennedy) true, original, smirk, swearing
David Letterman's "Things we can be proud of as Americans": (Jeff Meyer) heard it, chuckle
Condom joke, offensive to male homosexuals. (resident factious factotum)) scatological, offense=homosexuals, maybe
U2 the rocket dog (Greg Hackney) smirk
A day in the life of a hacker (long) (Steven Grimm) smirk
Another history lesson ("Henry_Cate_III.PA"@XEROX.COM) rec_humor_cull, funny
Winner of the Bulwer-Lytton Contest announced (Doug Mackensie) rec_humor_cull, chuckle
Smart Computer ! (Andrew Moore) heard it, smirk
American courtesy (Kevin James Bertram) swearing, smirk
Help loose weight (Jerry S. Ghanooni) rec_humor_cull, heard it, chuckle, sexual
greek soccer players (Gavin Dixon) racist, smirk
Hooray for Hollywood (Mike Burtz) sexual, smirk
Bounding Maine (Adam Moskowitz) smirk
Troubleshooting Flowchart (Ken McDonald) rec_humor_cull, smirk, swearing
~Professional~ Growth Classes (Nathan H. Hillery) heard it, smirk
The view from Texas (barry@elk.UUCP) topical, smirk
Reader service? (resident factious factotum)) true, maybe
Software License Agreement (Marsh Gosnell) true, smirk
The Laws of Computing (Dean Tregenza) smirk
Hunting Story (Kurt Guntheroth) smirk
English grammar (Bill Crick) rec_humor_cull, rot13, offense=pakistani, chuckle, racist
Last year's news ("Henry_Cate_III.PA"@XEROX.COM) rec_humor_cull, true, chuckle
Re: George Bush and Coca-Cola (Evan Bigall) rec_humor_cull, original, chuckle, topical
football equipment (Jack H. Ostroff) smirk
Sun's super RISC machine (mmt%dretor@zorac.UUCP) true, smirk
Plop plop fizz fizz (DC@MAZ.MIT.EDU) maybe
Bush joke by Bob Hope (Allan Pratt) topical, chuckle
Sneak Preview (bellt@tramp.UUCP) heard it, chuckle
The Oneliner file Annual (Funny Guy) racist, sexist, sexual, chuckle
doublespeak, Orwell_is_here! (Raymond Lister) true, chuckle
Drunken Wanderings (Andy Hall) true, smirk
Two peanuts were walking down the StrauBe (Mike Liang) original, chuckle, pun
Organ Donation (bgm@zorac.UUCP) sexual, smirk
PunchEd (Hobie Orris) maybe, original
4 Southern Belles (Bill Sears) swearing, smirk
Languages (Thomas M. Chavez) smirk
UNIX made simple (Phil OKunewick) true, chuckle
Republican Prayer (Barton E. Schaefer) original, smirk, topical
Drug test (it's the caffeine I can do without) (Frederick Wamsley) maybe, scatological
Language barriers (Paul Vixie) smirk, original, true
Draft Dodger Rag [for Danforth Quayle] (Bill "Bill" Tuthill) original, maybe, topical
Political song (David B. Whiteman) chuckle, topical
A new Movie (Andrew D. Bowen) original, smirk, topical
Booming popularity (ecl@mtgzy.UUCP) original, chuckle, topical
FULL DECK LIST (John Mullen) rec_humor_cull, long, smirk
Gastnost (Gary Powell) chuckle
Fairlyisms ( true, smirk
Useful command (Jonathan E. Brickman) original, chuckle, sexual
Baby Boom. (Regis J. Crinon) smirk
Re: PC Flame from unix-pc.test (Silver) original, funny
Homeostatic needs of humans (chandra@ihuxv.UUCP) chuckle
Miss Dish's Lament (Jeff Meyer) long, chuckle
Dynamite (ofnsv to ) ( rec_humor_cull, smirk, ethnic
Stupid Telephone Order Clerks (Bob Mayo) rec_humor_cull, true, chuckle
Just a few Jokes.. (Brett) rec_humor_cull, racist, rot13
Subject: George Bush (Anonymous) sexist, maybe, topical, offense=women
systems administrator (Kevin Braunsdorf) maybe
The Collapse of Usenet (Glen Overby) maybe
Nose jokes from "Roxanne" (Brett K. Carver) funny
puppy joke, sligtly off colour (Ken Dykes) gross, sexual, smirk
nasty humor - offensive to women (Todd Mount) rec_humor_cull, smirk, rot13, sexual, swearing
Armor Potted Beef Product ( rec_humor_cull, smirk
Original Religious humor, very long (newcomb@ucbarpa.Berkeley.EDU) rec_humor_cull, chuckle, long, original
From the ACM (George Moore) chuckle
Deathbed humour (Michael Wolfe) smirk
Ethnic Sign-Language Jokes (Paul Fuqua) smirk
DEMO project (wyle@solaris.uucp) chuckle, swearing
Fortran 8x progress report (Matthew P Wiener) smirk
You'll never see this TV ad (Frederick Wamsley) chuckle, original
Bentsen Jokes (Terrance E Sterkel +1 201 386 5027) topical, chuckle
Condoms (James Harvey) rec_humor_cull, quite sexual, funny
The Churchill Wit -The Untold Story (Bob Roberds) laugh, swearing, rot13
Misfortune for this shuttle mission... (Joseph Weinstein) topical, chuckle
Robin Givens / Mike Tyson Divorce (ciaraldi@rochester.UUCP) topical, chuckle
Vollyballocracy (Steve Valentine) topical, smirk
Election day follies (John R. Levine) topical, true
Radio Free Warsaw (Andrew Malton) smirk
The Pope bites the bit one (Ronald J Wanttaja) pun, smirk, sexual
U.S. Presidential light bulb jokes (Seth Gordon) smirk, topical
Economists (Bruce Randall Donald) smirk
The Future of the English Language (roller@hocpa.UUCP) smirk
[ ethnic ] ventriloquist (Gregory Sandell) smirk, heard it
Wrong Way Whales (Steve Eddins) topical, chuckle
Tie one on (Jim Kendall) racist, rot13, smirk
Ticket to Ride (Fearless Leader) racist, offense=Poles, rot13
Real Computer Wizard (Ralphe Neill) true, smirk
Hair of the dog (Steve @ His Desk) true, smirk
A story of four people (Watale's Little Helper) smirk
Dodgers & Nostradamus (George Moore) smirk, original, topical
NOpLAnCON Presentations on Current Films (Mark R. Leeper) original, chuckle
Collection of Olympic and Ben Johnson Jokes (Funny Guy) some original, doubt it, smirk, chuckle, topical
A letter from moma (Brett K. Carver) smirk, heard it
Free Trade in what? (wayne@hcrvx1.UUCP) topical, smirk
King Bentsen (Lightning Strikes) topical, smirk
More on J. Danforth Pigeon (Leo 'Bols Ewhac' Schwab) topical, smirk
Timely variation on a Dangerfield one-liner (Ken Kaufman) topical, chuckle
Net makes SNL (Dave Goldblatt) topical, chuckle
The Dying of Ember ( original, chuckle
You've gotta speak the language (Marc Lavine) chuckle
I found my thrill on Huckleberry hill (Rick Smith) smirk, sexual
Jewish Mothers - from Leo Rosten (Ranjit Bhatnagar) smirk
It pays to be experienced (P.Smith) chuckle, true
Scottish Fashion (Bruce Roberson) smirk, heard it
Heavenly achievement (Mark Hall) smirk, heard it, sexual
newlyweds (K.R.Nauman@ihnp4.UUCP) sexual, chuckle, heard it
Do I know you? (Mitchell Wyle) sexual, gross, chuckle, rot13
What do best... (toddm@tekig5.PEN.TEK.COM) ethnic, chuckle, sexual
BRAINDUMP (Robert Del Favero) original, smirk
Tired and complaining (Mosur Mohan) laugh, swearing
Trees (Bob Jewett) chuckle
You always hurt the one you love (ludo@squawk.UUCP) true, smirk, sexual
Think of the team from a few years ago (Jim Gardner) funny
Cow joke (Douglas.Reece@IUS1.CS.CMU.EDU) smirk, sexual
An essay for .funny consideration ( original, laugh
Death and the Doctor (Mario O. Bourgoin) heard it, smirk
tell a friend (Fearless Leader) true, smirk
How to prove it (Andrew Arensburger) heard it, chuckle
Paducah, KY (Nick Pine) chuckle, true, offense=farmers
Small Town News on Fishing (Steve Elias) true, smirk
The King's Weapon (Gregory Kohler) sexual, chuckle
Re: Bobby Knight Joke ( heard it, chuckle
Vacation Precautions (Darin McGrew) smirk
Truth in Advertising (Andrew Gollan) true, smirk
Viruses and System Security (a story) ( chuckle, computer, true
gets(3) vs. Goetz ( original, computer, chuckle
New! Jonathan Richmond Jokes! (Chris Long) laugh, rot13, topical, nasty, offense=Richmond
Re: KW Record Article on Joke Debate (Dan Howell) chuckle, topical
Airplane humor (Tracy LaQuey) smirk
Warranty card? (Mike Temkin) chuckle
Oprah the door and let me come in... (Fearless Leader) smirk
true story (Jeff Smith) true, smirk
Santa Clause has got a gun (-=/ The G*A*L*A*C*T*I*C Funkster /=-) original, smirk
Offensive to Construction workers and Leprechauns (Daniel Hinojosa) smirk, gross
Guy and gorilla go into bar, etc (a.l.judkis@mtunb.att.COM) racial stereotypes, chuckle, rot13
And a few soviet jokes ("Henry_Cate_III.PA"@XEROX.COM) chuckle
Ode de Quota (Sean The Peasant) topical, computer, smirk, original
Cheap at half the price (Lee Sailer 814-898-6268) laugh, sexual
With apologies to Henny Youngman (Jim_Borza) sexual, funny
It goes both ways (John Palmer) sexual, chuckle, offense=men, swearing
The mysteries of time (Carl Witthoft) original, smirk
Report cards (resident factious factotum)) true, smirk
You ain't seen nothing yet! (Grant Robinson) sexual, smirk
My Story of Puking at My Prom After Eating Pizza Drunk! (Ronald D Harvey +1 312 979 0586) gross, original, chuckle
Top 10 reasons not to remove me as moderator (Pete Apple) topical, racist, rot13, laugh, offense=people with no sense of humour
Topical trick ( smirk, topical
A Modern Idea (Tim Mitchell) smirk
Vaseline salesman (Grant Robinson) sexual, chuckle
Odds and Ends (Maurice E. Suhre) true, chuckle, topical
Toiletiquette (David Chesler) original, chuckle
Voting Time Again (Joe Talmadge) original, smirk, topical
Some black mail (Stephane Desmarais) maybe
Pastoral Visits (Woodhouse) gross, smirk
Since it's election time... (Mike Godfrey) topical, chuckle, ever so mildly sexist
The Coolidge Effect (
Would you like to see my new dress? ( smirk
Pausing to honour a funeral (Karen B. Johnson) smirk
Two Hunters in Canada (Joe Dakes) funny
School's In (Jeff Beadles) smirk
Going on Tour (Matt Fichtenbaum) topical, chuckle
Birthday Gift (Raffie Tordil) smirk
Submission - Talking to Fish (Bill Kennedy) original, smirk
gaggle me with a spoon... (brian@greek.UUCP) chuckle, heard it, mildly sexual
American and Canadian Senate. (Nicolas Leonard) topical, smirk
My God, it's full of... (Dr. Snuggles) topical, funny
Watch your rear (Brad Templeton) topical, chuckle
The joke that made RHF infamous (Brian Glendenning) rec_humor_cull, racist (mildly), chuckle
Happiness of life (tran@peora.UUCP) rec_humor_cull, smirk
Ant and Ages (Jeff Roberts)
DATA statements... ("Henry_Cate_III.PA"@XEROX.COM) true, chuckle
Difference between US & UK... (Product Acoustics Group*MLO6-2/T13*223-8744) smirk
Elvis (Ronald J. Notarius) topical, funny
More soviet jokes ("Henry_Cate_III.PA"@XEROX.COM) funny
Updated Version of joke recently made famous (Brian Glendenning) original (sort of)
AirJEDR close call (eddie.caplan@H.GP.CS.CMU.EDU) original?, smirk
Bar Troubleshooting Chart (Stuart Freedman x3262) heard it, funny
Giuliani (Gabe M Wiener) true, smirk, sexual
Slightly sick narrative joke (about disabilities) (Mike Taylor) original, smirk
A bus across the island (Ken Johnson) true, smirk, national stereotype
Rushdie, Islam, and CIA Plots (GW Ryan) original, chuckle, topical
Workout mentality (starr@shuxd.UUCP) truenews, smirk
love that computer... (Brian Kantor) chuckle, computer
A Deluge of Grandeur (Calvin Keegan) long, smirk
This tree has no nodes. No nodes, how does it parse? Recursively! (Mike Taylor) original, chuckle
Birds of a feather (Edelperson) sexual, chuckle
Don't let the bed bugs bite (Andy Andrews) original, computer, chuckle, sexual
Those ethnic stereotypes (David Chesler) racial stereotypes, chuckle, rot13
list of excuses from (John Fereira) original, chuckle
SMILIES (Kevin Johnson) smirk
Pan Am crash in England (Ron Pekar) topcial, smirk
Reagan lives! (offensive to Reagan, Bush and republicans) (michaelw@microsoft.UUCP) original, smirk, topical
Funny, He Doesn't Look Indian (Scott Turner) topical, chuckle, original
Explaining private enterprise to Gorbachev (Peter Palij) true, chuckle, topical
Re: I would like to see a header Sender-Addressed-To: (Leonard D Woren) chuckle
Civil Defense instructions. (Triantaphyllos Byron Rakitzis) heard it, smirk
submission to rec.humor.funny (Elijah Millgram) original, chuckle
How Cheap Are You (tgw@ttrdf.UUCP) true, smirk
TV ad parody (``Chopper'' Loyola -- Mark Gooley) original, maybe, sexual
Impotence Joke (re: Longevity) (Kurt Guntheroth) sexual, smirk
aging aircraft (Bruce Esrig) topical, smirk
Jazz flyer humor (Carlton B. Hommel) smirk
Old ladies at the greengrocers (Jerker Andersson) smirk, sexual
Seminar notice: LINEAR MOTOR (David Rogers) smirk, true
study report (temp)) original, smirk, sexual
marriage humor (ajs@hpfcajs.UUCP) sexual stereotypes, chuckle
Marketing idea (Frederick Wamsley) topical, smirk, religious sterotype
NEW Religion!!! (Rudolph R. Zung) original, offense=devout, smirk
A Song for the 80's (Offensive to Republicans) (davidbe@sco.UUCP) explicitly sexual, smirk, original
Good Service (Paul Shields) original, chuckle
Standards (Rob Kolstad) original, smirk
The PLO (John Palmer) original, smirk
Bush's Lament (Ranjit Bhatnagar) topical, chuckle
How many postings for one joke? (Michael I. Bushnell) topical, original, smirk
Top Ten Earthquake Lines ( original, topical, chuckle, gross
Rabbi in space (Michael Niv) ethnic, smirk
Referee's report from Hell (John Merrill) chuckle
What's in store at Christmas (Chris Hudel) original, topical, chuckle
Satanic Prose (Felix S Ortony) topical, usenet, chuckle
Kiwanis Speech (Mark Woodhouse) smirk, sexual
Urine Testing (Robin Colgrove) truenews, gross, smirk
It ain't all playing golf . . . (Tim J Ihde) supposedly true, smirk, gross
late one night on the system (Dan King) computer, true, chuckle
Warner Brothers song ( original, chuckle
A Sonnet (Ronnie B. Kon) original, maybe
the mouse problem (Mike Godfrey) chuckle
The Pickle slicer! (Thomas _. Longstaff) heard it, chuckle, sexual
You ain't nothing but a Mahound-dog (Fearless Leader) topical, smirk
Tower the Teetotaler (daryl@hpcllla.UUCP) chuckle, topical
Most Embarrassing Moment (Jay Schuster) sex (homosexual), chuckle, true, rot13
Electronic Tee-Shirts (Andy Andrews) original, chuckle
VAXen, my children, just don't belong some places (obrien@aero.UUCP) long, funny
Joys of group music (dwv@ihuxz.UUCP) chuckle
Original weird story (Anthony M Lovell) original, smirk, wealth stereotypes, swearing
higher, girls, HIGHER! (Fearless Leader) topical, smirk
Speaking the language (Joe Morelock) sexual, smirk, heard it
Re: various how-do-I-rot13 queries (Duke McMullan n5gax) chuckle, original
Inaccurate Titles (Mike Schmitt) chuckle
football (Shelley Spence) topical, original, chuckle.
Ted Bundy (Peter van der Linden) topical, chuckle
Smiley Faces (Kevin Johnson) smirk
AT&T (jeffjs@ihlpb.UUCP) smirk
Londoners' work ethic (Gabe M Wiener) true, smirk
Beer drinking in the 90's (Ronald D Harvey +1 312 416 4683) original, smirk
alphabet soup (Fearless Leader) smirk, heard it, proctological
Parable time ( maybe, swearing
Give the baby a bath (Marten Jansen) smirk
Daily News of Tanzania (Nathan Lipson) true, chuckle
ncm(1) - humorous man page for new coffee maker (John C. Rossmann) computer, chuckle, original
definitions of cooking terms (Brett Slocum) original, chuckle
docs and ducks (Robin Colgrove) smirk, long
Life in Hell (Wendell J Wilcox +1 312 979 2073) topical, chuckle
suicide is painless (Sauder Clyde 301-688-7908) topical, smirk
Insurance Companies (Ed Arnold) maybe, true
in crashes, casualties are always the first truths? (psrc@pegasus.UUCP) chuckle, generic ethnic stereotype
Joseph the Gullible? (ellen.g.cross) offense=Christians, smirk
Blind man's dog (Stuart.Lynne) heard it, chuckle
TV Evangalism: True Story (Fugitive) true, smirk
An encounter with an average person (Chuck Musciano) smirk, true
Anyone for Chinese Take-Away Lunch? (Jimmy Aitken) sexual, puns, smirk
the late, great internet virus (Cindy Tittle) true, chuckle
Cold_fusion ( topical, smirk, sexual
If it moves... (John Witters) stereotypes, smirk, original
Leadership .vs. Management (Raj Wall) smirk
Tact (John Antypas) smirk
One of the first "Ollie goes to jail" jokes ( chuckle, singer stereotypes
Oxymoron (Brendan Kehoe) long, funny
old cold fusion? (psrc@pegasus.UUCP) topical, chuckle, true
Understanding Your Paycheck (Eugene Schwartzman) smirk
Talk about a tough union... (JimThe Big Dweeb Griffith) original, smirk
Journos! (Gary Yuen) national stereotypes, chuckle
One man's prayer . . . (Ric Giardina) smirk
Dangerous Waters (Leonard P Levine) topical, pun, smirk
Roto-Rooter Ad (Rudy Mician) true, chuckle
bartender, bartender.... (Grant Robinson) chuckle
Cold Nuclear FUSION; another confirmation (Emmett Black) chuckle, topical
AIDS is not just a disease! (Satinder S. Sidhu) chuckle, sick
Sixty Minutes (long) (Gabe M Wiener) heard it, computer, chuckle
Bureaucracy catches up (Fred Douglis) true, chuckle
New dressing methods (Ben Verwer) smirk, german politician, gross
Syrian Soldiers (Geoff Skellams) heard it, smirk
"mag tape" (ajs@hpfcajs.UUCP) chuckle, computer
Tar Pit (Richard Newsome) true, smirk
anonymous taxpayer poetry (Karen McGeer) topical, smirk
Cemetery Plot Telemarketers (Oded Feingold) true, chucile, swearing
Los Angeles Times (Gabe M Wiener) true, chuckle
A lesson in Government (Satinder S. Sidhu) chuckle
Fusing along (Evert Wolsheimer) topical, original, chuckle, gross
Eastern Network (Bret A. Shefter) topical, smirk
Byproduct of COLD FUSION ( topical, chuckle
Front Page News (Jeff Boerio) chuckle, true
The Gods must be Crazy (Sumitro Samaddar) smirk
Postponed embarrassment (Steve Balogh) true?, sexual, smirk
The Fusion Jokes just keep on coming. (Matt Fichtenbaum) original, topical, funny, offense=Utah
Another Computerized History (bobm@convex.UUCP) original, chuckle
Resumes (Eric Giguere) topical, smirk
More Eastern Block humor -- GDR (Kristian Simsarian) smirk
Love-making, the Australian way. (Ian Watson) offense=aussies, sexual, smirk
Would you eat in their cafeteria? (Nathan Lipson) true, smirk
Elvis and Wright ( topical, smirk
Christian Bears? (Steve Clark) smirk
Let's see if this surprises you. (Leo 'Bols Ewhac' Schwab) true, chuckle
Military Intelligence (Robin Colgrove) smirk
Lawyers and dates (Rocky Craig) smirk
Viking's Home Journal (Sean Kelly) original, chuckle
prison (Michael Walsh) national stereotypes, heard it, smirk
Hitch-hiking the Irish way. (Bring Me A Dream) true, original, chuckle
The _Necronomicon_, Psalm 23 (kim dong hwan) smirk
Praise the Lord (Mohan Delampady) smirk
Radio Slogans of the 80s... (Phillip A. Remaker) true, smirk
VP comments ( smirk
"Vampires Take Over Exxon!" ( chuckle, "true"
Neutrality (Spacek L) topical, funny
Chain Letters Work.... Really! (Zippy) original, funny
Academic Life, Their Way (Thomas _. Longstaff) chuckle
How they drink it. (Scott Robert Anderson) chuckle
I am the NRA? (John Hascall) true, chuckle
David Letterman top 10 list (paul northrup) topical, chuckle
tv sales ( smirk
Reagan's brain (Amitabh Shah) topical, smirk
fishing again... (Stuart Freedman {x3262}) swearing, chuckle
New Product Annoucement (Bruce E. Cantrall) original, chuckle
Say, what? (tumlin@mhuxo.UUCP) true, chuckle
Bureaucracy award (Robin Colgrove) smirk, original
talk about a strip tease.... (Bluegrass For Breakfast) sexual, smirk
Oh, and One More Thing... (Darren F. Provine) smirk
Hazardous wildlife (dueck@DVINCI.USask.CA) chuckle
Old Age (Christina M. Bulle) smirk
Hi! Do you know me? (greg@bosco.Berkeley.EDU) original, chuckle
Quayle's Quest (Ricky) topical, smirk
Toilet Paper ( old ). ( scatological, smirk
Lawyer Referral Service Call Of The Month (David Sherman) true, funny
The wonders of modern medicine (Dave Goldberg) heard it, chuckle, offense=democrats
News of the Weird ( true, chuckle
What you see, is not what you get! (Bo Newman) true, chuckle
One Way To Tell You Have Problems (Roger Fradenburgh) true, chuckle
Maladies of age... (ody) smirk
Bryant and the experts (Mark McCready) chuckle, true
No doubt learned through hard experience (Mark-Jason Dominus) true, chuckle
that's it. no kids... (Bluegrass For Breakfast) chuckle
Frustration -- Party Joke (Chris Wood) heard it, chuckle
Next time he'll knock.... (Bluegrass For Breakfast) smirk, sexual
"I'm sorry Mr. Lowe, but your insurance won't cover THAT" (Mark S. Warren) topical, smirk, sexual
Bald Men (Tom Crawford) smirk
Fwd: Deng Xiao-Ping, Li Peng, and Yang Shang-Kun (Chris Koenigsberg) heard it, topical, smirk
The Flag Takes A Licking (Shu-Wie F Chen) topical, chuckle
Boomerang's tough luck (vadim maystrovsky) chuckle
All about Baseball (gal@atux01.UUCP) heard it, chuckle
Handy date (Allen P Jr Haughay) smirk, sexual
The Price is Right (Sprecher yossy) heard it, smirk
Dates from Hell (Maurice Suhre) true, funny
Murphy's Laws on Sex (Sunil S. Desai) sexual, chuckle
copys, kids and stop signs (Michele D. Crabb- rc) heard it, smirk
Truths About Women (David Crist) original, sexual, chuckle, sexual stereotypes
_Vague_, the Magazine that Defines the 90's (jailbird@ihlpm.UUCP) original, smirk
Dead in the air... ( true, chuckle
Golfing Confession (Brett Slocum) heard it, swearing, chuckle
Drivers and Dummies (Steve Schonberger) true, chuckle
The difference between Jews and Catholics (David Goodenough) smirk, religion
Stay straight, Ollie (Daniel Miller) original, funny, topical
Prime Time Songbook (John Juback) original, chuckle
Change in the bible (Hans Grankvist - Exjobb EA/GF) smirk
Stodgy Dinner (William H. Jefferys) true, smirk
Jim McMahon goes golfing (Gregory Sandell) true, chuckle, bathroom
The "Perfect" Pastor (Tom Rhyne) chuckle
Life in an alternative universe (Matt Fichtenbaum) original, chuckle
What these foreign phrases really mean (Hy Tran) chuckle
George *has* balls! (Jan Steinman) chuckle, topical
Minimum wage (David Goodenough) topical, smirk
Comments on the future evolution of languages. (greg@bosco.Berkeley.EDU) original, smirk
Pete Rose (Laurel Falces) topical, chuckle
What's in a name? (Ilana Stern) true, chuckle
Last Margaliot Jokeline (A.R. PRUSS) funny, sexual, stereotypes
Premature Baldness (Pete Granger) heard it, sexual, chuckle
A Bad day? (Paul Yok! Chen) original, smirk
Origin & use of computer languages (Alan Hargreaves) computer, smirk
Car From HELL 4 SALE! $750 (or BRO) (Mike Mahler) original, true, chuckle
Gorby and the Pope (Gregory Bond) topical, chuckle
kids in class (Keith Abbey) swearing, chuckle
Parrot gets around (Chris PudANG) sexual, chuckle
Newspaper (mis?)advertisements (Jan Mark Noworolski) true, chuckle, sexual
Yet More Quake Jokes (collected) (Steve Samuels) topical, smirk
Valuable savings (RusminUmin Dirgantoro) sexual, smirk
Halting Problem is Solvable (Bala Rajagopalan) computer, smirk
Turn Over (James Pinakis) swearing, sexual, chuckle, sick
Why would gas fitters change bulbs? (Ken Johnson) original, smirk
Broken dishes ( topical, true, chuckle
The soviet phone system ... (Chuck McManis) smirk
boyfriends & girlfriends (Stuart Freedman [x1708]) funny, sexual stereotypes, sexual
Equal time (Teemu Leisti) science, chuckle, offense=creationists
Human Resources ( science, chuckle
Stealth bomber budget poem (John Diamant) smirk
My Apple ][ test (Fred J. E. Long) computers, smirk, original
Piaget's conservation experiment. (Ross Williams) science, chuckle
Making a Selection (Paul Fuqua) chuckle
Hockey Night In Canada (Mark Lord) smirk
Being a computer center director (Jeffrey L Bromberger) computers, chuckle
Procurement (Jeremy Roussak) rot13, sexual stereotypes, chuckle
Cheap used car for sale ( true, chuckle
More than a mile for that camel (cs161fcz) laugh, sexual
Stop Smoking (Barry Friedman) true, chuckle
stupid drivers (Bob Sutterfield) true, chuckle
Virginia and W. Viriginia (Steven H. Izen) sexual, offense=W. Virginians, smirk
Camel (David Sherman) true, chuckle
Relativity (Amitabh Shah) sexual, funny, racial stereotypes
Some Vague Recollections of TV Theme Songs on a Windy Night (Chris Long) original, chuckle
Modern-day Cinderella (Franklin Davis) heard it, sexual, chuckle
turtle attack (king@cbnewsk.UUCP) true, chuckle, sexual
DEC Virgin (Stuart Freedman {x1708}) sexual, computer, chuckle
More, 'mon (Bruce Spence) religious stereotypes, heard it, smirk, sexual
Praise the Lord (jimk@fab4.UUCP) true, chuckle
How not to open a beer (Michael Bergman) true, chuckle
The Art of Negotiation (Greg Kuperberg) true, chuckle, ethnic?
We All Have Our Problems (Paul Bartholomew) heard it, smirk, sexual
Donation? (Mark Nagel) sexual, smirk
Godless devil-worshipping evil computers (Karl Heuer) funny, unix
new standard system of measurements (Eric B) original, chuckle
Church and graphics systems (Jan Eric Larsson) original, computer, smirk
Improve your average (Charles Neil) smirk
Chain Letter for Liberated Women (Liz Gensheimer) heard it, chuckle, sexual stereotypes
New plan for newsgroup voting. (Brad Templeton) original, unrated, usenet
Kiwi Joke (Craig Farrell) chuckle, national stereotypes, rot13
Mort Sahl on Alexander Haig (Andrew Tannenbaum) chuckle, true
Be careful what you leave on the bus. (Peter Young) sexual, chuckle
the size of the moon (Alan Silverstein) science, original, chuckle
grass in the country (Vijay Madisetti) pun, chuckle
political jokes (Harumi Anne Kuno) funny
True Awe (Paul Bartholomew) true, chuckle
ball and chain (Vijay Madisetti) chuckle, sexual stereotypes
The History of Math (Kenneth Clubok) original, chuckle
A Child's View of Music ( (Paul Bartholomew) funny
Travelling salesman? (Bryan Wolf) chuckle
Airline Seatbelts (Gregg Fielding Hinderstein) true, chuckle
Be the best you can be (Brian C Moum) smirk, religious stereotypes, rot13
Place your orders (Duke McMullan n5gax) smirk
What's for breakfast? (Alan S. Mazer) sexual, smirk
Iranian subscription letter (Mark Crispin) true, smirk
Ugly Baby (Greg Philmon) smirk
Cannibalism (Ian Gent) smirk
Re: Movie humor (Richard Sexton) original, smirk
How many gay rights activists? (Seth Gordon) sexual orientation steretypes, chuckle
What the smart campers are wearing (Julian Vrieslander) smirk
Safety Tips for the Post-Nuclear Existence (Marko Chew) sick, smirk
Secreteriat passes ( topical, smirk
Deja vu for IBM earnings (Alan Hargreaves) true, computer, chuckle
Ottawa Awards Stanley Cup to Quebec (ferguson@rochester.UUCP) canadian, smirk
Collection of the lesser Earthquake jokes (Funny Guy) topical, sick, maybe
Slow Golfers (Joseph M Dakes) smirk
To the last (Larry Hardiman) smirk, sexual
Talk about Hellfire... (JimThe Big Dweeb Griffith) topcial, smirk
New Orleans Brothel (Edmond D. Watson) sexual, smirk
New Soviet Flag (ECI) maybe
Stalin rides the train (Adrian Baddeley) smirk
Zsa-Zsa and her prision fears (Ken Dykes) topical, smirk
About life (chuck@dcisea.UUCP) smirk
Please send me a yes vote for sci.aquaria or I'll destroy your city (Richard Sexton) topical, usenet, smirk, original
The Great Gonzo (Mel) sexual, chuckle
politics in the making... (Brendan Jones) smirk
You can't get there from here (Gary) smirk
Fuel of the Future (Christian S. Collberg) true, chuckle
Funny VMS SPR (George Moore) computer, smirk
First European space flight (meulenbr@watmath.UUCP) national stereotypes, heard it, chuckle
It all depends on your point of view (Yigal Arens) smirk, national stereotypes
Making the most of your....talents (Will Johnson) true, smirk, sick
Cutting Classes (William J. King) heard it, smirk, ethnic stereotypes
An old Adolf Hitler joke (Bo Lindbergh) smirk
Childs (Tuna Ertemalp) heard it, sexual, chuckle
What did he say at his defence? ( true?, smirk, sick
Jim & Tammy Faye (Patrick J. Flynn) topical, smirk
Loan Collateral (pdb059@Mipl5.JPL.Nasa.Gov) true, smirk
new gimmick from Black and Dekker (Vijay Madisetti) chuckle, original
First day of college ( heard it, smirk
Family humor (Rick Peralta) chuckle, true
Grad Student Xmas Songs (Doug Hay) original, smirk
WARNING, WARNING, DANGER, DANGER (Mike Van Pelt) true, chuckle
Newsbriefs #1 (....What Is?....) original, chuckle, computer
New Timesaving Peripherals (Stan Lackey) usenet, smirk, original
Six miracles of socialism ( chuckle
Food-Wine Synergy ( true, chuckle, sexual
Flight crew duty times (Robert Dorsett) true, smirk
String 'em up (D K Laws) smirk, original
Virginia Border (Tam M. Nguyen) smirk, original
Why crackdown in Romania (James S. Vera) original, chuckle
The VA from Hell (Robin Colgrove) chuckle
The "Reunion Scene" from _The_Princess_Bride_ (Jonathan I. Kamens) funny
PhD Topic Footprints (Allan Cargille) original, smirk, deranged
COMPLETE GUIDE TO COWS!! (New Version) (Eric W. Tilenius) swearing, chuckle, compilation, original, sexual, scatological
On having catholic tastes (Roger Amorim) chuckle, regligious stereotypes,
Drinking Song (Robin Colgrove) chuckle
Shafting Lucifer and other moneymaking schemes. (Never Kid A Kidder) smirk
Christmas Song (Emmett Black) funny, topical
Oscar Learns to Play Golf (H. L. Rogers) smirk, sexual
Kitchen Sync (Jordan K. Hubbard) original, smirk, usenet
An interesting textbook question (Jonathan) true, smirk
The NASA Monster Truck Challenge! (Andrew P Anselmo) chuckle
Is that a business or a residence, Mr. Bush? (David Lesher) topical, smirk
Meta-primes (Wayne Wonchoba) original, smirk, math
Newsbriefs #3 (Steve Boswell) smirk, original
How UUCP Addresses Came Into Being (Warren Tucker) usenet, national stereotypes
DAN QUAYLE'S (QUOTABLE) ADVENTURES (Seth Teller) smirk, true
Hidden Brain Damage Scale (Jon Boede) original (forwarded), smirk
Indiana wants me? (druid@inuxy.UUCP) chuckle
Coffin Nails (Peter Palij) smirk
Dirty Laundry (ROBERT M. HAMER) topical, smirk
Why Beer is Better Than Retarded People (David A Honig) sick, discriminatory, rot13, smirk
Theft with creativity (OMAR@buasta.UUCP) smirk
Warning! Dangerous Contamination! (Eric Lechner) original, smirk
Foreign bodies (Peter Karp) explicit sexual, scatological, heard it, true, smirk
VCR's in the home (Mark A. Holtz) true, chuckle
Topical Knock-Knock (Robert Jon Diamond) topical, maybe
Compiler Technology (Ray Wagner) original, maybe, computer
The .plan file of life (Max Kislik) computer, sexual, sexual stereotypes
no offense intended (contains nasty word) (Robin Gyver) swearing, usenet, topical, smirk, rot13
Panamaniacs (Peter Fay) original, smirk
Bad writing (Jonathan R. Partington) smirk
Changing their tune.... (Nicholas J. Simicich) original, maybe, topical
Beans - the after effects (V I C T O R) heard it, scatological, smirk
The Tragedy of the Computer Science Graduate Student (Avi Naiman) science, original, smirk
'89 earthquake (Walid S. Al-Sabah) sexual, chuckle
Submission for rec.humor.funny (Sharat Israni) true, chuckle
rules of thub (Alan Silverstein) heard it, chuckle
Growing Kudzu (Michael H. Warfield) chuckle
Romanian Orphans (Otto J. Makela) smirk
It's a joke, alright. (Don Mathis) sexual, maybe, original
Marion Barry Joke (Debbie Greenberg) topical, maybe
Charles Stuart jokes from Boston (Franklin Davis) topical, sick, smirk
Wanna be rich? (Greg Philmon) chuckle
Computer Program Virtually Eliminates Machine Errors (Mark Lawrence) computer, chuckle
Rad new BBS (offensive to VIC-20 users) (John "The Squid" Byrd) strange, computer, smirk
Introducing . . . the NiCE Machine (Ellen Keyne Seebacher) original, smirk, computer
Stones Joke (Brian Lee Cramer) pun, smirk, sexual
Roumanian lightbulb (Jan Michael Rynning) original, topical, smirk, sick
USSR-US Friendship Watch (Gabe M Wiener) smirk
Panama Financing (Carlo Sgro) topical, computer, smirk
bounty hunters (Barun Chandra) smirk, topical
The single girl's Christmas prayer (Alan Jeddeloh) sexual stereotypes, smirk
Emperor Charles (Lee Sailer 814-898-6268) original, maybe, topical
Report from Panama City (Jeff Ranstrom) topical, smirk
Virus and Panama (Grace Downey) topical, smirk, computer
Let out your frustrations! (Rhonda Harlie Landy) smirk
Modern Justice (Gustavo Jorge Goni) smirk
If I ran the circus. (Clifford Beshers) topical, chuckle
Jewish husbands (Karl L. Wuensch) religious stereotypes, smirk
Bush bumper sticker (Evan Morton) topical, smirk, orginal
Humatrans - A transportation Device for Homo Sapiens ( original, smirk
Sorority jokes collection (OLIAS OF SUNHILLOW) sexual stereotypes, rot13, smirk
Houston Comical Slams Public Libraries as "pornography ring" (Carl M. Kadie) original, topical, usenet, chuckle
LaTeX - T + x => (scrambled) => Ex-Lax (Joseph M Miller) orignal, maybe, computer
My little digital watch ( maybe
urban legand or american horror story? (Fred Douglis) true, smirk
The Satanic Flyer (Jon R Ferro) religious stereotypes, offense=muslims, rot13, smirk
wisdom from news.lists (Robin Colgrove) sexual, usenet, smirk
french naval pun (GAVIN@hnympi52.bitnet) pun, smirk, sexual
Finite State Machine Descriptions of Affairs.... (Christopher Lennard) original, smirk, computer
Deserted Island? (FaceMan/Mathew Lecher) smirk, national stereotypes, rot13
Most Embarrassing Moment (Second Hand) (Ashish Jain) true, smirk
Apple IIgs (Richard W West) computer, original, chuckle
Self-help quiz (Frederick Wamsley) chuckle
Pretzels, Language, Quantum Physix (Wayne Hayes) original, smirk, science
Answers to calculus final (Ken Blackman) original, smirk, science
Wild Cards... ( sexual, smirk
Rabbits (Don't ask why that's the subject) (Kenneth Richard Tough) rot13, smirk, topical, original
Adolph Eichmann's Evil Cake Award (Laurie Abbott) smirk
Cobol, oh Cobol (Jonathan R. Partington) computer, original, smirk
the pursuit of knowledge? ( smirk, science
How to use E-MAIL (original) (Jonathan R. Partington) computer, chuckle
HOW TO GET UNLOST (Steven R. Brown) sexual, chuckle
does a sun wear out? ( computer, chuckle, true
Educating women (Topher G. Eliot) true, smirk
quotable quotes (Greg Byrd) heard it, smirk, swearing
Peppermint Patties ( smirk, explicit violence
Jerusalem (Jonathan R. Partington) smirk
Morris Humor (Allan "Just say YES to DARPA!" Meers) topical, chuckle, computer
alphabet soup (Jonathan R. Partington) original, smirk
Rock Hudson and Sammy (Arthur P. Goldberg) rot13, topical, sick, offense=homosexuals, topical
DIET vs SEX...which do you prefer? (NUNO PAIXAO --> ACS CASUAL) sexual, smirk, sexual stereotypes
"My Left Foot" parody (Lee Crocker) original, smirk
Yet Another Chicken Joke (Rick Peralta) sexual, smirk
Coosbane's Revenge (Patrick J. Flynn) topical, doubt it, original
Geologic Ages and Events (Lisa Mann) chuckle
Want Ad (Fubar) true, smirk
Ma 'n Pa On The Porch (Mike Manlove) sexual, smirk
Biodegradable plastic bags (Phil OKunewick) smirk
Street Mime (joemc@hotlips.UUCP) smirk, original
Shit Happens in various religions (Samuel N Kamens) swearing, chuckle, religious stereotypes
Next time, try Rubbers-R-Us (Joe Neff) sexual, sexual-religious stereotypes, rot13
Political Game Show (Doug "Euphorbia" Warner) original, maybe, offense=republicans
life immitates art (mark thompson) true, smirk
fatherly concern (Richard Beigel) sexual, smirk
Cooking tip ( smirk
The little red man (David Grayden) smirk, pun-ish
More on Snack Cakes (Jeremy Smith) original, smirk
Long Tall Texans (Stephen L. Nicoud) sexual, smirk
Camel won't drink. (Dave Gomberg) scatolgoical, smirk, national stereotypes
Mr. Wizard (Brad Stone) smirk
Robert Polhill II (Mike Faber) topical, original, smirk
Capitalism's highpoint (Gautham Nalamada) smirk
Oddest Titles at Frankfurt Book Fair 1979-1989 (Ross Morrissey) true, smirk
Dinosaur extinction, original (Wayne Wonchoba) original, smirk
Blowing off dogs (David C Lawrence) original, smirk
RAPE (our@looking.UUCP) smirk, sexual?
conversation between two answering machines (Jane Edwards) true, smirk, computer
Tough rules (Dan Rubesh) scatological, smirk
Quantum Mix-up (Don Dodson) original, smirk, science
Oxbridge (Jason Trenouth) sexual, smirk
kids say the darnedest things (King Ables) sexual, smirk
Navy, Homosexuality (Daryl D. Spillmann) sexual, smirk
The Turing Shroud ( computer, smirk
RTFM(1) ( usenet, smirk, swearing
Seymour's Laws (814) 862-6728) smirk
N reasons why motorcycles are better than women (David A Honig) sexual stereotypes, rot13, chuckle, original
"The CV macros" (Neil Todd) computer, smirk
Mission Impossible meets the Twilight Zone (Steve Boswell) original, smirk
The ideal man (Dave Horsfall) sexual stereotypes, chuckle
'Political' joke. (Rafael Pous) smirk
An AI Light Bulb (Richard Caasi) smirk, computer
Mail Daemon(in Pascal) (Andrew Pearlman) usenet, smirk, original
Relay Hints (Tina Mancuso) computer, sexual, chuckle
RFC1149 - A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams on Avian Carriers ( computer, usenet
help from the West (Bruce Esrig) smirk
Miami or bust... (OMAR@buasta.UUCP) smirk, heard it
Daylight Savings Time Reform (Richard S. Holmes) topical, smirk, original
Literary criticism meets COBOL (original) (Jonathan R. Partington) smirk, computer
channel flippers anon (S.J.MacMartin) original, smirk
From the Unnatural Enquirer: Thirtysomething Mutant Ninja Turtles (trygve lode) original, smirk
Doughnuts (From talk.bizarre) (Ken Johnson) original, smirk, stereotypes
My hovercraft is full of eels (Thomas Turrittin) original, chuckle
Gator Farm ( chuckle, pun
Scatalogical Chapstick (Patrick Miller) scatological, smirk
Childhood disease? (Tim Lapin Concordia University) smirk
Russian advertisement (vaguely amusing, but difficult to translate) (D J Astley) chuckle
perfect penis (Jerome Sherman) heard it, sexual, smirk
The Call of Duty... (David Ash) topical, smirk
Ham Radio for the compleat idiot. (Jamie Cox) true, smirk
Female Escorts Wanted (Greg Wong) true, chuckle, sexual
anthropological study (Sara Duncan) science, chuckle, original
Prostitute yourself for $10,000! ( computer, true, smirk
Gainsville, FL humor (Michael Murphy) topical, smirk, sick
God (Bill Sklar) heard it, chuckle, computer
Why we shouldn't worry about foreigners in Iraq. (Werner Uhrig) topical, smirk
Solving the Gulf Crisis (Troy Rollo) topical, chuckle
European Dimensional Unity (Jonathan R. Partington) smirk
disgusting story from Milwaukee. (Bill Roth) true, smirk
More tabloid headlines (Tony Ross) chuckle
The cure for financial heartburn (Ken Hoyme) topical, chuckle, true
Saddam gets his own chat show (Jonathan R. Partington) topical, smirk
But wait! There's More! (Mike Cuddy) smirk, original
Why we shouldn't worry about foreigners in Iraq. (Ehud Gavron) topical, smirk
Elephants (Dean Economou) smirk
Sex and software development. (Andrew Friedman) sexual, smirk
The latest from CRAY... (Colin :) computer, smirk
Hi, this is Karen ... (Casey Leedom) true, maybe
Pure Mathematics ( science, smirk
Gasoline price increases (Gregory S. Scott) topical, original, smirk
The Burroughs/Sperry Merger Song (R) computer, smirk
How to be a Statistician (believed to be true) (Jonathan R. Partington) true, chuckle, science
The Master Programmer -- a religious allegory (Robert Mokry) original, smirk, computer
Yet another original topical Iraq j*ke (Jonathan R. Partington) topical, chuckle
No need for justification (Glen Raphael) original, smirk
satirical look at DAT copyright suit (shabtai klein) original, smirk
God doesn't f*** with the universe. (Robert Mokry) original, smirk, sexual
Man's sex life (Craig Robson) sexual, smirk
old Italian man (Evan Morton) national stereotypes, smirk, sexual
Coming soon to a theater near you! (Eric Price) topical, smirk
Post Haste? (Diana Edgley) true, chuckle
Buying habits (Sam Shim) true, smirk, unusual sexual reference
Modern Domestic Theories (Trevor John Thompson) original, smirk
Re: no need for justification (Dave Zobel) orignal, smirk
Mr Ed. (Text editor) (V.And) computer, original, smirk
Those useful ASCII characters... ( computer, smirk
This is your brain (Miles R. Fidelman) smirk
The lady is blind ( topical, smirk, original
THe Augmentation (Alex Leavens) original, maybe
Civics Lesson: Dave's Denouncement (Patrick J. Flynn) topical, original, smirk
musical distopia (Nicholas J. Simicich) original, smirk
Japanese-Bashing (Rich McGee) heard it, smirk
Essay Contest (Dan Flak) computer, original, chuckle
Where the hell are my socks? (Olias Of Sunhillow) original, smirk
More Cambridge Quotes ( science, funny
The Donald (Kenneth J. Dykema) topical, smirk
Long, long, life (Jose Miro-Julia) smirk, heard it
no need for justification (Robert Mokry) original, computer, smirk
End of the Term "Rap Song" (Jamesstickman Hsieh) original, maybe
Italian wedding invitation (Michael Zintl) national stereotypes, rot13, smirk
eating a banana (Steve Losen) sexual, smirk
British class distinctions (David Ferrier) swearing, smirk
A Nightmare on Aisle 6. (John Witters) true, smirk
Commuting for beginners. (Alun Jones) original, smirk
Enviromentally Concerned (Dale Andrew Harris) smirk
Re: Intel vs. AMD (gah@arnor.UUCP) topical, smirk
Bush and Hussein on TV (Allan Meers "Just say NO to hackers!") chuckle
Division of Labour (John Fisher) chuckle
party time in Berkeley (John Irwin) topical, sick, rot13, chuckle
more embarrassing moments... (Ken Barrett) true, smirk
Next time.... (Robert W. Spiker) topical, computer, funny
Bug out (Brett K. Carver) computer, chuckle
Green toast (Jonathan R. Partington) smirk
Working at 7-11 (Rick Grubin) chuckle
GM vs. Microsoft ( computer, smirk
Solution to National Debt Crisis ( original, topical, smirk
5 items or fewer (Milind Kandlikar) science, chuckle, true
Phone call from ANC (Paul Martin) topical, smirk
I like him but... ( true, smirk
Movie Review (Larry Hughes) chuckle, usenet
Kennebunkport (Alex Lopez-Ortiz) topical, smirk
This is a design specification? (Mike Percy) computer, smirk
Longest insurance (Per B. Lilje, NORDITA, Copenhagen, Denmark) pun, smirk, sexual
Re: channel flippers anon (recent joke posting -- rebuttal) (Rodney Sinclair) topical, smirk, original
Layoff Poem, a la Poe (Ken Lyons) smirk
Right you are. (Robert Mokry) smirk
I was going how fast??? (JEFF GREULICH) original, smirk
From the Unnatural Enquirer: Lucky Charms Shapes and Sex (trygve lode) original, smirk, sexual stereotypes
Cpt. Picard & The Borg (Finale?) (Daniel Elvis Weber) topical, usenet, smirk, original
End of the World (When I'm good, I'm even better) smirk
Sex Contract (Tigger) sexual, sexual stereotypes, smirk
Astounding vacation news: pagan goddesses were better (Peter van der Linden) true, smirk
From the Unnatural Enquirer: The Programmer Song (trygve lode) original, smirk
Professor catches student sleeping in class (Ron Ih) smirk, true
From the Unnatural Enquirer: The Schaeffer Image Catalog (trygve lode) original, smirk
Political data? (James Cowie) smirk
fat, sex (Asya Kamsky) sexual, smirk
Environmental effects of the oil crisis (Raymond Chen) topical, smirk
Stereo Wars ( original, smirk
Bat Story (long) (Steve @ His Desk) smirk, original
Intel vs. AMD (Brian Smithson) topical, computer, smirk
Bush (John Wical) smirk
Next time.... (The Actual Case) (Kwan Leung Andy Sun) computer, topical, smirk, original
Raymond Chandler hits the computer age... (The_Edible_Dormouse) pun, usenet, smirk
This Old Outhouse (Brian Switzer) original, chuckle
Drunken Violence (Stephen Zehl) smirk
The Paging Game (Paul Sander) computer, chuckle
Sexual Bigotry (Thomas R. Blake) sexual stereotypes, smirk
Star Trek The Degeneration - Encounter At Gunpoint (Alun Jones) smirk
Psychological Operations at the Gulf (Reginald Wee Siang Tze) original, topical, smirk
Your brain (Robert Mayoff) smirk, computer
ridiculous classified ads... (NOT spiggy) maybe
The Borg meet IBM (Drool Rockworm) computer, chuckle
how cheap can one be? (Stuart Freedman {x1708}) heard it, smirk
A pretty good definition of "friends"... (Tom Tatlow) computer, smirk, sexual
Extremely Optimal list (Bapiraju Vinnakota) smirk, computer
Equality for the sexes (Kee Hinckley) true, smirk
Bad news about Iraq.... (Shane D. Deichman) topical, smirk
No down payment seminars (David Chesler) sexual, chuckle
Life in the BU Computer Graphics Lab (Tim Hall) original, smirk, computer
maybe yes, maybe no (Eric Hughes) topical, chuckle
What are you gonna do now? (Ross Bradley) true, chuckle
Invasion snafu (Dale Cook) topical, smirk
Intellectual frauds in computer science (Stephen Friedl) computer, smirk
racial joke, but not a slur (Robert A. Levene) chuckle
Car ad you won't see on TV (Frederick Wamsley) pun, smirk
The life of a Usenet newsgroup (Mike Faber) usenet, original, chuckle
Newsgroups I'd like to see. (Al Cuenco) usenet, swearing, original, smirk
The One-Liner file Annual, Nov 90 ( chuckle, various
Deadline Delayed ( topical, original, chuckle
Snappy answers to uptight professors (AGCOMP2@idui1.bitnet) science, smirk, true
NetNews: every American's duty (GarBear Irick) original, chuckle, usenet
Official Iraqi 1991 Calendar (Mitch Wright) topical, chuckle
3 congress jokes (JAZBUTIS,GINTAUTAS BRONIUS) chuckle
President Bush Denied Funding (Peter Shirley) topical, origiginal, smirk
Crossbreeding experiment (Michael J. Irvin, WSU, 509/335-0437) chuckle
Nun (Morton Cotlar) funny
A Beeper Story (Cheryl Marks) true, chuckle
Author solicits death threats (Gordon Letwin) chuckle
So much for the positronic brain... (RussNightfall Smith) smirk, sexual
Saddam Hussein's Top Ten Hopes for the New Year (peter c dill) topical, original, chuckle
watch where you sit! (Kenstir) sexual, chuckle
Bambi's got a gun ( true, chuckle
The final refutation (Dale Cook) true, smirk
A Sweet of Lunch Messages - humourous lunch invitations (VERY LONG) (Edwin Hoogerbeets) smirk
Romeo & the neighbours (Daniel Bowen) original, chuckle
Yet another yet another trek spoof ( smirk
UNIVAC vs IBM (Anup C. Patel) computer, true, smirk
Americans in the World Cup (Ken Johnson) smirk
Involuntary Attrition (Brian Scearce) funny, computer
Letter to the Fantasy Column (B. Rajagopalan) original, chuckle, sexual?
those people with the Holy Goal of Conversion. (Michael Hermann) chuckle, swearing
Re: End of the World (Antonio Desimone) smirk, science
Don't ask too many questions (Tom Markson) chuckle, sexual
From the Cops Box (vickie hoover) true, smirk
Santa's helper (Jim Greenlee) chuckle
You might be a Redneck if (Burch Seymour) regional stereotypes, chuckle
AT&T Acronym ( topical, smirk
Sherlock Ohm's Law - Very Punny ( pun, smirk, science
O Baby Baby (Tom Pfannkoch) smirk
Last minute Christmas idea? Try these childrens books! (David Lowry) original, chuckle
Bathroom Language (Tom Limoncelli@Drew University) computer, chuckle
Sex in Kuwait (Erann Gat) topical, smirk, sexual
New York City one-liners ( smirk
Collection of Irish jokes (Duke McMullan) national stereotypes, chuckle, sexual, scatological, offense=irish
Sung to the tune of "I Am The Very Model of a Modern Major General" (Kenneth Powell) original, smirk, science
Re: Two drunks (Dan Gordon) smirk
Re: Possible advertisements following airline mishap in Detroit (MIKE SILANO) topical, original, maybe, sick
Medical Claims Form Snafu (Mike Faber) sexual, sexual stereotypes, chuckle
AT&T offers $6 billion to acquire NCR . . . trademark (George S. Kong) original, topical, smirk
The Computer Experts Glossary (Jeff Pesis) computer, funny
Baghdad Betty has some wires crossed (Matthew L. Ginsberg) topical, smirk, true
don't press that! (T. William Wells) computer, smirk
The Real Oscar Mayer (Kirk Pearson) chuckle
Ottawa Senators (Eric Skinner) topical, chuckle
True Burger King Anecdote (Burch Seymour) true, smirk
New AT&T Slogan (Tom Limoncelli@Drew University) topical, funny
Sadorandom number generator (Nick Sayer) computer, smirk, original
It's a business (NELS) sexual, chuckle
Collection of short jokes (david chandler) various, smirk
Advanced User's Guide (George MOORE) computer, chuckle
The Best of Usenet Oracularities #126-150 (Steve Kinzler) chuckle, various
Breast Fixation (John Hughes) sexual, funny
Liquid soap joke (Soheila Amiri) sexual, chuckle
Size not important? ( sexual, chuckle
Hack Scoreboard I'd Like to See (Tom Boutell) funny, computer
Bear Identification (Perry G Ramsey) chuckle
Ace in your pocket? (Farshid Arman) sexual, smirk
A banner year for Milli Vanilli (Neil S Weinstock) topical, chuckle
Sex Therapy (Hunter Faris) sexual, smirk
You can tell a lot about a man by the tip he leaves (Ted Johnson) chuckle
Very funny, Mikhail. But keep your day job. (Julian Vrieslander) topical, smirk
The American Infantryman (Mike Schmitt) smirk
But two out of three ain't bad... (Dave Cottingham) science, chuckle
The UNIX Philosophy (Steve Huff) heard it, computer, chuckle
She's a witch! Burn her! Proof by Resolution Theorem Proving (John Ioannidis) original, maybe, science
What they don't teach you at Soviet engineering school (Avi Belinski) smirk, science
A ruler has 12 inches. (Cliff Stanford) sexual stereotypes, smirk, nasty remark, offense=women
engineer GPAs (John Heidemann) smirk
Murphy for flyers (Bruce Spence) smirk
Marketroids run amuck (Robert J. Granvin) smirk, true, computer
My favourite things (Robert Anton Fabian) sexual, chuckle, original, computer
The Borg are Back! (And Better than Ever!) (Mark Sobolewski) usenet, smirk
Prescription confusion (Patrick R. Gold) true, chuckle
Rules for Starfleet programmers (Mitch Wagner) computer, funny
Saddam's Thanksgiving Wish (Dipender Saluja) topical, pun, smirk
Jokes about bragging (David F. Skoll) sexual, racial stereotypes, smirk
Milli Vanilli Exchange Rates (Justin the Blue) topical, chuckle
This Old White House (Kathy Ellington) smirk
From the Unnatural Enquirer: Microsloshed Walls (trygve lode) computer, funny
British Prime Minister quits over Domain Ordering. (Tom Wade, VMS Systems) usenet, chuckle, original
religious? (Donnie) heard it, smirk
Aussie humour! ( national stereotypes, smirk
What You Can Do to the Bible With A Computer (Paul M Dubuc) funny, true, computer
Summer courses for summmer people (David Lowry) original, smirk
The Pianist (Jeff Pesis) sexual, chuckle
Subject to Change (John Schonholtz) topical, sick, smirk
An Aggie Graduates (karen@everexn.UUCP) school stereotypes, smirk
Dick jokes ( sexual, sexual stereotypes, rot13, chuckle
As asked for in your Request for Humour in DIY fusion (The sixth sick sheep!) heard it, chuckle
NULL - The Ultimate Computer Language (John R. Andrews 6-5995) computer, chuckle, original
Commercial for detergent/contraceptive (Jeff Maziarz) funny
Bedroom golf (Tim Russell) sexual, chuckle
General Jokes ( sexual, funny
Persian PMS (EN Div, USA-CECER, 217-352-6511 x 444) sexual stereotypes, chuckle, rot13, topical
Your Turn (Soheila Amiri) chuckle, scatological
I will like to thank the Academy (Bloody Afterbirth) smirk
conference announcement [original] ( true, computer, chuckle
A long sentence. (Marty Beene) national stereotypes, chuckle, rot13
IRAQ ATTACK (Kerry Calvert) topical, chuckle
Evolution of a programmer (Dennis Lou) computer, funny, original
Bush on persian gulf (Steve "il-Manhous" Norton) pun, smirk, topical
Michael Jackson's divorce (Joe Block) topical, smirk, sexual
Clearly not the pun police (Eric Ewanco) smirk, Internet
The official Bobbit joke of 1996 (Xcott Craver) smirk, swearing
Oxymoronic activities (Unknown)
Kato Kaelin in Playgirl (John Dybala) smirk
Edition Electronique (The Old Bear) smirk, computers
They have pool in Heaven (Brian Morearty) topical, smirk
UnaBomber changes tactics (JR CAMPBELL) smirk, computers
Joke: Form filling pedants (true) (Stephen Thomas) smirk
Cueniform Tablets ( smirk, computers
Tech Support Hotline (Dean Woodward) chuckle, computers
Let Me Tell You In a Song... (Sanford E. Walke IV) smirk, sexual
What did you get for Christmas? (Bob Cowling) smirk, sexual, heard it
Holy Olestra! (John Maline) smirk, offense=Catholics
bathroom humor (Tarkus95) smirk
Clinton's polls improving (Shepard, Ira) original, smirk
Bosnia (slightly sick...) (David Coburn) chuckle, sick
The Hazards of Radar Detectors... ( chuckle, true
Internet for Dummies ( smirk, UNIX
One letter makes all the difference ( smirk
Uni Caff Rules (Rosemary Lyndall Wemm) smirk, heard it
Cochran, OJ, book (Rob Barris) original, smirk
How Would You Like It Cooked, Sir? (Demetrios Ojeda) smirk, swearing
How about a talking breast? (Butt-head) smirk
Another Jackson-Presley joke (Simon Rooney) topical, smirk
Will my Compact Discs work in Australia? (Michael Jennings) chuckle, long
Spindler calls in air strike (Mark H. Anbinder) topical, smirk, computers
True story: Hapless criminals (Barton E. Schaefer) smirk, true
Newsflash from Dayton! (Goble, Paul) topical, smirk
Where did you come from? (J.R. Hutto) smirk, sexual
Warning Landlord of party (Brent Jackson) smirk, gross
Queen's Own Highlanders ( smirk, heard it
Choosing the correct date makes a difference. (Ken MacFarlane) topical, smirk, computers
I'll have what's behind Door Number 3, please! (Steam) chuckle
Why Bother? (The Great and Powerful Danny Sichel) smirk, computers
One of these days ... pow! (Mario Cortesi) smirk, swearing
The Elections... (Andreas Ramos) smirk
Re: Improve our calendar? (Partial Full Name) smirk
The Cold Snap (Mark H. Anbinder) topical, chuckle
AOL on CD (Daniel) original, smirk, computers, heard it
Top Ten Anagrams -- 'Communications Decency Act' (Mike Morton) topical, original, smirk
senior citizen humor (Jennifer Denise Werner) smirk, swearing
How old are you, dear? (Sean Dees) smirk
Movie of Clinton's Life (Harry P Bloomberg) original, smirk
Potholes (Bill Innanen) smirk
Valentine's day obedience (Glenn Ramsey) topical, chuckle
Yet another limeric (Jim Wygralak) smirk, heard it
The Talented Frog (Larry P. Schrof) chuckle, sexual, heard it
Humor: Fly the Friendly Skies (W. Craig Trader) smirk
radioactive cats! (Dan Zerkle) smirk, true
Internet Bombs (Tom Benjamin) smirk
engine failure (Rob Edwards) smirk, heard it
In the heart of the heart of the country (mjr1) topical, smirk
How to motivate gov't workers (John Dybala) smirk
101 Ways to be Obnoxious on Usenet (Reuben King) laugh, USENET
Out of the Mouths of Babes.... (Carlton Brown) smirk
Moving on... (Are Thunes Samsonsen) topical, smirk
Last Words 1995 -- Sports (Robert Finlay) chuckle
Re: engine failure (Michael J Conover) chuckle
computers and gender (Janine Goldstein) chuckle, sexual
Translation humor (Geoffrey A. Landis) smirk
More limericks about limericks (H. Ian Novack) smirk
Post-box (L.J. Wischik) smirk
Lost Satellite (Casimir Couvillion) topical, smirk
Those three special words... (Chris Grovich) smirk, sexual
Deus ex machinations (Greg Rapawy) topical, smirk, offense=Republicans
Kasparov's Match ( chuckle, Internet
Big, bigger, ... (Holger Reusch) smirk, offense=Texans
S&M (Augie Kuo) chuckle, electronics, heard it
PTA (Walter Vose Jeffries) smirk, sexual, heard it
Valentine's Wishes ( smirk, sexual
Some math humor... (Nothing) laugh, math
tee hee. how long has this been circulating? (Robert Forsman) laugh, Internet
British Royal Family (Johnson, Mark) topical, smirk
I've seen the dark! (Alex Pomeranz) smirk, computers
Re: British Royal Family (Steve Kay) topical, laugh, heard it
Truth in Advertising for Psychobabble Testimony ( chuckle, true
A true life story (Thomas Lindholtz) smirk, heard it
what kind of research was this? (Carla Schack) smirk, sexual
What I learned in fifth grade ( smirk
Meat? (Michael R. Erb) laugh
The Star Trek Writer's Construction Kit (Mark Stevens) chuckle
What's the opposite of How-deeeeee? (Janet Coleman Sides) topical, smirk
Have your cake and eat it too (James Michael Anthis) smirk, sexual
Fact O' The Day ( smirk, sick
The Mideast Solution ( topical, original, smirk
Blind soccer-playing kids (This space intentionally left blank) smirk, heard it
Magic back in the NBA (Dr. Briefs) smirk, sexual
And then there were none. (Kendall Helmstetter Gelner) smirk
Safety warning (Richard Tobin) smirk
Army joke (Kevin Bittick) laugh, sexual
Apparently-From: sagan@AOL.sol.mwy (Joshua W. Burton) original, chuckle
Five Stages of an Actor's Career ( smirk, heard it
Abusing new technology (Chris Cobb) smirk, USENET
Original - Pig/Shark (Don Cameron) chuckle
Disney's web disclaimer (Mark Wang) smirk
"All you can eat" means "one size fits all" (Tom Phoenix) smirk
Visas (Oded Feingold) smirk
Your starship captain might be... (Mark H. Anbinder) chuckle
Shoot me now (Greg Rapawy) original, chuckle, Internet
Just Stupid Enough to be True (Malor) chuckle, heard it
What you did not know about Windows 95 ( chuckle, computers
At Least They Know Their Target Audience (Nabeel Ibrahim) smirk, computers, sexual
silly but true (bob engnath) smirk, sexual
two bums disgussing subpoena (Tom Taylor) chuckle, heard it
The Year of the Rat (Ian Chai) smirk
Internet News Flash (Andrew Darling) topical, smirk, swearing
joke (Brian Prince) chuckle, computers
Hmmm. I don't think I'll go to work today... (Ken Samuel) smirk
Shotgunning a Beer Joke (Jeremy E Collins) smirk
New joke (Trevor Hall) smirk
in defense of Thomas Hamilton (Oded Feingold) topical, smirk, sick, Great Britain
the two evil brothers and the new pastor (Russell Schulz) chuckle, heard it
Internet Decency (Charles Sumner) smirk, Internet
Pat Buchanan quickies (Funny Guy) topical, smirk, sexual, heard it, offense=conservatives
Him vs. him (Gregory Lam) smirk
Some NCAA Tourney Humor (Laurence Simon) topical, smirk, heard it
The letter to dad (fwd) a good reply too. (fwd) (rajesh vaidheeswarran) chuckle
Software Reviews (Professor Falken) original, chuckle, computers
Political Humour, Canadian (Glenn Evans) smirk, Canada
i was misquoted... (Martin Soques) smirk
Just how quick is time, anyway? (Jesse Parsons) smirk
Barber (jfmelco) smirk, sexual
We'll Your Honor, You See.... (Ernie Smith) chuckle, sexual, sick
If God were a computer programmer... (John Morrissey) smirk, computers
It's in the Bible (Joseph Hammond) chuckle, offense=women
Typical Microsoft... (Kirsten Starcher) smirk, computers
The Grateful Commuter (Roy Trumbull) topical, smirk
Five-Martini Lunch ( chuckle, heard it
If people bought computers like they bought cars ( chuckle, computers
Taxation (Kong Seng Chai) chuckle, sexual
UNISYS downsizing (Steve Rose) smirk
Doesn't Amiga make a toaster? (John Dybala) chuckle
Breaking up is hard to do... (Adam Lasnik) smirk
Toll Collecting, a Heady Business (Robert Houk - SMCC Bos Desktop Hardware) smirk, offense=toll-collectors
Insectology 101 (Shannon Miller) chuckle
Tortoise and the snails (Peter Shaw) smirk, heard it
has it been that long? (Scott Cannon) smirk
Watershed Marketing (C. D. Tavares) smirk
NO SUBJECT PROVIDED (Kevin Hanes) smirk, computers
Political Computer Science (Ed Boyno) original, smirk, computers
A Strange Name (Original) (James D. Strange) smirk
Doctors can be funny! (John Wagner) chuckle
Overheard at airport (~rob) smirk
Topical: Mad Cow Disease (Dave Frascone) smirk, sexual, sick, offense=Scotsmen
How to kill two cows with one mine? (Stephanie Dyrkacz) topical, smirk
Theology (David E. Jones) chuckle, heard it
Black Box humor (Jeff) topical, sick, ROT-13
Weekly Work Reports and the Moshinsky Maneuver (Arturo Magidin) smirk
Translating Southern United States to English (rajesh vaidheeswarran) chuckle, regional stereotypes
Repair service (Kerry Harris) smirk
news from Montana (James D. Strange) topical, smirk
Announcement of My Candidacy (Edward Luhn) smirk, offense=dyslexics
Playboy patents sex (Phil Karn) smirk, sexual
[pnw.general] Moving to Portland (Randal L. Schwartz) smirk
Thanks for Staying ( smirk, true
Last Will & Testament ( smirk, original
The next tacky tourist trap (Donna Higgins) chuckle, sick (Auschwitz), original
Information Gridlock (Ido Dubrawsky) smirk, computers
New Year's Eve (Dan Mahaffey) chuckle
If Dr. Seuss Were a Technical Writer..... (DementDJ) chuckle
When does grandma season open?? ( chuckle
Care to try again? (Everett M. Greene) smirk
Graffiti (Wolfgang Sirges) chuckle, sexual
baseball rules revised (Eite) smirk, sexual, offense=women
Beef Tongue (Laurie McGivern) smirk
Holiday Observation ( smirk
Sister Mary's Original Cure (Henry W. Farkas) smirk, swearing
Me too? (Scott Post) topical, smirk, USENET, heard it
Newtons' Lightbulbs (Trey Jones) chuckle
Planting Dino ( topical, smirk, offense=Dean Martin fans
license plate (chris overton) smirk
New classes (Kevin D Saltkill) smirk
Improve our calendar? ( smirk
Turnabout is fair play... (True?) (Joseph Carl Pemberton) smirk
true story (Tom Stepleton) smirk, heard it
Sticking to the Assignment (Jon Levy) original, chuckle
Senate candidate quote (Robert Ankeney) smirk
The Charge of the Code Brigade (Jeff Abrahamson) original, chuckle, computers
On the plus side ... (Christophe Pettus) topical, smirk
Snow blows, schools close (Jerry Barton) topical, smirk, Latin
By the horns (Greg Rapawy) original, smirk, offense=Kansans
Another man page gem (Shawn Bayern) smirk, UNIX, USENET
Out of context and into trouble (Jack Morrison) original, smirk, sexual
MBTI Prayers (giggle, inside joke on... MBTI) (Lawrence T. Hardiman) smirk, heard it
Netware & Guns (J. Gregory Wright) smirk, computers
winter parody (Matthew MacKenzie) topical, chuckle
Remember me? (Michael Lorton) chuckle
SUN 386i Beginner's Manual comments... (Rob Prior) true, smirk, computer
Wheel of fortune (SweetPinkPig) heard it, smirk, science
stuck up!! (shashikant joshi) sexual, smirk
You're Saddam? Prove it. ( topical, smirk, iraq
The dog didn't eat it... (Joseph D Neff) computer, smirk
Best of Usenet Oracularities #176-200 (Steve Kinzler) various
two irish drunks (Billy Hum) heard it, swearing, gross, national stereotypes, smirk, rot13
Hey Rocky, Watch Me Pull An Organization Out of My Hat (P Scannell) original, smirk
Sun secret plot revealed! (Dean Long) unix, smirk
Twin Peaks Drinking Game (Brian D. Moore) topical, smirk, original
All flights were two hours or less (Nancy) topical, smirk
Honest Amad (Dan Savage) heard it, smirk
Expressive power of English (Tony Schaeffer) heard it, smirk
May be offensive to stupid people (Barry Hayes) smirk
Race relations (Frederick Wamsley) racial stereotypes, rot13, smirk
Relativity (P Scannell) original, smirk
What'd you say?!? (Mike Cuddy) original, smirk, sexual, national stereotypes
IT ALL HAS TO GO! (Brent S. Rieck) topical, original, smirk
Look & Feel joke (SAMUEL GOLDSTEIN) computer, smirk, swearing
Tax time at war (Matthew L. Ginsberg) true, topical, smirk
special offer (Michael Tod Rose) topical, smirk
Airpower (RUSSELL EARNEST) topical, smirk
Modelling tectonic hazard (Eugene N. Miya) original, smirk
More limericks not heard in a long time... (Fritz Wonnacott, System Guru) sexual, smirk
Star Trek: The Next (de)Generation (Brian Switzer) funny, long
Trials and Tribulations of A Graduating Student (Chris Welty) original, chuckle, long
The French Army ( topical, national stereotypes, smirk
Software Technical Support (Ed Ahrenhoerster) topical, computer, smirk
quality control [told to me as true] ( heard it, true, computer, smirk
Elvis one-liner (Phillip Remaker) smirk
From the Unnatural Enquirer: The Burrito-1000 (trygve lode) original, smirk, computer
Best of Usenet Oracularities #151-175 (Steve Kinzler) various, original
Dreams of the Leaders ();) topical, smirk
Baghdad joke (Martin Soques) topical, chuckle
A Very Modest Proposal (UCC MR. DOJUN YOSHIKAMI) topical, original, smirk
Saddam's New Year message (Jonathan R. Partington) orginal, topical, smirk
interesting echoes from the mideast (Andrew Tannenbaum) topical, smirk
Peacekeepers (Brian Huntley) topical, smirk
Between Iraq and a hard place ( topical, heard it, smirk
Dial M for Macbeth (Daniel Bowen) original, smirk
Paint Job (Brett Slocum) heard it, smirk
You don't *WANT* our money? (Bryce Nesbitt) topical, smirk
NSF Toilet Paper (Robert J. Granvin) true, smirk, original
Men and Women ( sexual, smirk
Murphy's Laws of Combat ( topical, smirk
Comparing notes (Burch Seymour) sexual, chuckle
OSI vs other protocol stacks ( computer, smirk
Star Trek the Regeneration - Encounter at Gunpoint 2! (Alun Jones) original, smirk
What Flavor of UNIX? (Michael J. McInerny) computer, smirk
New Browns Schedule (Mitchell N. Perilstein) smirk, sexual (partly)
Rice Scream, You Scream ( true, smirk
Pros and Cons of dating a vampire ( sexual, smirk
Artificial Intelligence gone too far. (Matthew Montano) smirk, computer
Why Duelists Slap Each Other In The Face With Gauntlets ( original, smirk
The First 10 Seconds of Reading a Stupid Posting (Daniel Pearl) original, smirk, usenet
Humorous Airline Ad (Dan Quella) true, smirk
Churn, Churn, Churn (a song parody) (P Scannell) original, computer, smirk
Noah's Ark (jpb) smirk
farmers with suns ( computer, smirk
Kitchen-Tested and Disapproved (Paul Spinrad) original, smirk
Eating Habits (Yaron Minsky) original, smirk
John Dun phone home (Bob Nolty) smirk
Ruby (Peter Karp) true, smirk, sexual
Oracle Stuff (Trevor Green) original, smirk
Age guesser. ( sexual, smirk
bad craziness... (leon) true, smirk
Software Engineering Process Archaeology (Zone #115) (P Scannell) original, smirk
Satire on "Managing Interpersonal Relationships" (Michael Schoonover) original, smirk
Mulroney on call (Socrates) smirk, sexual
Irish socks (Kevin James Bertram) national stereotypes, smirk
What is /dev/drum? (Curt Sampson) original, smirk, computer
Konrad Lorenz (Karl L. Wuensch) true, ouch, sexual?, smirk
more army blunders (BANE) true, smirk
PC Party Conversation (John R. Andrews 312-996-5995) smirk, computer
Unit of gullibility (Bob Donahue) topical, smirk, original
offensive to Hoosiers (angela allen) regional stereotypes, smirk, original
Milli Vanilli's Second Grammy (Darren Meister) smirk
New Campaign Sticker (Ryan Waldron) topical, smirk
One more banjo joke... ( musician stereotypes?, chuckle
Experts, Lawyers and Judges (Mike Brookbank) heard it, smirk
CROTCH masculine deodorant spray (Robert Chansky) sexual, smirk
BABY man page, I've ben told I should submit this, was posted locally. (Bob Beck) unix, sexual, smirk, original
You think they would have thought of that ( true, smirk
Quayle stading in for Bush? (Peter Flynn UCC) smirk
Making a Good Impression (John Schonholtz) smirk
Honeymoon Love (Bharat Mediratta) sexual, chuckle
CALL FOR DISCUSSION: change in hierarchy for alt.desert.* groups ( topical, smirk, iraq, usenet
Collective nouns (Evan L. Marcus [Sun NJ Systems Consultant]) chuckle
Milly Van Illy (Craig Stacey) topical, original, chuckle
"Daffynitions" for PC-DOS (Matt Kennel) original, computer, smirk
Internet RFC on Ultra-Low-Speed Networking (Steve Hayman) chuckle, usenet
Brady Bunch Trivia Questions (P Scannell) original, maybe
BE A TREKKIE! (Sam Shim) original, smirk
OS/2 : UNIX :: Los Angeles : New York (Michael A. Covington) computer, smirk
How Much is that Pussy in the Window? (Anthony DeBoer) sexual
Personality Test (Lance Beckner) original, chuckle
Me, Larry, and The Snake... (John Griffin) true, smirk
Zip-Zip (Bob Daggit) true, smirk
Student Evaluations -- Accounting Class (David Albert) smirk
Imagine the Offspring! (somebody@i_wont_say_where) computer, sexual, smirk
What's good for Exxon is good for the USA? (Bruce Leban) topical, smirk
Taxes - Don't you love 'em? (>Dramis Yar<) smirk
Saddam's Prophecy (Paul Tomblin) topical, original, smirk
IBM Humor (Root Boy Jim) computer, smirk
Software methodology play ( original, smirk, computer
Ode to a Mammogram (Robin Coutellier) smirk
A disease for the 90's (ashok@softart.UUCP) smirk
Virus sale (Jonathan R. Partington) computer, smirk
A letter to the editors (Rick Mott) smirk
Microsoft C (JIM PICKERING) computer, smirk
Wishing well letter (Jonathan R. Partington) original, smirk
Reply to Your Reply (P Scannell) original, computer, smirk
retirement schedule (Christopher Lott) offense=women, smirk, age stereotypes
Best of Usenet Oracularities #251-275 (Steve Kinzler) various
New Disney Attractions Announcement (Dave Cochran) smirk
The Revised Lord's Prayer (Brian Switzer) smirk
All I Really Need to Know I Learned from My Computer (David Olsen) computer, smirk
Addendum to "How to program in C" (TEMS::ELSTON) computer, original, smirk
Seat-Belt Law ( chuckle
Humorous real-life events (PAM in CA) true, chuckle
Software Development Lightbulb Fix (Alvin E. Sylvain) chuckle
so how would you define a lady and a politian? (James B. Beam) heard it, sexual stereotypes, rot13, smirk
Elephants, Saddam and FTL (Ajay Shah) smirk
bald men (JOKE BOY) chuckle
91q2/necrom (E. Stephen Mack) chuckle, usenet, original
Congress does the right thing (Douglas Ingram) true, smirk
Amazing new moneymaking method! (Q) original, smirk
Things that go ? in the night (Timothy Robinson) smirk, scatological
The Very Model of a Modern Network Architect (Bob Tinkelman) computer, smirk
Guidelines for Submissions to Rec.Stupid (P Scannell) original, usenet, chuckle
Bozo Hits the Road (Steven Grimm) original, chuckle
Pyramid Posting Contest Winner! (Tim Pierce) original, usenet, chuckle
Final Words ( smirk
Crude fur coat joke ( swearing, smirk, sexual stereotypes
Computing is like sex because... (Jimmy Aitken) computer, sexual, smirk
Zone #120: Tanja and the Wonderful Machine (P Scannell) original, computer, chuckle
The two modes of vi. (Curt J. Sampson) original, unix, chuckle
The worst love poem ever written (Sam Jones) original, maybe
Best of Usenet Oracularities #201-250 (Steve Kinzler) various, funny
Instant Credit (McBryde 461I; 552-3177) smirk, original
This *is* the Death Star, right? (Garrett Wollman) true, chuckle, computer
New NDP Budget... (Dale Gass) topical, chuckle
The C Bible ( smirk, computer, original
Writer - quote (Monte Bateman) smirk
The 24 Coins Puzzle... revisited ( original, smirk
Description of a LOOOONNNGG plane flight ( original, smirk
50th Wedding Anniversary (Michelle Lassagne) sexual stereotypes, smirk
DarthStar Release 1.0 (P Scannell) original, smirk, puns, computer
FAMOUS POLITICAL SAYINGS (Bill Campbell) topical, smirk
More chickens crossing roads (Jonathan R. Partington) original, smirk
S. Africa: selective conversation policy: (George Dennie) topical, smirk
What, me hurry? (Mike Cepek, MGI) smirk
Re: Customer Oriented Marketing (Dave) original, chuckle
Doctors under stress (PJ Geraghty) sick, smirk, true
Blondes (male or female, or substitute your own category) (Roy M. Jacobsen) sexual stereotypes, smirk, rot13
new check-book... (Marcus Halbe) regional stereotypes, heard it, smirk
Channel Tunnel (Timothy J. Stone in New York) national stereotypes, chuckle
getting busted for lysol misuse :) (Jeffrey W. Spencer) original, smirk
Re: I was going how fast??? (Michael Smithson) smirk, original
LAPD fisherman ( topical, chuckle
Plain English homeowner's policy. (Peggy) swearing, chuckle, rot13
The Vitenam syndrome is the least of our problems... ( topical, smirk
Kitty Kelley: The Unauthorized Autobiography (Mike Cluff) topical, original, chuckle
joke by myself (Richard Orr) smirk, computer
Re: Lotus' latest (Richard W Travsky) topical, computer, chuckle
Re: Signs of the times (Patrick Carey) true, smirk
How many computer scientists does it take to change a light bulb? [true] (Andrew Koenig) original, true, chuckle
Arcitect and Engineer Jokes ( science, chuckle
PC TV (Topher Eliot) original, chuckle
Oh no, another Trek parody (Matthew Robert Hucke) chuckle
How to become a Cheerleader (T. Michael Farlow) topical, smirk
Nuddhism and other heresies (Jonathan R. Partington) original, chuckle, religious stereotypes
Drunk (David Hawk) heard it, smirk
Good news and bad news (Renaissance) smirk
New Kids on the Black (Joe Kolesar) topical, smirk
Contribution (Michael Gordon Shapiro) computer, smirk
Reverse Placement Agencies (Bodyhunters?) FYI (Daniel P Dern) topical, smirk, original
bees (Ray Deonandan) heard it, sexual, smirk
Slab Wagon humor (Michael J. Irvin, WSU, 509/335-0437) smirk
Difference between men and women ( smirk, sexual stereotypes
joke (Mike Jones) true, smirk
computer humor, stereotype humor (jchadwic) smirk
Compatible Software (Carl S. Gutekunst) computer, chuckle, true
Modified rules for RHF submission ( usenet, smirk
ST Drinking Game (Rob McDougall) smirk
Farmers, wives, and bankers (Gerry Howser) smirk
Original - There's a virus in my book! (Cliff Stoll) maybe
Math prof. quotes (Speaker for the Dead) science, smirk, true
true, messy (Bob Daggit) smirk
Programmers Anthem (John Antypas) chuckle, computer
life, religion and stuff (Andre Berthiaume) original, smirk
The Hitch-Hiker's Guide To The Operating System ( original, maybe, computer
Sicilian prayer (Jim Griffith) heard it, smirk
Big Blue Bargins (John R. Andrews 6-5995) computer, smirk
Complete Guide to the Parallel Interface (BROWNMM@ithacaoa.bitnet) original, sexual, computer, maybe, strange
"LucasFilm to Send Actors to Jupiter" (Bob Kanefsky) smirk
Stupid sysadmin? ( computer, smirk
Cheerleader Mom trial (Bruce Alan Fast) topical, chuckle
never tell too much .... (I87)) heard it, smirk
Gorbiware Catalog (lurking horror) topical, smirk, original, computer
New ADM-3 terminal? (for old farts only) (Gary Bisaga) computer, chuckle
Collection of Airline acronyms ( collection, various
Another Dahmer Digest ( digest, sick, puns, topical
Athletics records (original) (Jonathan R. Partington) topical, maybe
Read this circular. (Jon Nigrine) smirk
Seeing the Baltics (original) (Jeff Soesbe) topical, smirk, original
Whiskey and Worms (David Van Iderstine) smirk, heard it
Usenet Olympics coverage -- Day 1 (Michael S Forbes) topical, original, smirk
Potatoes in the USSR (Akbar Matin) smirk
Modern Guide to National Holidays (Marshall L. Buhl Jr.) original, smirk
Offensive to Angelenos (Frederick Wamsley) smirk
Questions at Disneyland (The Quantum Mechanic) smirk
-mentalists (Michael DeLong) smirk
Apple Notebook Takes Off (Norton Chia) computer, maybe, original
chain letter justice, original ( smirk
Traffic obstruction (Vijay Madisetti) smirk
Another combo joke (William R. Ward)) smirk, original
For your entertainment... (Dave Hallman) computer, smirk, true
Vaxen in Space (Francis Hartojo) computer, smirk
The Jock test (Patrick Hughes) academic stereotypes, chuckle, original
The Executive Slave Program (P Scannell) original, strange, sexual, smirk
Acid test (Trond S. Trondsen) heard it,smirk
e-mail hits the big time (Don Bashford) computer, smirk
Re: Imagine the Offspring! (Chakchung Ng) smirk, computer
Who's Bob? (Craig Stacey) topical, maybe
History of Jolnopski family house (The Mad Scribe) topical, smirk, original
Mondays... (Mark Anbinder) topical, maybe, original
Midnight Wanderer (Michael J. Rudnicki) scatological, smirk
Moscow's loss good for Democrats (Chris Cobb) topical, original, smirk
Stage Name (Particle Man) maybe, pun
Various archive utilities (David Van Couvering) computer, smirk, original
Ginsbergs theorems and the USSR (David Goodenough) original, smirk
An Electron's Longings (Inderpreet Bhasin) smirk, original, science
Some original LBJs (Ross Clement) smirk
British joke (Jonathan Ganz) computer, smirk, national stereotypes
10 Calorie Diet (Phil Bearce) chuckle
Feet First (Van Snyder) smirk, sexual
Insurance Claim (KH06352@swtexas.bitnet) original, chuckle
VendeMac (original) (Jonathan R. Partington) topical, smirk, computer
Newage (rhymes with "sewage") wedding ceremony (Jon Berger) true, smirk, long, strange
On (not) getting sex. (G.W.) original, sexual, smirk
Great moments in equal access (John Schonholtz) smirk, true
Is that a real parachute? (Tom Neale) smirk, true
The New Jersey Environmentalist Manifesto ( maybe, original
Why guitars are better than women (Jeff Beck) sexual stereotypes, maybe, rot13, original
Applicators (David Van Iderstine) smirk, sexual
New Hand Held Computer (STEVEN M. CARTER) smirk
Institute of Fuzzy Science (Todd A. Brun) original, science, smirk
Pro sports in Miami (Randi J. Rost) chuckle
Best of Usenet Oracularities #276-300 (Steve Kinzler) various, chuckle
A little C programming... (Dale - Colo Spgs ESDP 523-2202 29-May-1991 0747) computer, smirk
STRFRY(1) ( unix, smirk
Physics supply store ( science, smirk, original
"The VAXorcist" - the ultimate VAX horror story (Make a little birdhouse in your soul) computer, chuckle, long
New product release: GNUsub (Andrew Arensburger) original, computer, chuckle
error-free programming (Pete Hickey) computer, smirk, true
air safety ( smirk
Middle East peace talks (Daniel Bowen) smirk, topical, original
More PC terms ( smirk
Pome for Ruth's Birthday (Ruth Milner) original, smirk, computer, unix
Letter from College (Elisabeth Riba) smirk
Omniscient AT&T phone operators. ( original, national stereotypes, chuckle
The NeXTmobile (some "black humor") (Eric P. Scott) original, computer, smirk
The Games Computers Play (Satya Prabhakar) computer, original, maybe
Looking for boyfriend (OMAND@mcmvm1.UUCP) sexual stereotypes, chuckle, sexual
Which one doesn't belong? (Kevin L. McBride) smirk
only childhood (Teri Pettit) original, sexual, smirk
Poker in church (Jeff Garvas) heard it, smirk
Travel Tips (TRUE!) (D.M.) original, true, chuckle
stereotype of newsgroup poster (Marc Riese)) original, usenet, smirk
True Eclipse Humor (Christopher Pettus) topical, smirk, science
The successor of "Mother says she is not in." (Alexander Pruss) original, true, chuckle
The Computer--Nevermore (Roy H. Wells) smirk, computer
Aspiring hacker in the Oval Office (Denis Coskun) smirk
Computer hacker's response... (Michael Covington) computer, chuckle
More Chickens (Robby Robson) smirk
Re: Change bulb in sed? (Steven Van Lerberghe 42468) computer, smirk
Talk it over. (Robert Mokry) original, smirk
Election ploy (Clark) maybe
Illiteracy problem... (Eric Johnson) original, smirk
Fast Food Hold Up (Ken Mayer) original, smirk
Judges, Lawyers and Whales (Nicky Ranganathan) true, chuckle
Forbidden Zone #121 (Relative Value Ranking) (P Scannell) original, chuckle, computer
Government Biscuits (Danny Rothenberg) chuckle
Ass-kissing formletter ( original, smirk
Good Manners? (Andy McFadden) smirk
He has high hopes (Robert Hubbs) true?, smirk
Environmentally conscious Smurfs? (Geoffrey Welsh) sexual, smirk
Pee-Wee's Pee Wee Digest ( topical, sexual, chuckle
More from the one liner file (8/11) ( various, swearing, sexual
More from the one liner file (5/11) ( various, swearing, sexual
GTA Bible ( original, smirk, science
VOGONBALLS (Hobson's Choice 30-Aug-1991 1015) smirk
More from the one liner file (6/11) ( various, swearing, sexual
Conversation on a mountain top (Ken Johnson) smirk
Construction record (Mark Williams) smirk
stealing from the police (Ole Jorgen Maland) smirk, true
True Meaning of Aurora Borealis (Giles Morris) original, smirk, computer
safe government ( smirk
Ouboard Motor Statistics (CARASSO) (__ROGER CARASSO__) chuckle
More from the one liner file (10/11) ( various, swearing, sexual
MacHumor: How to handle Apple & how Apple handles you (Ian) smirk, computer
Codacyl to "A History of Math Education" (Ed Jones) smirk
New use for a chess clock (Arthur P. Goldberg)) smirk, true, original
More from the one liner file (4/11) ( various, swearing, sexual
More from the one liner file (9/11) ( various, swearing, sexual
(Un-)fortunate timing (Seth Breidbart) topical, smirk
Magic and his Johnson (Thomas B Boutell) topical, smirk, sexual
Michael Jackson Video (Bruce B. Harper) topical, smirk
Internet novices ( usenet, chuckle
unix PIDs (E. Brown) computer, smirk
What are the lawyers doing to the computer industry? ( smirk, computer
"I've Lost My Lobby Money" (Scott Cromar) smirk
The difference between a friend and a best friend (Andrew Peter Anselmo) chuckle
When I was in the military... (That Guy) chuckle
George Wallace (Brian Odom) smirk
91q4/allgirls (Tom Kreitzberg) topical, smirk, sexual, original
Grab bag -- msgs from other categories (Walkin Dude) chuckle, sick
Quote -- Grad school angst (Jack Greenbaum) chuckle
Dick jokes (Buck in Fla.) chuckle, sexual
Bionic Flea! (Mike Gallenstein) original, smirk
Biosphere 2, a step in a new direction (Raymond Chen) chuckle
Dry tip ... (Hobson's Choice 30-Sep-1991 2035) sexual, chuckle, heard it
Cabbie One-Liner (Daniel H. Miller) smirk
Questionnaire for humans (and their owners) ( original, maybe
Unwed farmer's son's big win & discovery ( chuckle
Bumper Stickers (JS_ELDER) smirk
Electronic lovers ... (Hobson's Choice 11-Oct-1991 2040) computer, sexual, smirk
A guy walked into a bar.... (Alex) smirk
He said it... (Dan Platt) smirk, topical
DEC news report (Nick Andrew) computer, smirk
Basic rules for driving in Boston (JBOLOGNA@bentley.bitnet) smirk
Drinking and Driving (Dale Larson) chuckle
Data Structures, CS 220 (Veteran of the Psychic Wars) smirk, computer
The Inter-Dwarf Memo (E-mail) Service (John F Stoffel) swearing, smirk
Future of Supercomputing (Charlie Reiman) computer, smirk
This really happened in church... (Blackmore) true, chuckle
Drinking and driving (David Jenkins) chuckle, true
OFFENSIVE religious jokes (Lori) funny
Software vs. silverware (Bob Kanefsky) original, computer, chuckle
The woes of being a grease monkey (Hobson's Choice 28-Nov-1991 1630) chuckle, sexual
xmas.c (Evan Leibovitch) topical, computer, smirk
Cheap at half the price (Peter van der Linden) computer, smirk
tv brown (Eric C. Olson) chuckle
worry worry worry! (Terrance A. Stedman) heard it, sexual, chuckle
Class struggle (Keith Lewis) sexual, smirk
Geography of Womanhood (Dave Chamberlin) sexual, sexual stereotypes
German generations (Brandon S. Dewberry) chuckle
If I had two (Tim Cheung) chuckle, sexual
Selection of golf jokes ... (Hobson's Choice 13-Oct-1991 0551) chucile
Small change ... (Hobson's Choice 30-Sep-1991 2039) sexual, chuckle
Macintosh vs. IBM (Steve Kroese) original, maybe, computer
Fart'n me, madame (Hobson's Choice 30-Oct-1991 1538) chuckle, scatological
Bad Idea (Mike Boyers) chuckle, true
Hubble cocktail (--Arild.) chuckle, science
golfing ( true, chuckle
Bridge with the Colonel's wife (Dave Dodson) funny
Learning Inhibitions (Don Sterk) original, chuckle, science
ARE YOU AN INTERNET NERD? (Sarah L Lewis) computer, original, funny
Poor Clarence Thomas (Scott Woodson) chuckle, offensive to ?, original
LJBF meets the LBJ (Richard Murnane) chuckle, original
Another Judge Thomas Digest ( various, digest
Dan Quayle comeback (Paul Stacy) smirk
Oh Kennedy, oh Kennedy (Scott Cromar) topical, smirk, original
Licentious License (Robert Mokry) original, smirk, swearing
answer to spouse question (skantar) chuckle, sexual stereotypes
Which gender is in trouble? (Robert McArthur) true, smirk
More questions kids ask (Topher Eliot) chuckle
Re:More, perhaps less, Interesting Movie Combos (Jean Cook) chuckle, original
Viola Jokes (Daniel M. Alt) smirk, EDIT THIS
New name for Political correctness (Bryan Wolf) smirk
U.S./Canada T-shirt (Pierre Savoie) smirk
Willy gets off quickly... ( topical, chuckle, original
"I'm not here now..." (John F Stoffel) computer, chuckle
Willy gets off... ( topical, chuckle, original, sexual
That's a name I haven't heard in a long time. (Jeffrey Davis) smirk, pun
A brief comparison (Anand) original, computer, smirk
Perfect P.C. day. (Walkin Dude) smirk
Ph.D. screening exam parody (James Elliott) original, maybe, computer
A more efficient way to flame (Daniel Barrett) original, usenet, smirk
Why go to med school? (Frederick Wamsley) heard it, chuckle
25 things done during Prev. Maint. (Andy Pippin) computer, smirk
Offensive to lawyers (Frederick Wamsley) original, sick, smirk
Lunchtime humor ( chuckle
The Cause of Code Rot (Robert Bernecky) smirk
Programmer's Drinking Song (TLS@uvmadmin.bitnet) computer, smirk, heard it
A Humorous Look at Statistical Physics (Generator) science, smirk
Humorous real-life events (Dean) chuckle, true
Doctor puts down vet (Richard Murnane) chuckle
Getting infants to sleep (Andy Oakland) funny
Best of Usenet Oracularities #326-350 (Steve Kinzler) various
Side affect of an infinite universe (Robert Smart) chuckle, science
Video Trouble (Akiva Michelson) funny, true
It's not Carrier Pigeon IP, but it's close. ( usenet, smirk
Radio Shack Q&A (Don't drink and park -- accidents cause people!) original, laugh
Senator Bono? (Lazlo Nibble) funny
MOTHER murphy's laws: (seth tepfer) sexual, chuckle
New Genre of Smilies (Bryan Wolf) sexual, smirk, original
Softball vs. Sex (Scott Bobo) smirk, sexual, original
Teetotallar's ST drinking game (David Mason) original, smirk
Inspired by a broken air conditioner (Bob Montante) computer, smirk
importance of communication (Shih-ping Spencer Sun) smirk
90 yr Old Groom-to-be knows how (Hobson's Choice 30-Oct-1991 1533) sexual, smirk
What if I die first? (Michelle Lassagne) chuckle, heard it
Brain Damage Quiz (Gary Partain) smirk
Latest Sun and IBM announcements (Chuck Musciano) computer, smirk, original
Sweater joke (Rodney) sexual, smirk
programmer's model of the user ( original, computer, chuckle
organic medicine (John Macdonald) funny, sexual
Book your own talk show (tsw@johana.UUCP) chuckle
The Tax Man ( smirk
where the hell is carmen san diego? (Andrew Tannenbaum) topical, chuckle, true
temporary measures (David Sherman) smirk
my funny story (Libby Keenan) true, chuckle, computer
Vogonballs (Hobson's Choice 25-Oct-1991 0709) chuckle
Obscure physics joke. (Nicholas Weaver) chuckle, science
Wauism, the Computer-Aided Religion (CAR) (Dave LeTang) chuckle
A Ship at sea... (JBOLOGNA@bentley.bitnet) smirk
Literalism (Georgy) scatological, smirk
A smooth talker (Peter Hickey) original, true, chuckle
The break-up of the Soviet Union ( topical, chuckle
Train station analogy ( computer, chuckle, original
Dining (LIEBMAN,ERICA JILL) chuckle
The Wizard of Zone (P Scannell) original, computer, maybe
Re: stereotype of newsgroup poster (Michael) true, smirk
horrible pun on softdrink names (David Czarnecki) chuckle, pun, sexual
A desirable state to be in? (Mark Lubratt) smirk
A real computer for the masses. (Rodentia) sick, smirk
"Without Eternal Vigilance, It Could Happen Here." -- Joe Bob Briggs (Leo 'Bols Ewhac' Schwab) smirk
Languages progress (Mike Faber) computer, smirk, original
Olsen's Standard Book of Birds -- Ontario Version (Ken Braithwaite) smirk
TV cable trouble (Michael Covington) smirk, original
From Midwich? (Bruce Reznick) smirk, original
NYC Marathon ( sexual, smirk
That's Amoray (Terry Morris) original, smirk, pun
Some original LBJs ( computer, smirk
trains and workstations (Frederick W Wheeler) chuckle
Gross, true story (Terry Morris) original, gross, gross, chuckle
Top Ten quotes from LISA V (Andrew Arensburger - RMS) topical, computer, smirk, true
walking and chewing gum (Dan Everhart) smirk, gross
Long Dong Silver rides again (Andy McFadden) topical, smirk, sexual
Judge Thomas Digest ( various, digest, sick, sexual stereotypes
tickets (Ray Deonandan) sexual, smirk
Political PS ( topical, smirk, computer
Coup Leader's Handbook (Robert Plamondon) smirk, topical
The Bachelorette Of The VLSI World ( maybe, computer
jokes - more interesting? movie combos (Caveat Emptor 30-Aug-1991 0846) smirk
Gorby's Yellow Ribbon (Edward H. Gornish) chuckle, topical
An introduction to political correctness (Jamie R. McCarthy) chuckle
Best of Usenet Oracularities #301-325 (Steve Kinzler) various
Headlines ( smirk
More from the one liner file (1/11) ( various, swearing, sexual
More from the one liner file (3/11) ( various, swearing, sexual
More from the one liner file (2/11) ( various, swearing, sexual
More from the one liner file (7/11) ( various, swearing, sexual
More from the one liner file (11/11) ( various, swearing, sexual
Auto Execs in Japan (Gary Jackoway) topical, true, smirk
Michaelangelo Virus (Doug Krause) topical, computer, chuckle, original
Blind Justice (original) (Jamie R. McCarthy) topical, smirk, sexual
Bush Upchuck Digest ( various, digest
New Nintendo Game (Scott Novack) topical, original, funny
David Duke's Campaign Slogan (Joe Block) topical, smirk
THE TWELVE BUGS OF CHRISTMAS (Pat Scannell) topical, computer, smirk
Truth is stranger than fiction (John C Green Jr) chuckle, true
Amazing Grace (David Chesler) topical, computer, chuckle, sad, original
New Man At IBM (307) 766-3663/3668) topical, computer, chuckle
you WILL like our service, (David Bremner) true, chuckle
David Duke / Oliver North in '92 (Stephen Steir) topical, smirk, pun
Coincidence? (Joe Neff) topical, original, chuckle
Kennedy's Will Smith (Harry) sexual, chuckle, topical
Excerpt from the Pragma Paige Confirmation Hearings (Pat Scannell) topical, original, chuckle
Yugoslavia Light Bulb Joke (Michael Glass@Fermilab) topical, smirk
Maxwell's silver hammer (Nicholas J. Simicich) topical, pun, smirk
Soviet Liquidation Sale (Stephen Joseph Smith) topical, chuckle
How to solve the US trade deficit with Japan (Dave Bakken) topical, chuckle, original
George's snappy answer (Michael Assels) topical, funny, original
A new motel slogan (?) (John T Kohl) topical, smirk
JapanBashing (Kevin King) topical, smirk, true
Barbie and Ken (Jeremy M. Schneider) chuckle, sexual
Barriers To Entry (Steve Simmons) smirk
Bank of Congress (Lee Crocker) topical, smirk
cleaner competition (gnat! chuckle
story(1) (Andrew Arensburger - RMS) unix, original, funny
Didn't see City Slickers, did she? (Donna Foster) smirk, heard it
The Search for Truth (or /bin/true revisited) (Frank Adelstein) maybe, computer
Mild Catholic humor (Clyde Rea) chuckle, heard it
486SX vs. Cars (John Antypas) maybe, computer
Bush loses to bingo (Mark E. Mallett) topical, smirk, true
Classify the professions (c h a k m a k) sexual, chuckle
Marriage proposal during bridge (Andrew Machan) original, maybe
Rancher joke (Erik Lode) sexual, smirk
bungee jumping and prostitutes (Calvin Wong) chuckle, sexual
How the big boys go shopping (Dan Zerkle) original, smirk, original
Computer-generated religion (JonathanR. Partington) maybe, computer
rubbergate ( topical, smirk
Difference Between Intel Processors (John Antypas) computer, maybe
Going grey (Jim Palfreyman) original, smirk, sexual
funny CI's -- original (Phil True) chuckle, original
Cold calling (Walter V. Jeffries) smirk
The Fact HQ Studio Employment Quiz ( smirk, original
Eat it raw... (Brett K. Carver) smirk
Congressional Quicken (john gay) topical, original, smirk
Cucumbers vs Beer (Richard Murnane) chuckle, sexual, original
A saw this in comp.unix.wizards and thought it was funny (Warner Losh) usenet, chuckle
true, funny story (Allen Warren) smirk, sexual, true
date(6) get or set a date (Glen Overby) original, computer, maybe
Lessons from the William Kennedy Smith Trial (Bill Kinnersley) rot13, smirk, topical, rape joke
Politically correct Christmas carol (Adam Frix) chuckle
Caught in the Act (Edwin Hoogerbeets) true, funny
How to identify scientists (Scott Dorsey) science, chuckle, original
Re: The Software Blues (Fred Barrett) smirk
Anonymous sperm donors (Karl A. Nyberg) topical, original, chuckle
Bush on domestic issues (Paul Mailman) topical, smirk
Indian Driving Rules (was More Boston Driving Rules) (Brett Slocum) smirk
Elvis Stamp (Rick) topical, smirk
Joke (Steve Hooper) true, chuckle
A Thought (Ian Barkley) original, chuckle
Bush, Carey, and Buchannon (Phyllis Pugh) topical, chuckle
A Final Visit from Saint Nicholas (Hobson's Choice 23-Dec-1991 0957) chuckle
First Aid Hints (SWELTON@ESOC.bitnet) chuckle
Heard from an IBMer (Belgarath the Sorcerer) computer, topical, chuckle
Robert Maxwell (Nick Rothwell) topical, smirk
fortran purity test (Edward Vielmetti) smirk, computer
The "Manual" (Edwin Hoogerbeets) smirk, original, swearing
Buying houses (Kee Hinckley) true, smirk
Tyson joke (Darin Wilkins) topical, original, chuckle
GNU announced GNU GNURM! (Robert J Woodhead) maybe, computer
Best of intentions (JCHILDERS2) chuckle
Heard on Frontline about David Duke... (Andrew Hackard) topical, chuckle
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? (Alan Waldock) computer, chuckle, true
Grandmother reasoning (Liz Arbittier/8-0750) chuckle, ethnic stereotypes
Mac vs. IBM, continued... (Xenu Galactic-Conqueror) original, smirk
A Solomonic Solution (Michael J. Irvin, WSU, 509/335-0437) smirk, sexual
Joke for rec.humor.funny (Jonathan Hayward) smirk
elephants (Ray Deonandan) heard it, smirk
Little Johnny Gets Laid (Vincent V. Juodvalkis) smirk, sexual, heard it
Einstein and VMS ( heard it, smirk
Re: Horseshoes and Niels Bohr (Anand) true, science, smirk
Hubble Urban Legend (Tom Comeau @ Space Telescope Science Institute) original, chuckle, science
Institute of Fuzzy Science and the Hubble Space Telescope (Todd A. Brun) science, chuckle
The Jerusalem virus (JonathanR. Partington) topical, maybe, original
Reliable, but .. (Rangaswamy Rajamanickam) true, funny
Who are they TALKING to? (Jim Prouty) smirk, true
Ted Kennedy getting married ( topical, smirk
Kerry Top Ten / Original (410) 290-6000) topical, smirk, original
Vaseline joke (but it's clean!) (Buffalo Bill) chuckle, sexual
Sick, disgusting lawyer jokes (Perry) chuckle, sick
Heisenberg and light bulbs ( science, chuckle, original
Levi's Cancels Jackson Contract (Gregory Berigan) original, smirk
A Sad Life (Georgy) chuckle
Dow implants, topical, original (Soren) topical, chuckle, original
Radio Shack (Rodney Sinclair) chuckle
Mike Tyson (DICK) sexual, sick, smirk, topical
Compiler says 'Ack' (Ian Barkley) computer, smirk, swearing, true
UK view of US politics (Winja) topical, chuckle
malicious #defines ( computer, original, funny
[Greg Moulton: movies and postmodern aesthetics.] (Jerry Sweet) maybe
P. J. O'Rourke quote (drugs) (Bruce Schuck -- chuckle
Michelangelo Virus Hysteria Syndrome (James Ralston Crawford) topical, original, chuckle, computer
Best of Usenet Oracularities #351-375 (Steve Kinzler) various
More Boston Driving Rules (Jim Sims and others) smirk
more viola jokes ( smirk
The Christmas Story a la Brooklyn ... (Hobson's Choice 23-Dec-1991 0949) smirk
News from Moscow (Huangxin Wang) smirk, original
Psychiatrist Joke (bbking! chuckle
A letter to Microsoft (Bob Kirkpatrick) smirk, original
Build a better mousetrap (original) ( smirk
Four-part invention ( smirk, swearing
Communications Problem (Ontological?) (John Leary) chuckle
Survey of opinions regarding opinion surveys (Rob Slade) original, maybe, original, usenet
New prime number discovered (John Blasik) chuckle, true, science
Geraldo's Conquests (Pete Apple) smirk
Nine Types of Users (Sam Jones) original, original, funny, computer
US Navy ( true, funny
Bill Clinton (Charlie Richter) topical, smirk
Business Sense ( sexual, chuckle
On Xmas Eve... (Christopher Blaise) sexual, chuckle
Guns, useful for protection? (Gerry Wildenberg) chuckle
Original joke: Kerry on Clinton ( topical, smirk, original
More video trouble (Thomas R Balent) true, chuckle
elephants (Ray Deonandan) chuckle
Physics Help (Ian Barkley) original, science, chuckle
reassuring the passengers [told to me as true] ( chuckle, true
A quick thought on Pregnancy (SAWYER LEIF A) smirk, sexual
Presidential candidates (Jason H. Elbaum) topical, smirk, original
SCRIPT I (fwd) (Mike Clark) chuckle
Close call, godly ... (Hobson's Choice 23-Jan-1992 1405) smirk
Make yourself a star (SWELTON%ESOC.bitnet) smirk
Recession (David Tice) smirk
1992--the year in retrospective (topical) (trygve lode) original, chuckle
New Hampshire primary (Douglas Smith) topical, smirk, original
men, women, and roaches (true) ( true, chuckle
Democratic T-shirt (Harvey S Cohen) smirk
Bible Scholars reveal new findings ( chuckle
Carpentry 2 (Shahar Steiff) sexual, chuckle
A Japanese Christmas (sIR pATRICK OF bURKE) chuckle, true
Orbital Mechanics ( topical, true, science, smirk
Scrotum Self-Repair (Stephen Friedl) true, smirk
Man hijacks bus to go to California to see God (news item) (Bob Morris) topical, sick, chuckle
The Seven Deadly sins in the Modern World (Warwick Allison) original, chuckle
An evening at the bar... (Thomas W. Scroggins) hair stereotypes, smirk, heard it
The old hand and the horseshoe (Tim Bowden) smirk
Presidential advancement (Robert Russakoff) original, chuckle
Dow Corning Announces..... (Monte Bateman) topical, true, chuckle
Plate-licking dog joke (Augie Kuo) chuckle
new lightbulb joke (Benjamin E Delfin) sick, chuckle, original
Love your dog. (Fred J. E. Long) smirk, original
bathroom graffiti ( chuckle, true, nasty words
Confusion of the Politically Correct (SEGEL honna) smirk
Taxing the Supreme Court (Dan O'Neill) true, chuckle
Some people just don't like Texas (J. Brian Rigdon) smirk, regional stereotypes up the ying-yang
cowboys and indians (Donald E. Carver) chuckle
Bathroom Graffiti (John T. whelan) chuckle, true
More bogus computer legalisms (Lance Norskog) computer, chuckle
Hints on using your Stereo - original (Jarod Nash) original, chuckle
Campaign '92. (Vijay Rangarajan) topical, chuckle
True support story (Michael Taht) true, computer, chuckle
Tyson & yokel. (Booles) topical, sexual, chuckle, original
Breakthrough in male contraception (Jeffrey Hitchin) smirk, sexual
story(1) (Andrew Arensburger - RMS) Rating?
Unix vs. US Govt ( computer, chuckle, original
Urban legend humor (Peter Cherna) topical, smirk, original
USA Today Coverage of Outcome of Bush Visit to Japan (castor! chuckle
Extended Kill command (Claudio Calvelli) computer, unix, smirk, original
1991 Unix support headlines ( unix, chuckle
PC men ( smirk
More Viola Jokes (Adam M Birnbaum) smirk
A Philosophical Truth (Ian Barkley) chuckle
the wax-job story. (RUSS FERRIDAY) smirk, sexual
Does anybody really know what time it is? ( smirk
Jewish Christmas Tree (Harry Dolan) chuckle
Bathroom Graffiti (Rand Whillock) chuckle
true, out of the mouths of babes (Chuck Herr) smirk
Crimson's Laws of Adventure (Lucas v.d. Berg) original, computer, chuckle
Say What? or: Why Johnny Still Can't Read or: I bet he has tenure (Mark Crispin) true, smirk, science
Anagrams *What's in a Name* ( smirk
More exam humor (Geoff Allen) chuckle, science
Re: Strange joke (Michael Ziemann) chuckle
Losers in Arizona Tourism Slogan Contest (Bob Morris) topical, smirk
Pickup lines that just DON'T work. (Offensive) (Wayne Johnson) smirk, sexual, gross
The UK General Election (Jonathan R. Partington) topical, smirk
Hilary Clinton and Tammy Wynette (Michael S. Schiffer) smirk, topical
English Comedian (no, not an oxymoron!) (Peter Flodin.) topical, smirk
Typographer's Twiddle (SAMUEL GOLDSTEIN) chuckle, original
Clinton won't die (Mike Bray) topical, smirk
Judy & Charlie dolls ( topical, original, chuckle
Excerpt from interview with "Spinal Tap" (James G. Acker) chuckle
Cow Pies & Democrats ( topical, smirk
Oddity in the Parking Structure (just noticed) (York H. Dobyns) true, chuckle
Wedding surprise? ( true, chuckle
Bush/Baseball ( topical, smirk
New Post Office Rules for Elvis (Jeffrey Hitchin) topical, chuckle
Bush campaign slogan (Desert Snit) (Tim Poston) original, chuckle, topical
President Bush Medical Clinic (John A. E. Kuner) smirk, topical
NO SUBJECT PROVIDED ( true, chuckle
Complaints (Valentin Pepelea) topical, smirk
Great Chicago Flood (Bob Sloan) topical, smirk
A long Item ( original, funny, long, computer
Celebrity Endorsements (Carol J. Botteron) smirk
How to take care of your disks (Tomas A. Perez) smirk, computer
CARPE -- The Other Party. (Stephen Tice) original, maybe, long
Grad Student Emotional Checklist (Sandeep Phadke) smirk, original
My Father's Wisdom ( true, science, chuckle
Misuse of computer based thesaurus (NOEL) original, smirk
NEWS FLASH: Clinton Denies All Charges (Mark Murcko) topical, smirk, original
Re: Ross Perot: 4 East Pieces (David Esan) topical, smirk
Erectioneering. (Kirk W Goodwin) chuckle, topical
leafs (Ray Deonandan) smirk
50 Ways to confuse a Roomate (John F Stoffel) laugh
The die is cast... (original) (John Rickert) topical, smirk, original
poor taste newsreading (carol) true, smirk
What's in a name? ( true, chuckle, sexual
Bill Clinton (Allan Pratt) topical, chuckle
Engineering Top Ten List! (Patrick Tully) smirk
Top Ten Ways To Be Offensive at a Funeral ( original, smirk, sick
25 ways to cope with stree (Ellen Louise Parr) chuckle, heard it
Demonstration against verdict of Rodney King trial (Valentin Pepelea) topical, chuckle
YALJ (Yet Another Luge Joke) (R J Seebach) chuckle
Bush cites differences from Perot -- top ten differences (B.J. 05-Jun-1992 1144) topical, original, chuckle
One-liner (Ajay Shah) smirk, computer
A wee bit of whimsy (Sullivan) chuckle, original
Tyson Quote ( chuckle, topical
Sillygism (Stan Brown) smirk
Dan Quayle (Bruce Reznick) smirk
Dog of a joke (mathew sutherland) chuckle
Daylight Savings Time (Barry Hayes) topical, smirk
death spiral (George Tucker) smirk
One Last Primary Election Joke (Michael Edelman) original, smirk
More cold calling (Mean Green Dancing Machine) chuckle
the environmental president? (Monty Solomon) topical, smirk
Men & Women Created in the Image of God (Dan Vanderwerken) smirk
Famous actors (Geoff Kuenning) chuckle
Computer comparisons. (David Goodenough) true, smirk
Traffic joke (Doug Parker) smirk
Is There Someone Else? (Stan Brown) chuckle
When you've gotta go .. (Bean Anderson) funny, true
Bill Clinton (THE KING'S QUEST MASTER) topical, chuckle
Can't fly if you're Gay (David Van Couvering) funny, true?
Top ten reasons food is better than sex (Nick Sayer) smirk
FORTRAN (Thomas Koenig) smirk
Movies ( smirk
The most useful thing (Robert Kennedy Corell) chuckle, sexual, swearing
Spare some alternate reality? (John D. Irwin) true, smirk
Here's another one... (Dave Mueller) smirk, swearing, sexual
Re: LAPD acquittal... (Two things never trust: Politicians and angle trisectors.) topical, original, chuckle
Global Replace gone too far (Kate Gregory) true, computer, chuckle
CMU vs. Hell (Christopher Patrick Nelson) smirk
Daddy, is God a man or a woman? (Brian Gordon) smirk, true
It's knot what you think... ( original, smirk, usenet
Another dog/plate joke (Joshua Smith) true, chuckle
It's a Scientific Lifestyle! (x3670) topical, smirk
Here We Go A-Looting.. (G.S.) topical, true, smirk
The Ukranian Parliament (Robin Burke) smirk
Hackers vs. Users ( original, smirk
Butch, the talking dog (Mike Kain) smirk, heard it, sexual
Choosing between a date or a Lecture (Jeff Knodel) pun, smirk, sexual
Freshman Physics and Heavy Boots (Richard Kershenbaum) true, science, smirk
8 Year Old Son == Trouble (Nuno Paixao) smirk
A good pickup number. (Miles Duke) original, smirk, sexual
water quality (yana) heard it, chuckle
fifty ways to hose your code ( original, smirk, computer
More Mother/Son Embarrassment (Alistair Calder) heard it, smirk
Just like a Baby ( sexual, smirk
Doctrine of divine stodginess (Timothy J. Rolfe) original, smirk
Instant body work (Paul Mailman) topical, smirk, pun
Karnak the Magnificent strikes again (Robert Carlin) topical, smirk
Outback child's first encounter (Reg Domaratzki) sexual, smirk
Dalmer and Kennedy (UIUC High energy physics Dept)) sick, chuckle, topical
Operation Mojave Desert Storm Digest ( topical, various
kiss (Ray Deonandan) chuckle
Where are knock-knock jokes stored? (Janet M. Swisher) true, chuckle
Re: Grandmother reasoning (ScottTCB Turner) original, smirk
LA RIOT Bumper Stickers/T-SHirts. (Pat) topical, chuckle
cops convicted (Edward L. Rodriguez) topical, smirk, original
Academic life (JonathanR. Partington) original, smirk
Interview Questions (Richard V. Nash) chuckle, true
High finance (John R. Levine) chuckle
Rodney King/LA looting ( topical, smirk
original, fairly topical, Dow Implants (Soren) smirk, original
American workers and Japan (Stepan Riha) true, smirk
Please leave a at the sound of the message... (David Mcfadzean) chuckle, original
Original (Arne Knudson) computer, chuckle
frenchman (Ray Deonandan) heard it, smirk, sexual
Vive le difference (Jeff Cole) true, smirk
Marconi ( smirk
3 Marines on an Island Joke (RICH MCGEE) sick, smirk
topical, smirk (Tony Turrin) smirk
Memo, memo, who's got the memo? (H. Alan Montgomery) smirk, true, computer
Look before you post ( computer, usenet, smirk
michealangelo virus ( computer, chuckle
Hypochondria ( chuckle
Fairy-tale canidacy ( topical, smirk
basketball Play by Play (fixed continuity error - replaces earlier) (1/3 of Evil Queen Xanxia) original, maybe
hotel instructions (Lance R. Bailey) smirk, true
Star Trek Fantasy (Roger Lustig) pun, smirk
March is Brian Mulroney Month (Anthony DeBoer) chuckle, topical
We'll get around to it (Donald P Perley) chuckle
The nub of the problem (Bill Venables) chuckle
Beer vs The Net (Ravi Raj) usenet, smirk
Lightbulb - original ( chuckle, computer
Language clubs (Jeff Knodel) smirk
Happened here (Bill Kennedy) chuckle, true
shit (Ray Deonandan) chuckle, scatological
Actual subject line from (Neel K. Jain) chuckle
There is justice (Shuford Dobson) chuckle, true
Another Elvis stamp joke (Gregory T. Byrd) topical, smirk
Olympic Top 20 Ammendum (The Fugitive) topical, chuckle, true
taking software testing to a new dimension (George Feil) original, computer, true, smirk
A big 2 on the Pizza Meter ( true, chuckle
Best of Usenet Oracularities #376-400 (Steve Kinzler) various
Topical, original variation on old pun (07-May-1992 1503) topical, smirk, original
Ross Perot: 4 East Pieces ( topical, smirk
Supermarket Choices (Joe Schwartz) chuckle
Two Arabs and a Jew on a Plane (Brian Switzer) heard it, smirk
Perot Taco (Phil Corless) topical, smirk
More LA Riots (Geoff Kuenning) topical, heard it, chuckle
U.S. Constitution 101 (Ian Gent) original, topical, smirk
Scientific practical jokes, original (Joseph T. Devlin) original, smirk, science
Polls (original) (JonathanR. Partington) topical, smirk
Power Users II (Richard Murnane) smirk, computer
Dahmer's Real Motive (David E. Wallace) topical, chuckle, sick, original
Bill Clinton (LT J.D. Baldwin) topical, chuckle
At Least Murphy Brown Can Spell! ( topical, true, smirk
Quorum (original) (Stephen P. Marting) original, smirk
Irrational Fears (Darin Johnson) smirk
More Bathroom Graffiti (Odd Terje Lundboe) chuckle
Real Cyberpunks Don't eat quiche. (Pat) smirk, rot13, offense=homosexuals, Cliff Stoll
the recession explained! [original] (Matthew L. Ginsberg) original, chuckle
Oh my Bob! An irrelevant posting in alt.religion.computers! (mike begley) original, usenet, smirk, original
heard it, chuckle... (I've got a brain-- and I'm not afraid to use it!) topical, smirk
A Fad That Pains the Ears (Richard Kershenbaum) true, chuckle
If the brain's a computer, what's the operating system? ( computer, funny
Message to Clinton ( original, smirk, topical
Satellite repair suggestions (I GRADUATED, and there's a 75% chance YOU DIDN'T! Haha!) topical, chuckle
More Phone Jokes (Grig Larson) true, chuckle, original
OOP (Object Oriented Politics) (Satya Prabhakar) topical, maybe, original
Tyson Sentence (Andy Sherman) topical, funny
As time goes by (I feel like a juggler running out of hands) original, chuckle
original, computers, sex ( computer, chuckle, sexual
delicacy (Ajit Rasiah) smirk
Humble origins (ACC.EWV@valpo.bitnet) true, smirk
Ross Perot deals with the pubic (Tracy Larrabee) topical, funny
Colds and Flu season... (Douglas McCorison) original, computer, smirk, pun
Bush tours LA ( topical, smirk
Love Me, Love My Cadaver . . . ( original, chuckle
Elevator Babies (John B. Batzel) funny, sexual
1-900-ALL-UNIX (Jon Deutsch) original, computer, sexual, smirk
George Bush - comedian??? (Dale Cook) topical, smirk
Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton (Alan R. Spies) chuckle
My hero - humorous speech (Jerome Nantel) smirk
Dining in L.A. (Tom Kreitzberg) topical, sick, chuckle
New group ( maybe, usenet
The Tao Te Ching - A new, modernized, translation (Jeffrey Sorensen) original, chuckle, computer
A Taxing Subject (Ilana Stern) topical, smirk
The IRS tax form (Brett K. Carver) topical, chuckle
NO SUBJECT PROVIDED (Scott) chuckle, topical
1040 (Real) EZ (Satya Prabhakar) topical, smirk
Frantic father-to-be (EED1::WEHR) chuckle
King vs Clinton (Haym Hirsh) topical, original, smirk
Canadian Senate Shenanigans ( chuckle, true
An ad for TownBank (original) ( original, chuckle
Missed Opportunity if you ask me ( true, smirk
Rodney King (Mike Ciaraldi) topical, smirk, original
USENET user's quiz (Arthur Delano) usenet, chuckle
U.S. election, as we see it in the U.K. (Jonathan R. Partington) topical, smirk
Standard Usenet Reply Form (John Lundberg) usenet, smirk, original
New methods of contraception (ron javor) smirk, sexual
Cuomo's legacy? (David K. Bradley) topical, smirk
old (Ray Deonandan) chuckle
Dining Etiquette 101 (James G. Acker) funny
cherry (Ray Deonandan) chuckle
Re: A Philosophical Truth (Ronnie Kon) smirk
Inflation Russian-style (Robin Burke) smirk
King verdict (Dave Peyton) topical, chuckle
The EPA... (Cindy Tittle Moore) smirk
Japanese work ethic ( chuckle, sick
Solution to Parents (Steven List) chuckle
definition of ADA (CEB- Lord High Executioner) computer, original, smirk
Revenge on airlines (Dave Rahdert) smirk
Prince gets his own back (Steve J Lacey) topical, chuckle
Crank Call, true (Larry Lopez) true, chuckle
Awareness Awareness Week (David B. Carr) smirk
realistic baby dolls (Janis Maria Cortese) chuckle
It's not easy being a dick (pete@ctbilbo.UUCP) heard it, sexual, smirk
Funny things in my new lease (Sonja Kueppers) true, smirk
Bank rate joke (Allott P R) topical, smirk
The INfamous Bernoulli Trials (Bill Kinnersley) smirk, science
How to fix the social security problem (Stephen Friedl) topical, chuckle
Old but Funny -- Gas vs. Electric (E. Allen Brown) true, chuckle
Charles Keating CD Club (Sanjiv Narayan) original, chuckle
Back to School Trauma (Geoff Allen) topical, true, smirk
Hurricane Humor (Kevin Jim) topical, maybe, original
More political light bulb jokes (Jonathan Gardner) topical, smirk, original
political - light bulb jokes. (Andrew Ford) topical, smirk
Bush's Recession (Michael J. Irvin, WSU, 509/335-0437) chuckle, topical
Tennesse Valley Authority (Tom Wallace, JSB Corp.) chuckle
Practical Jokes (=-Styropun-=) chuckle, true
Brightness knob has no effect on user (Robyn Stewart) computer, true, chuckle
Why did the chicken... (Malcolm Mead) smirk, rot13
Clinton in LA (John Felton) smirk
Slogans composed during Republican National Convention (original) ( topical, smirk
Sri Lankan arrested for carrying condom (true story) (Dale Skiba) true, smirk
"Conventional" anagrams (Mike Morton) topical, smirk
No room for fair use? (Adam Tilghman) true, chuckle
History of the United States ( original, chuckle
Core dump blues (Bilder) computer, chuckle
Core Dump Blues (Greg Boyd)
Olympics ( topical, chuckle
The Normalcy of Living in Drainage Culverts (Anthony DeBoer) urban legend, smirk
Crash and Burn (Jeff Deeney) original, chuckle
Original, Science humor (John Voigt) smirk, science
Republican Dance Music (Greg Kimura) topical, smirk, original
Yet anudder Dan Quayle joke ( original, smirk, computer
What is ia a time? ( smirk, computer
Astrophysical punniness (Tom Comeau @ Space Telescope Science Institute) original, chuckle
Top Ten Reasons for P5 delays (Paul Israel) topical, original, computer, chuckle
Elections (original) (Dave O'Shea) funny
Kerpow! Kerpow! -- Take that!!! (Larry Emmett) maybe
How far are your doo-dads from the end of your big thing? ( chuckle, sexual
Pavlov's failure (Address-Lost) smirk
New OS for PC (Monte Bateman) topical, computer, smirk
Dream Team Drinking Game (topical) (Chuck Hellier) topical, chuckle
A definate handicap (814) 867-8002) true, chuckle
Women drivers (stereotype) (Tom Comeau @ Space Telescope Science Institute) original, heard it, smirk
Candidate Combination (Thomas Colthurst) original, smirk
Sleep Deprivation (Debbie D. Harden) original, smirk, science
Dolly Parton a dumb blond? ( smirk
EMACS (Shubhendu Sekhar Mukherjee) smirk, computer
difference between hardware and software engineers (Bob Morris) original, sexual, computer, chuckle
Another Texas case (Lawrence Allen Hite) sick, chuckle
Top 9 list (Austin Phelps) smirk
Why Ross Might Run (Steve Wolf) topical, smirk
Gore Predicts America's Downfall (Jeff Lee) topical, smirk, true
Acres of Discount Family Values (original) (Michael Glass at Fermilab) topical, original, chuckle
Woody Allen: Lay off, already! (Larry Denenberg) topical, chuckle
US Post Office new Elvis' stamp....... (Felipe Hervias) chuckle
Hereditary diseases (Fred Rick) smirk
fear of flying (Anthony Shipman) true, chuckle
It hard to be politically correct (Bob Matthews) chuckle, true
Preparing For That Final: A Pass-It-Yourself Guide (OPERATOR) smirk
funny message (Alvin Leung) true, chuckle
Re: dade county fixup (peter honeyman) topical, smirk
Heavy Boots ( science, true, smirk
Far Right version of Bill of Rights (Larry Fishbach) topical, original, chuckle
Ross Perot's Cabinet (David Child 312 281-3020 and 996-0110) topical, smirk
What's the difference... (Ronnie B. Kon) topical, smirk
Clinton's affair (Marc Sabatella) topical, maybe
Bumper Stickers (==> J. David) chuckle
marx (Ray Deonandan) maybe
Par for the course (Thomas Galloway) chuckle
Quayle's nemesis (Scott Huddleston) topical, chuckle
Clinton's running mate (Steve Robert) topical, chuckle
Apologies to Winston Churchill (John Moore) computer, smirk
Suspicious network connections (Gene Spafford) smirk
Hurricane Andrew (Keith Thompson @pulsar) topical, smirk, original
Sears Auto Repair's New Slogan (Bruce Kasrel) topical, smirk
Sunday school & kids (Rob Dar-Woon) smirk
Saturday night at the Amnesiacs Hospital (Daniel Sleator) original, chuckle
Tallest Men Club (UK) (Richard Leake) funny, sexual
Best code in a .h file (Warner Losh) computer, smirk
Operation Backbacon ( smirk
how much for the presidency? ( topical, smirk
Fatal difference (Doug Sewell) true, computer, chuckle
Precise Language Usage (John DeCarlo) chuckle
possibly original layoff poem (Bert Campbell) smirk
USL v. BSDI lawsuit (John Robert LoVerso) topical, computer, smirk
Legal advice... (Mike Myers) original, chuckle
A funny thing happened on the way to the financial aid office (Joe Carlin) chuckle
Dear.... Who? (Bob Kirkpatrick) topical, smirk
To wait or not to wait (Mark Anbinder) smirk
Marion Barry and drugs (J. Mark Noworolski) topical, smirk
Hypothetical USL memo (Bryan Ford) topical, computer, smirk, original
who's who, and why (Thomas Hyer) topical, smirk
a joke (Fluffhead) smirk
Steelworkers chant. True. ( topical, smirk
NFL and Moving Super Bowl (william a dowling) topical, chuckle
More on "Real Cyberpunks" (William Keleher) original, chuckle, followup
Musical Pick-up puns ("JANE R. RING") pun, smirk, original, sexual
Wishful Thinking (Allen R Sparks) chuckle
penis naming (Edward L. Rodriguez) smirk, sexual
NEED HELP FAST !!!!!!!!! (Steve Baur) original, computer, smirk
A good salesman and farmer's daughter joke (Bob Shew) sexual, chuckle
Are You a Geek? (Steve Connelly) original, funny, computer
The Emperor's New Sonnet (Virgilio Velasco) smirk
Bye Bye New Mexico ( smirk, original, regional stereotypes
George Bush's inadequacies (Andrew Pearlman) topical, smirk, original
Bushisms and beyond (David J Lanznar) topical, smirk, original
Fabrikant (Steve Chapin) topical, sick, smirk
Material from the one-liner file ( various
Material from the one-liner file ( various
Material from the one-liner file ( various
Material from the one-liner file ( various
Material from the one-liner file ( various
Material from the one-liner file ( various
Material from the one-liner file ( various
Material from the one-liner file ( various
Material from the one-liner file ( various
Material from the one-liner file ( various
these are all mine... (Kevin W McAuley) original, chuckle
Usenet Oracle (Warranty on RHF) (Mike Engelhardt) unrated
New publication (Malcolm L. Carlock) computer, smirk
General Test For Open Systems (Steve Simmons) computer, smirk
Annual overachievers' contest (Bill Kennedy) topical, smirk
Expectancy, smoking (Darryl Parry) smirk
Market Penetration (original) (Ned Danieley) original, smirk, sexual
Occult of Personality (Dave Decot) topical, smirk
Perot's short list for VP (David Child 312 281-3020 and 996-0110) topical, smirk
PER*T (Dave Landis) topical, smirk
Perot's Swan Song (Alex Ridgway) topical, maybe, original
No known cures... (David Lesher) topical, smirk, original
The Pope's tumour ( topical, sick, offense=catholics, smirk
Magic Johnson (Graeme/Guff) sick, rot13
Egged on your face, Rabbi. (Steven Abrams) smirk
Quotes from a true Noble man. ( chuckle, true
Job Interview pointers.... (david d `zoo' zuhn) original, chuckle
Pigs have wings, too... (Steve Langer) true, chuckle
Jokes from Reagan's speech: Thomas Jefferson (Thomas Arneberg) topical, funny
Woody Allen (Steve Golson) topical, smirk
short, old-topical (Jim Delgrande) smirk
Ross Perot ( topical, smirk
Ken Olson goofed! (Franklin Davis) topical, computer, smirk
Bush (George) jokes (The Dog) chuckle
claus (Ray Deonandan) sexual, chuckle, heard it
Science and the Stars ( true, chuckle, science
construction site joke (Alan Chamberlain) original, smirk
Woody Allen ( topical, smirk
How to get around arrogant executives (Doug Moran) true, smirk
IBM VM Joke (Scott Hammer) computer, chuckle
RULES FOR THE SELECTION OF PASSWORDS (Frans Meulenbroeks) computer, chuckle
Remote Shredding Available (Tony Facca) computer, smirk, original
The Budget Mess (Kyle Haight) topical, smirk
George Bush says he should not be re-elected (Jeremy G) topical, true, smirk
Spelling chequer woes (Alan Munn) computer, chuckle
"...and now I are one." (Michael Glass at Fermilab) topical, smirk
U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services Message (Kartik Subbarao) true, computer, chuckle
Ture Story (smirk!) (Jo Meachem) true, chuckle
I vant to suck your blood... (Tina) original, chuckle
YASS (yet another Sun spinoff) (Patrick J. Flynn) computer, smirk
Definition of a supercomputer (Alan Munn) chuckle, computer
Clinton at Tandem (Mark Whiteside) topical, computer, smirk, original
And In The U.S., They're Forced To Buy Retail (M. Burtch--Specialist in Courier Font) original, computer, chuckle
Are you a Techno-Dweeb ? (RITTERBUS001@WCSUB.CTSTATEU.EDU) original, chuckle, computer
The juvenile sea squirt... (Thomas A. Bartlett) chuckle
A Toast - "To Space" (Ulysses Sherman) sexual, smirk
Olympic TV coverage - original (Rand Whillock) topical, smirk
clean limerick (Hillel Markowitz) chuckle
Stay Tuned! (David Lesher) topical, maybe
The ABCs of Unix (John Hagerman) chuckle, computer
The dangers of unplanned X ( computer, smirk, original
Smart software... (Harpal Chohan) usenet, smirk
Top 10 uses for My Boyfriends Computer (Cliff Lee) original, chuckle, computer
Kids say the darndest of things (Kartik Subbarao) original, true, computer, chuckle
new marketing buzzword (Greg Rose) chuckle, original
Flies and Von Neumann (William C. Haga) smirk
closet (Shahar Steiff) chuckle, sexual
Sheer Hell (William Dye) smirk
FBI reacts to Intelsat difficulties (Ron Rivest) true, computer, chuckle
Not Quite Wright (Steve Connelly) original, funny
Pinging for the fjorks (Mark Brader) original, chuckle, computer
lightbulb (again) (Greg Wilson) religious stereotypes, chuckle
Einstein and the mob (Jim Richard) chuckle
One from Fred Greenlee (Bob Kirkpatrick) sexual stereotypes, smirk
Dan Quayle Quote... (i palindrome i) topical, smirk
Car Etiquette for the '90s (Jeff Wilkinson) smirk
A thought. (Hindu, smirk) ( original, smirk
VERY short phone conversation (Mark Nutter) original, smirk
Simulating life in the coast guard (Greg Creedon) funny
U.nfortunately, S.till A.llegheney I.n R.eality (Larry Fishbach) chuckle, true
Genetic Engineering (Robert Blumenfeld) original, smirk
the mobster's trial (D. C. WINTERS - 230 DLH LAB EMPLOYEE) heard it, smirk
The 12-Hour Saga of...Dave (, Carolyn) true, chuckle
Bean towne geography (Tim Hall) smirk, true
US vs. Yugoslavian Baksetball team ( sick, smirk
Baseball Statistic (Lance Fortnow) maybe
More Cold Sales Call Humor (ODIN::CARTER) smirk
Food for thought (Rob Scott) smirk
usenet mail (Deleted) heard it, smirk
Apples and Swine (original) (Stephen P Spackman) chuckle
Wouldn't you rather drive a Buick? (Steve South) chuckle
Sweepstakes from Hell (Drew Cheng) smirk
A really useful error message (Jeffrey V. Butera) smirk, computers, true
MIS-adventures of Pops Kringle (Daniel P Dern) topical, smirk
MIL-specs ( smirk
Merry Deficit! (Ilana Stern) topical, smirk
millicent fenwick repartee ( chuckle
Madonna vs. Billy Ray Cyrus (Jason K. Schechner) smirk, offensive
Bachelor Salad (Susan M. Uskudarli) smirk
Missionary Position ( chuckle, true
I Love New York (The Duck of Death) smirk, true
bathroom humor (Sandy Schindler) smirk, true
Newton (Josh 'K' Hopkins) smirk, sexual
Overeager Achiever (Matthew S. 'Opie' Warren) original, chuckle, true
Your Kind of Place (Adam Thompson) chuckle
No news is good news? ( heard it, chuckle
New video game: PackMan (Robert Ankeney) topical, topical, original, funny
How to Tell if Your Kid Watches Sesame Street Too Much (Bill Kinnersley) original, chuckle
Oh Tipper's Tree, Oh Tipper's Tree (Kerry Stephenson) topical, smirk, original
The Great Ethnic Sewer Rat War ( chuckle
Evil Knievel's Latest Stunt (Arnie Unger) topical, chuckle, offensive
Form to apply for a file to be restored (Bernard Hatt) smirk, computers
Truth is Strange (Tim Quinn) topical, smirk
Father of the Brood ( smirk, sexual
a redneck's 12 days of Christmas (Ned Danieley) topical, smirk
Matt's Laws of Driving (Matt Hintz) smirk
Leisure Lawsuit Larry (David Cortesi) topical, original, sexual, smirk
Love Letters (Andy J Taylor) chuckle, sexual
Company Loyalty (Brad Mears [BARR]) smirk, offensive
karmic catering (tim poston) original, chuckle
Honest Woman (Craig Spannring) chuckle
Salesman of the Month (Stephen Beitzel) smirk, true
I'm Glad They Warned Me (Dave Perks) smirk, true
Where *have* you been? (Duane Morin) smirk, true
Unbundled Software Pricebook for TLA, Inc. (Tom Christiansen) chuckle, computers, usenet
Smoking versus Drinking (T.Griffin) smirk, heard it
Seminars for men (232) chuckle, heard it
JUST HOW NASTY CAN PNEWS GET? (Steve Franklin) chuckle, usenet
Capitol Punishment ( topical, chuckle
Why a Duck (232) smirk
The woes of a computer algebra system programmer (epilogue) (Michael Wester) original, chuckle
Are you sure you want to do this? [yn] (Robert Mokry) original, chuckle, computers
They both wear red (Dave Robinson) topical, smirk
Futile Broadcast (Kenneth Brian Samuel) smirk, true
Santa's Unmentionables ( topical, smirk
Post Office layoffs (Ellen K. Seebacher) smirk
Coruscating Newbies (Andrew Clayton) original, chuckle, computers
The Fall of the House of Windsor (Steve Franklin) topical, smirk, original
Philosophy and Dating (Gary Glen Price) smirk
Finals Week (Jeremy Matthew Toeman) topical, chuckle
The quality of [mumble] computers (Gisle Hannemyr) chuckle, true, computers
British royalty and Beverly Hillbillies (Andrew Thomas-cramer) topical, chuckle, original
Capitol City Illiteracy (Bill Kayser) chuckle, true
Christmas Values ( topical, smirk
Ethnic Food (Gregory Bond) offensive, chuckle
drive-in condoms (Norm Finn) smirk, sexual
Rock Bands that belong together (Brian Kendig) smirk
Katie takes all comers (Zoz) topical, smirk, sexual
Top Ten Reasons the British Lost the Colonies ( chuckle
Marines in Somalia ( topical, chuckle, offensive
Yet Another form letter (David Emery) smirk, computers
National health plan (Bill Roper) topical, chuckle
Royal Relief (Cary - Hobson's Choice - 508-264-2429 26-Oct-1992 1512) smirk, sexual
Refugee chicken (David J. Murphy) topical, original, chuckle, offensive
Disposable family (Thomas Konrad) smirk
one-upmanship (Dan Swartzendruber) smirk, true
Publication Ban on Page 1 (Nalin Whatyamacallit) topical, chuckle, true
The Three Bears (John N. Ecker) topical, smirk, heard it
One good thing about sports announcers ( smirk, sports
Operation Restore Hope (Al Donaldson) topical, smirk
Just the Vax, ma'am (Russ Cage) chuckle, original, computers, sexual
Aren't Our Policemen Wonderful (Bruce Fisher) topical, smirk, true
Fart Epidemic (Rohan Baxter) scatological, smirk, true
Hijacked (Greg Rose) smirk, true
tune in next Sunday (Russell Schulz) true
the "mother of all rejection slips" (Jeffrey Shallit) smirk, true
Why a duck? (Roy Smith) chuckle
What happens when you work all-night... (Jeff Knodel) true, chuckle, work
Die, Cane Toad, DIE!!! ( original, funny
Mr. Bill opens the cabinet... (Bill Werner 729-5515, Pager 722-6485) topical, smirk
Products that need new spokespeople (PJ Geraghty) chuckle
Peacekeeping Quote (Joshua Levy) topical, smirk
Choirboy (EDWARDS JJ MR) smirk, sexual, offensive
And the Twelve Bugs of Christmas .... (Cary - Hobson's Choice - 508-841-2323 03-Dec-1992 1658) topical, heard it, computers, chuckle
Them amazin' Dodgers (stephen walton) topical, smirk
A Day that will live in infamy... (Darrell G Holmquist) topical, smirk
unique RAM packaging (Gary Lewandowski [TSoD]) smirk, computers
No corruption in a democracy (Chris Kessel) smirk, political
Anecdote, Irish (u36!bbi! chuckle
Virtual Humor (ROY WELLS) chuckle, computers
Election Results : Now it's official (Neil MacAvoy) topical, smirk, usenet
Druids ( smirk
Steven Wright-like humor (Thaddeus R. Crews) chuckle, original
Computer Impaired People (186-003-526)) chuckle, true, original, computers
metrification (Tom Christiansen) original, chuckle
15 Reasons Why Heroin Is Better Than Women (Jyrki Kuoppala) original, maybe, sexual
How Politicians Finance Their Jobs (CXMP) smirk
Side Notes to a Deposition (Jeff Lee) smirk, original, true
Airline Safety ( smirk, true
Object seeks secure relationship... (Brian Edmonds) smirk, computers
Political correctness (Lazlo Hoover Toth) chuckle, original
Newspaper headline (Michael I Schwartz) chuckle, true
Warning! Do not read this article (Barry Brumitt) chuckle, true
A modern definition of stupidity (original)... (Ken Maupin) smirk, original, computers
French Thanksgiving (Kevin Lyons) smirk
Building Information (Arthur Keller) smirk, computers
Hot Time at Windsor Castle (Don Cameron) topical, chuckle
Intro to operating systems (Dave Hildebrandt) original, smirk, computers
Apple/IBM (Derek Beatty) chuckle, original, computers
The Sweet Smell of Success ( chuckle, sexual
movie sequels (Matt Fichtenbaum) smirk
Opening the Atlanta Olympics... ( chuckle, original
Thanksgiving Cookery (John N. Ecker) smirk, true
insurance (Kerry Stephenson) smirk
Semi-original laws of secure computing (Clarence Regis Wilson) maybe, original, computers
Humorous experience in prison (Jonathan Kruger) smirk, sexual
Ross's Roots ( topical, smirk
Hot Release (Harry Bloomberg) smirk, true, lawyers
DC's New Police Chief (PJ Geraghty) topical, smirk
The Funeral (Doreen Masgula) smirk, dogs
Intel's new French Abortion Pill (Dave Zoss) topical, original, chuckle, computers, sexual
We'll cut the British from British Columbia .... (Bruce Schuck -- smirk
Election Day Tale (Michael Feeley) topical, smirk, true
Sincerely (Really!) (Herb Weiner) smirk
world knowledge of high school students, true (Matthew L. Ginsberg) topical, smirk, true
Blindness (Douglas W. Martin) smirk
"Hotel California" revisited (David Barr) topical, chuckle, original
Russian Roulette (Dave Stokes) smirk
Field Guide to System Administrators (szielins.US1) laugh, original, computers
How about "USSR - Classic"? ( topical, chuckle
Sometimes you want to hang up (Aahzmandius) original, smirk
IBM VM Joke - The 'Virtual' Printer. (Mike Skrydlak 503-627-5471) smirk
Why God Never Received Tenure at the University (Ronny Kohavi) smirk
Anthropologists (Stephen Morris) smirk, original
a child's view of death (Lori K. Rothman) smirk, true
Driving test ( smirk, sexual
Cold call sales humor (Mike Gainer) smirk
In an emergency... (Claudio Calvelli) smirk
A gem from the life of George Bernard Shaw (Anand) chuckle
Triple Crown of Boxing ( smirk, sports
Cross-disciplinary data analysis (Carlo Graziani) smirk, academic
End of the month memo (Dale Gold) maybe
government mathematics (PATRICK FERREL) original, smirk
ancient Miller Time (Ned Danieley) smirk, topical
over our heads (Thomas Hyer) chuckle, original
Halloween Presidential Poll (Mark Kobayashi) smirk, topical, true
WORLD WAR II: THE MYTH OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY (Alan Lustiger) original, funny, revisionist history
Post-election Haiku (David Joslin) topical, chuckle, original
new female computer (Russell Schulz) original, computers
Advice to the Clinton Administration (Michael J. Irvin, WSU, 509/335-0437) topical, smirk
Only after one thing. (Barry Jaspan) original, smirk, sexual
Dinosaurs (Josh 'K' Hopkins) smirk, true
Kid's insight into campaign (Kemi Jona) topical, smirk
Pedometers [original] (Dave Sklar) original, chuckle, sexual
Party colors (Erik Max Francis) topical, smirk
Lost Gas Cap (John D. Cavanaugh) smirk, true
from the Daily Illini newspaper (Ian Chai) topical, smirk
New Monroe Doctrine (hyderabadi) smirk, sexual
France's new motto ( topical, smirk
Smut from the Unix manual (Warwick Allison) smirk, sexual
Dan Quayle's "Supporters" (Dave Martin, Geochemical Research, Texas A&M) topical, smirk
daffynition (Lance R. Bailey) smirk
The Open Plan Office (Jim Cheetham x3121) chuckle, work
Ig Nobel Prize Winners (Elisabeth Riba) topical, chuckle
Cautious president (Shekhar Bhide) topical, smirk, original
The humor impaired (Peter J. Scott) chuckle
Government intelligence (Steve Slominski) chuckle, true
Bill Clinton (Ann Woods) topical, smirk
Magic Johnson, and Ross Perot ( topical, chuckle
irony on (David C. Brock) smirk, true, computers
Top 10 Reasons Brad Templeton has resigned as r.h.f. moderator (Dan Pearl) original, topical, funny
DJ phone pranks (Brian Kendig) chuckle, true
Pulling a Quayle (Mike Richichi) topical, smirk
Getting rid of Blind Dates (Mark Hazen) chuckle, original
Bush/ Clinton ( topical, smirk
Calling Technical Support (Tim Lesher) smirk, true, computers
Referendum ramblings (Yggy King) topical, smirk
Windows for MacIntosh ( smirk, computers
further annoying the moderator (Mike Morton) topical, smirk, original
Sick of Windows (Boisy Pitre) smirk, computers
deja vu all over again (Wayne Caplinger) topical, smirk
Halloween Activities for 1992 (PAUL D CHAPIN) topical, chuckle, original
Do people have a habit of ignoring pollution? (John Roxburgh) smirk, original
The Third Presidential Debate (Vasudev Murthy) topical, smirk
Bear Bells (Kenneth D. Whitehead) smirk, heard it
Mother-in-Law's Day (John William Keating) original, topical, smirk
Things not to ask during a job interview (John Trinterud) chuckle, true
The Constitutional Referendum in Newfoundland (Canada) (186-003-526)) topical, smirk
Foods need Accent (Robert C. Colgrove) maybe, stereotypes
World (?) Series (Steve MacDonald) topical, original, smirk
CURTAINS for the Mac (Jonathan R. Partington) original, funny, computers
Tomasz Swifty (Russell Williams) topical, smirk, original
Canadian inches ( smirk, sexual
Perot Quits Again ( topical, chuckle
sumo wrestlers (Penelope Low) maybe, stereotypes, offensive
Atlanta's Canadian flag nightmare (Terence Dulay) topical, smirk
IEE Handbook for Speakers (David Shepherd) smirk, true
George Bush's sense of humor (Thomas Galloway) topical, smirk
Close call for The King (Roger Fradenburgh) chuckle
Baseball & the flag (R. Leitch) topical, smirk, original
How about that weather? (Perpetual Student) sexual, offensive, smirk
Lawyers and Fish stories (Dan Duncan) smirk, original
Bathroom wall humor (John P. Curcio) sexual, offensive, chuckle
Size isn't everything. (S A McIntyre) chuckle, sexual, true
C'mon Down!!! (mc/G=Brad/S=Hicks/ topical, smirk
condom(1) man page (original)... (Ken Maupin) chuckle, original, computers, sexual
Woody Allen signs with NY Rangers (Russell Chamberlin) topical, sexual, offensive
Secrets of the Universe (Andrew Thomas-cramer) chuckle
Technical writing (Paul Mailman) smirk, true, computers
Teetotaller's drinking game (John Kingston) topical, smirk
Class Clown (Nathan Fisher) smirk, original, computers
Fish Story (Margaret Hudacko) smirk, heard it
Chelsea Clinton ( topical, smirk, sexual
ORIGINAL: What happens if RN starts a trend? ( original, chuckle, computers
pick on someone your own size (Haym Hirsh) topical, smirk, true
A Voice from Above... (Joe Voros) chuckle
Debate decisions (Darin Johnson) topical, smirk
Especially if one of those acronyms is "IBM" (John Lundberg) smirk, computers
Usenet Feeds Available By Fax! (Tom Limoncelli) chuckle
Japanese Superiority (Ming-Tsung Lu) topical, smirk
A lobster walks into a bar... (Lost to the Bit-Bucket)
Presidential Debate (Craig Good) topical, original, smirk
Mailing lists (Josh Smith) true, smirk
I'm such a nerd! (Tom Limoncelli) smirk, original
Remake of the Dead Parrot sketch. "The Dead President Sketch" (Whiplash Smile) topical, chuckle
Ernie (Jason Lee Smith) chuckle, original
"exciting" new newsgroup! (Jim Sabo) smirk, topical, sexual, true
Odd Place for a Tow Away Zone (Perry G Ramsey) smirk
Top Ten Top Ten Net Lists (Jason Trenouth) chuckle, original
Bush vs. Truman, the view from abroad. (w mccutchan -- computing services) topical, smirk
old lady driver (Andrew Neufeld) smirk
Vasectomy Center ad (Jason Woodward) topical, smirk, true
True technical savvy (Brian Rice) chuckle, computers, true
Hacker's Index (Christine A. Quinn) chuckle
Clinton Denies "Where's Waldo" appearance (Mark Forbes) topical, original, smirk
Life isn't fair, either (Brent McNamee) chuckle, bbc
Joe Bob Briggs meets the computer age (sort of) (Wes Morgan) original, chuckle, computers
The Magic is Back (Didn't want name attached to this) sick, tasteless, original, sexual, funny
History Directory (Eddie Caplan) chuckle, true
Klan for Klinton (Dan Rabideau) topical, smirk
Saddam's latest tactic ( topical, original, chuckle
Bundled Integration (Kaitlin Sherwood) chuckle
label for ross perot ( topical, chuckle
Installing Windows ( true, chuckle
Perot and lightbulbs (Jerry Wallace) chuckle, topical
British stiff upper lip humor (James G. Acker) maybe, sexual
voters, students and slaves (David Lockhart) topical, origianl, chuckle
Dead Letter (Gengying Gao) chuckle
Presidential Issues Stance Summary (Eber Lambert) topical, original, funny
Re: Cryin' baby express ... what to do? (Claudio Sheepdog) original, chuckle
George Bush, Master Debator (Maddi Hausmann) topical, funny, original
When in doubt, write it out. (Joseph Beckenbach {Adapter Software Release Engr}) smirk
Family Values (Wayne Caplinger) topical, smirk
A Unique Penance (Randy McIntyre) smirk, sexual, heard it
Democrats and Republicans (297) smirk, sexual
the Lincoln/Kennedy coincidences, continued (Adam Frix) sexual, smirk
Don't annoy the moderator (Steven Klinkner) topical, maybe, original
Ah, now I understand it. (Robert Mokry) smirk, true, computers
What to dress up for this Halloween (Adam Frix) topical, smirk, stereotypes, PC
Parse this sentence (Scheiman_Scott) smirk, true
They wanted openness in campaigns. Looks like we got it. (Michael S. Cluff) topical, smirk
Presidential Debates Drinking Game (Diana Smetters) topical, chuckle
Amplifier operating instructions (Uncertified Lunatic) true, smirk
Up Next on CNN (Chris Hanson) topical, chuckle, original
Outside the circle (James Webb) sexual, smirk, offensive
But, officer... ( smirk, ethnic
The "Dream Team" (Nybble me... Byte me.. Unsigned long int me) original, chuckle, topical
Please put litter in its place. (John Mertus) maybe, original, true
Congress defined, original (Allan Meers - Sun Education) topical, smirk, sexual
CalTrans layoffs (Brett K. Carver) maybe
National Unity (Kate Gregory) topical, smirk, true
Smoking at 10,000 feet (Gordon Berkley) smirk, true
Absolute Gospel Truth! (Larry Hardiman x68019) topical, smirk
Surgeon General's Warning on Diet Colas (Grig Larson) chuckle
Music to Our Ears ( topical, smirk
New Bush campaign policy ( topical, orginal, chuckle
related to a dysletic agnostic (Tad Morgan) maybe, original
Perot's Veep (Scott Hammer) topical, smirk
Military Intelligence (Bob Sutterfield) maybe, true, heard it
Late Addition to the Presidential Race (Tai Wu) original, funny, topical
Genetics and their impact on relations between the sexes (Diana) chuckle
Real Family Values (Anant Sahai) chuckle, topical
Dialing for Dollars ( smirk
Perot Campaign Slogan (Peter Golde) topical, chuckle, original
Questions (Jesse N. Schell) original, smirk
Ross for Boss (Timothy Whalen) topical, smirk, original
Novel Search Algorithm (Robyn Stewart--Library) smirk, computers
Republican Election Strategy (Matthias Neeracher) topical, smirk
New Highway Travel Game (Joseph Beckenbach) chuckle, driving, stereotypes
New Jersey riddle ( topical, smirk, true
Another use for pocketknives (Tom Kreitzberg) sexual, chuckle
Ken Olson - visionary (Alan R Fry) topical, smirk, true, computers
Now that's a *real* handicap. (Steven Abrams) smirk, offensive, stereotypes
New BBC Radio 3 (Jonathan R. Partington) original, chuckle
Kodak Moment (Steven R Brown) topical, funny, sexual
Do as I say, not... ( smirk, true
Arsenio & George Bush (Kevin Isaacson) topical, smirk
joke (Doug Smith) maybe, original
Ross Perot's Campaign Slogan (Jim Sabo) topical, smirk, sexual, original
ADDRESS change ( maybe, true
political observation (Cavan Fang) smirk, original, topical, sexual
Fire Building Skills (EEDVAX::WEHR) smirk, true
That's what he's all about (Kevin Podsiadlik) topical, smirk, original
Craig Shergold (Ben Scott) chuckle, rumors
Woody Allen meets Aesop ( topical, smirk, tasteless, sexual
A Grim Fairy Tale (B. Gabriel Helou) chuckle, business, autos
Differentiating the Candidates (Dave O'Shea) smirk, topical
Insurance risks for fraternities (Eric Huppertz) true, smirk
From the Federal Register (FRANK BORGER) smirk, true
Lost George (Jim Harkins) topical, maybe
Math majors and football (Doug Ingram) chuckle
French sportsmanship (John Cuthbertson) true, chuckle
****PLACE SUBJECT HERE***** (Dumb netter didn't give one) (Mark E. Mallett) topical, smirk
Carnac the Magnificent says, "You're Screwed ..." (Perry G Ramsey) computer, smirk
rn Bashes Bush (Tom Maszerowski) smirk
Winning a Nuclear War (dasher) smirk, sick
Boris Yeltsin's Just Dessert (SCOTT APPLEQUIST) topical, smirk
Infinite traffic loop (Tony Konashenok) smirk, true
Bill Gates engaged! (Michael Park) topical, smirk
Hold the Ketchup, Please (Larry Salomon Jr.) chuckle, sexual, gross
Newscaster of the week (Bettylise Anderson) smirk, true
Let's do the Time Warp again (Steve South) original, smirk, science
Sublimation (Robert J. Granvin) chuckle, science
Now here's a good excuse... (Dick King) smirk, computers, original
Fun with VMS ( original, smirk, computers
And MORE Seminars for Women (Brown-Eyed Squirrel) topical, original, chuckle, sexual
Respect for All Living Things (pete@wb5kly.UUCP) smirk, true
Killer Combination ( topical, smirk
Copy Repair FAQ (ROBIN BARNETT) smirk
Doggie chews (sam) chuckle, sexual
Press Any Key (Charles Severance) original, chuckle, true
Teen pregnancies in Arkansas (Paul Filipski) topical, maybe
DidYouKnow: A Response (Jacob Solomon Weinstein) topical, chuckle, original
OMEGA Quotes (Erik Max Francis) chuckle
losing it all ("" smirk
Steal this Bumper Sticker (David Pratt) chuckle
Shake it (Rudolph R. Zung) smirk, offensive
Russian Front (M Babilas) smirk
Another elephant joke (adam a) topical, smirk, original
A rather exclusive warranty (Gabe M Wiener) chuckle, true
Seen in a laser-disk store (Nick Sayer) smirk, true
true-life marriage tales (Doug Tomm) smirk
More Seminars for Women (John Hunley) chuckle, sexual
Truth in Manuals (Mike Cook, x2792, 124-211) smirk
Another stupid warning (Kevin THEOBALD) smirk, true
Next up...Cult Standoff ( topical, computers, chuckle
Frontiers of Copy Protection (David Sewell) chuckle, true, computers
Lambs to the slaughter... (Winkler) topical, smirk, sexual
Wonder what test they used (Richard L. Stephenson) smirk, true
Disaster recovery (Ken Dykes) topical, smirk, true
How they make Spam (Leith M F) chuckle, gross
Witness II (Kerry Stephenson) smirk, original
Strange bedfellows, indeed (Howard Gayle) original, smirk, politics
Plant a Tree...Get a tax break ( original, smirk, true
The St. Patrick's Day Piper's Panties (David Daye) topical, chuckle, true
Gimme Shelter (C. D. Tavares) chuckle
You really should be there ... ( smirk
I Want You... (Marco Nicosia) smirk, heard it
Tormenting Telemarketers (David L. Cathey) funny
Pickett Line (Les Bartel) smirk
Man vs. Nature (WATERS,SHELDON) true, chuckle
Elvis Stamp (Jumpin Dude) topical, smirk
Well, it's accurate now ( original, chuckle, true
How Congress can know the will of the people... (Dave Dodson) topical, smirk
Biosphere 2 (Allan Meers - Sun Education) smirk, original
New Waiting Period (ELF) topical, smirk
Helpful error message (Kenneth A Reek) smirk, computers
A military tale (G.SURRATT1 on GEnie Network) chuckle
The Will of the People (Barry Blanchard) funny, politics
I am the NRA ... (Oded Feingold) topical, smirk, sick
More Rock bands that belong together (robert turo) smirk
Why Waco? (Sean Malloy) topical, smirk
Virus Alert: Potomac Fevers Approach Pandemic Proportions (Jason Christian) chuckle, computers
Update on the new economic plan (trygve lode) topical, smirk
shirt wearing instructions ( chuckle, true
"For Everything...." ( smirk, usenet, original
You gotta be crazy to live here (Stephen Friedl) topical, smirk, sick, original
The most efficient branch of science (Sigurd Meldal) chuckle
Top 10 Plans for ATF in Waco ( topical, chuckle, original
Lauren Bacall to White Courtesy Phone (Chris B)) chuckle, true
The Usenet (Gene Spafford) smirk
He should have tried Mosque-oni Center (KLOSKY JAMES LEDLIE) topical, smirk, sick
At least you won't eat airline food (Gabe M Wiener) chuckle, true
Strong Feelings Prompt Removal from Mailing List (Mark Towfiq) smirk, true
Reviewspeak (Tim Wood) original, chuckle
If you wish to speak to an agent... (Steven Swinkels) topical, smirk, original
Golf Quote (Campbell March) chuckle, true
Arrest in World Trade Center Bombing (David Chesler) topical, smirk, sick
I thought we were at war with Persia ( smirk, true
Hungarian T.V. gap (Tarkus: The armadillo with an attitude) smirk, true
No harrasment for breast feeders (David Goodenough) topical, chuckle
Extra wheel ( smirk, computers
QE2 and Fergie ( smirk, sexual
live on CNN (Mark D Baushke) topical, smirk
Find the Banana (Ian Chai) smirk, true
Speeding Tickets & Quantum Mechanics (Admiral Doug Fields) smirk
Intelligent advice (Kenneth Brian Samuel) smirk
NY World Trade Center Explosion (Jeff C. Glover) topical, smirk, original
Trade with Japan ( original, smirk
pc extreme (Sean Brennan) smirk
Letters of "Recommendation" (Terence M. Dulay) smirk
Telecom Australia branches out (Alan Hargreaves) chuckle, true
Military Teetotaller (David Herberg) smirk, heard it
Computer Sex (Nathan J. Dohm) smirk
Zombie licenses? ( smirk, true
Joke (Jeremy Caplan) smirk
You're both right! (David J. Pepper) topical, chuckle, true, original
Computers Are Getting Too Complicated (John Jung) smirk, computers
Sick Chelsea (Greg Trotter) topical, chuckle
I hope she was worth it! (Matt Johnson) smirk, sexual, true
President Clinton in Somalia (Greg Trotter) topical, smirk
Disclaimers gone mad... (Paul Hudson) chuckle
Jack in the Box in trouble again (Dan D) topical, smirk
uf-dah ( smirk, sexual
Jack be nimble... (Richard Addison) topical, smirk
State of Intelligence (Rudolph R. Zung) smirk, true
Bonus miles! (Mark Anbinder) topical, smirk
On the Air Recording (Milind Pandit) chuckle, technology
Buffalo Bills, won't you come out tonight? (Shiva Ramabadran) topical, smirk
The happy & gay military... ( topical, chuckle, offensive
We Are All Individuals (Climbing the Wheel) smirk,true
Carnation Instant Breakfast. ( smirk
Cat scratch fever in the White House (RUSSELL EARNEST) topical, smirk
Phone Company Writes to a Public Telephone (Warren Burstein) chuckle, true
Who's running things? (Lawrence T. Hardiman) topical, smirk
DEBUGGING EFI (Shai Guday) smirk, original
Nanny, Nannies, Nanny^3 (Blair P. Houghton) topical, smirk
Free at last (Mike Schilling) chuckle, heard it
British Rail Privitisation (The Brown Bottle) topical, chuckle, original
Cowboy humor (Dylan Kohler) chuckle, sexual, offensive
Is it live, or is it Memorex? (Adam Beneschan) topical, smirk
Annals of Localization (chubbins) smirk, true
Gays in military (Leland J Haney) topical, smirk
Glad you clarified that! (Mark Nutter, Apple Support) smirk, true
Hindenberg disaster (David Baran) topical, smirk, original
Religious humor ( original, smirk
Jack-in-the-box, well done! ( topical, chuckle
Waitpersons from hell (Peter J. Scott) original, funny
Tour de France (Vincent Dufort) smirk, sexual
What'd he say? ( smirk, true
A new computer story... (Duane Morin) chuckle, computers
Pinnochio Theory of Female Sexuality (Hans Tallis) chuckle, sexual, original
Management Aptitude (Tom.Denton) smirk
Obsolete man pages (Michael Naaman) smirk, computers
Don't believe I'd want this job (Erann Gat) smirk, true
The blind man... (Gabe M Wiener) smirk
a quiet departure (Eric Slosser) smirk
Customer Service (from The System Manager) (Ed Wilts) funny, heard it
Women in the Supermarket (Big Dave) chuckle, sexual
Donald Trump (Eric W. Mitchell) smirk, sexual
Fun With Animals (Vladimir chuckle, offensive, original
"I wanna be a gynecologist!" (Tom Christiansen) smirk, sexual
Choosy Thieves (Joshua Levy) smirk, computers
Flight Simulation (Jeff Beadles) chuckle
Too much culture too soon? (B. Z. Lederman) chuckle
May the breast man win (John W. Hillenbrand) smirk, sexual, stereotypes
British Rail Adventures (232) smirk
product labels (Hugh Osborne) smirk, sexual
Pipe down, already ( chuckle, heard it
Open letter to Dave Barry ( chuckle
Sensual guide to departments (tvaughan) chuckle
Lottery Mega-Inflation (Dragon [David Fiedler]) smirk, true
Modern Youth (Larry Israel) smirk
Who needs Evelyn Wood? ( chuckle, offensive
Job Security for Tech Writers (dave mankins) smirk, true
Czech Police (Jeff Bowyer) smirk
Anagram (John Kingston) smirk
Grave winters? (Matthias Urlichs) smirk, true
Don't Fiddle with It (Clayton Hogg) chuckle, sexual
Three Tough Marines (Dr. Beverly Crusher) funny
What about the Adventists? (Peter K. Suk) chuckle, original
musicians (Lawrence T. Hardiman) smirk
The local klutz (Jonathan Hayward) chuckle
President Clinton's first act... (Richard Murnane) topical, chuckle
The Well of Knowledge (Jonathan Hayward) smirk
The President *is* the answer (Christine A. Quinn) topical, smirk
An Emacs Koan (Jon. Hallett) original, smirk, computers
Iraq (original, offense=Muslims) (David Crooke) topical, smirk, offensive
Kohl and inflation (Thomas Koenig) smirk
And now for something completely different... Clinton? (Julian Vrieslander) topical, smirk, true
System Problem Report Form (Bernard Hatt) chuckle, computers, original
Woody Allen's Girls... (John Stoffel) topical, chuckle
Birth Control for Men and Women (Matthew S. 'Opie' Warren) smirk, sexual
Who's there? (Kurt Hockenbury) topical, smirk
Great American Smoke-out (Mark Mann) chuckle
Writer's Euphemisms for Death (Brent Jones) original, smirk
The Day SunOS Died (N. R. Norm Lunde) smirk, original
Truth in Advertising (Nadeem Haque) smirk, true
Where does my j-ke go? (Matthew S. 'Opie' Warren) original, chuckle
Disgusting thoughts in an ambulance (PJ Geraghty) chuckle, sexual
creative writing project. (Ian Horswill) original, funny, computers
If architects had to work like programmers... (J.David Ruggiero) funny, computers
Fun with the Servants (Leith M F) smirk
What a deal (Eric Anderson) smirk, true
Management Humor. (Darwin Boblet) smirk, sexual, heard it
Institutionalized (Mark. Gooley) funny, original
New serial cables (Rupa Schomaker) chuckle, computers
Bush & Hussein's Parting Shots (Richard W. Sabourin) topical, smirk
fifty ways to hose your source code (song) (Name Got Munged)
It's everywhere you want to be (Kevin THEOBALD) topical, chuckle, offensive, original
Job Flushed (Life sucks and then you die...painfully.) smirk, computers
Not Quayle's Fault (Bowyer Jeff) topical, smirk
He shoots, he scores! (Mike Schneider) chuckle, offensive
Coming soon to a theater near you! (trygve lode) topical, chuckle, original
Those Wacky Royals (Michael Jarvis) chuckle
new Madonna stamp (Greg Byrd) topical, smirk, sexual
Down on the Farm ( chuckle, sexual, offensive
Proof the economy is improving ( smirk
Plasti-Cola (Glenn E. Elliott 965-6339) topical, smirk
That explains those stupid user questions (Kunal Saurov Bagchi) smirk, computers
Sarcastic Warning (Kerry Stephenson) smirk, true
Come to stay --- for a LONG time (Tim Rolfe) original, smirk
Joke submission (Rujith de Silva) smirk, dating, original
Fathers and sons (PJ Geraghty) chuckle, sexual
More data analysis ( chuckle
Fun with Edmond Scientific (Michael Edelman) smirk
Vaseline-powered Car (John N. Ecker) funny, sexual
A really bad idea (Kerry Stephenson) smirk, true
The Purchase (Dan O'Neill) smirk
Which is Hotter? (Robin Coutellier) smirk, sexual, original
I Reject Your Rejection Letter (Doug Moran) smirk
Smegma (Smith Andrew CDT) chuckle, sexual, offensive
25 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT THE "ATOM BOMB" (Alan Lustiger) original, funny, revisionist history
it is right unless it is wrong (Robin Goldstone) smirk, true
Physicists and mathematicians redux (Benjamin Jones) chuckle
What's on TV tonight? (Allan Heinicke) smirk, sexual, stereotypes, true
Scottie Dogs (Ralph Kuntz) smirk
A Post-Holiday Poem (Bob D'Amore) topical, smirk
Signs of fatigue (Rob Vaughn) chuckle
Non-Intuitive (Greg Rose) smirk
The Secret of Acceptance ( smirk, original
Sons of IBM OS/2 Fiesta Bowl (Harry Bloomberg) topical, chuckle
Texas skiers (Robert Thurlow) chuckle
Baby care (Jonathan R. Partington) original, smirk
Bosnia Peace Conference (Gregory Bond) topical, chuckle
Sharing injuries (David Van Couvering) chuckle, heard it
Hope for the Houston Oilers (Ron Boerger) topical, smirk
Apple Announcement (Ron Reiner) funny, original, computers
Marketoidal Stuff ( original, chuckle
Is is powder, then? (Kevbo) topical, smirk, true
Newscaster of the Month (Alistair Calder) topical, smirk, true
Helpful Grammar checker (Jon Nigrine) smirk, computers, true
Why women want Wesley Allen Dodd (Dave Johnson) topical, smirk, offensive
And I'm behind him 300% (Rick Turkel, Ext. 2214, Room 5304B bs"d) chuckle, sexual
Used Encyclopedia Salesmen? (186-003-526)) chuckle
IRS, childrens stories, etc. ( original, smirk
Canadian's perspective on the U.S. (Caroline Collins) chuckle
insurance that doesn't pay (Kevin Karplus) smirk
Seminars for Women ... (232) chuckle
AUTOEXEC? (Jon Leech) smirk, computers
Amazing Fortune Telling Machine ( smirk
PMRC's Worst Fears... (Mark Lobodzinski) chuckle
Hospital signs (Kai-Mikael Jaeae-Aro) smirk
Cowboy boots (Rudolph R. Zung) chuckle, sexual
Minivan Remote-Control Door (Anthony Bacio) smirk, true
dam those Gynaecologists (David Pascoe) smirk, sexual
Blinking Babies (Wayne Johnson) smirk, sexual, heard it
Science of the Future (trygve lode) original, chuckle, science
Maybe if we flap our arms hard enough... (Jim Tubman) smirk, true
Knock Knock joke for programmers ( smirk, computers, heard it
I thought that was "tricky" (RITA H. CARTWRIGHT) smirk, true
Children's Books to Avoid (Yury Khidekel) chuckle, kids
Which is worse? ( smirk, true
Virus Alert Update ( chuckle, computers, politics
Next time, order extra-crispy (You know who it is.) smirk, sexual
Excuses for Father's Day (Warren Jokinen) topical, chuckle
Bible verses (Rick Clements) smirk, religion
a hairy situation (John Karabaic) topical, smirk, politics
Like a Virgin...not (Mike Wittman) smirk, sexual
white house clones, original (Kerry Stephenson) topical, chuckle, politics, original
Top Ten Things Overheard At the White House (Dave Sklar) original, chuckle, politics
Special Pepsi Cola Edition (Maddirator) topical
How to stay stressed (Stef Jones) chuckle, work
Sign of the times (Disk Claimer) smirk, true, economics
API Contracept Strategy - IPA/IN/666 ( chuckle, work
Stupid Error Codes (Charles Lidderdale) smirk, true, computers
Network Nostalgia (Tim Chambers) chuckle, computers
Why US Healthcare costs so much (Jonathan Thornburg) smirk, true
Erratum (Albert Koelmans) chuckle, true, sexual
McEucharist? (Russell Brown) smirk, religion
Experience Necessary, Education Not So... (Sverdrup)) smirk, school
Now how much would you pay? (Yap Yap Yap) smirk, true, computers
Pepperidge Farm they ain't . . . (Sunita K. Bhatia) smirk, true
No charge for admission! (Larry Denenberg) smirk
Rules for Social Activists -- NOT! (Lenore Levine) original, chuckle, PC
Cruel and Unusual Punishment (Bowyer Jeff) smirk, sexual, true
Experience (Siddharth Suri) smirk, sexual
What CAN they do? (Kelly Inch) smirk, true
Top 10 Philosophy Questions of All Time (Answered!) ( original, chuckle, philosophy
Your dog shot here (Floyd S. Shipman) smirk, pets
MsDos soon to be Mr. and Mrs. Dos (Jeffrey Sorensen) smirk, computers
"I think I know why your source code runs so slow..." (Jeffery M. Chan) smirk, computers
Rush Limbaugh as TV Wrestler. (Pat) chuckle, original
Please use the Tokamak instead (Goldman of Chaos -- postmaster CRI-US) smirk, true
Liquid assets ( original, smirk, money
A matter of taste (Sigurd Meldal) smirk, computers
How to lose in the stock market (William Humphries) smirk, computers
Presidential E-mail Summary ( topical, chuckle, computers, original
AI has nothing on Danny-boy. (Open Mouth, Insert Brain.) smirk, true, politics
Now tell me the bad news... (Dinesh Katiyar) topical, smirk, illness
Gender testing (Daniel Quinlan) chuckle, sexual, stereotypes
Bet Millie didn't get this (Andrew C. Plotkin) topical, smirk, usenet
Math Disproved Via Sex ( original, smirk, math, sexual, stereotypes
FTP xfer speed (Osiris Pedroso) chuckle, computers
It takes all kinds... (Chris Butler) smirk, academia
Genome Project Breakthrough (Stephen Morris) smirk, science, original
The Elvis twins... (Bill Lambert) chuckle, sexual
Why Our Beer is Good (Robert Panoff) smirk, true
Recycling (Eric Johnson) smirk, true
Russian History ( smirk, history
pro-wrestling quotes (Marc Picquendar) smirk, sports
They just don't get it... (Bryan L. Allen) smirk, true, language
Truth in advertising (Bill Blum) smirk, true
Discriptive Error Messages (keith freedman) smirk, true, computers
Horrifyingly Funny... (ALEX ANDOR) chuckle, offensive, sexual, pederasty
Open letter to the sneaker industry ( chuckle, sports
Meaningless Computer Names (Ben Scott) chuckle, original
Scientific Dictionary ( chuckle, science
Kentucky Fried Commercial (Marc Sabatella) chuckle, true
More games to play with telemarketers (arch harris) smirk, telephones
Lost in translation (J. Jeff Roberts) original, chuckle, computers
assembly instructions ( smirk, true, language
Triple X Letdown (307) 766-3663/3668) smirk, true, law
Circle the stationwagons, the Injuns are attacking (Dan Tilque) smirk, true
Rich & Famous Newsgroups - A Quiz! (Christine A. Quinn) chuckle, usenet, original
Political Psychoanalysis (IMNMD2B) original, smirk, politics
_Really_ Hard Time (Doug Frank) smirk, true
Undergrad clarification (Maynard J. Handley) smirk, sexual
GNU info (Loren Carpenter) smirk, true
Semen just fine (Mike Mueller 627-3187 59-420) smirk, lawyers
Handling strangers ( gross, smirk
What to do with $47 Million ("w00026@TIGGER.STCLOUD.MSUS.EDU" smirk, news
I hate quotations --Emerson (Sharad Singhai) smirk, quotes, computers
Just _what_ is in them? (Alejo Hausner) smirk, true
There will always be an England (Mark F W Charsley) smirk, true
Don't get in the car! ( gross, smirk
Cannibals (Lyle D. Sanders) chuckle
Be the first on your block... (Christopher Lishka) chuckle, computers, original
Happy Holidays (Jonathan Hayward) smirk
Rat you are! ( chuckle, gross
The Customer Comes First (Frans Panken) smirk, international, sexual
BATF's fate ( topical, smirk
Same Difference... (Harry Skelton) smirk, awww
Seen in Idaho Newspaper (Bob Vadnais) smirk, true, sexual
"Do Something Catholic" (George Stachnik) smirk, heard it, religion
U.S. presidential phone lines (the mad pianist)) smirk, politics
Avoiding the issue (Jim Bob) Bill) smirk, true
Logicians' jokes (Levin) smirk
Metro's fault... (David W. Barts) original, chuckle, computers
A little known fact about Irish money. (Richard Murnane) smirk, sexual
Money saving ideas (Jim Harkins) chuckle, work
Physics Phollies (Jonathan F Partee) smirk, science
Gays in the Military, again (Russell Aminzade: Trinity College of VT) original, smirk, sexual
But he sure got nailed (Margaret Jamroz) topical, smirk, religion
e.e.cummings on football (John Rehling) original, smirk, sports
puzzling end... (Dinesh Katiyar) topical, smirk, true
Maybe he's an insomniac? (Jim Griffith) smirk, awww
I am the NRA (Roger Hoover) topical, smirk
WifeSpeak Translated (BRYAN SMITH) chuckle, heard it
new newsgroup (james webb) topical, smirk, usenet
How about lighter fluid? (307) 766-3663/3668) topical, smirk, religion
Keeping up with the Jones (Mark Liversedge) smirk
Do you want the full ten gallons? (Uday Shankar) smirk
Car for sale (Michael Feinberg) chuckle, true
Hot Interfacing Tale (Bill Smith) original, chuckle, computers, puns
The First Time (eric slosser) smirk, awww
I scratch yours... (Dan Schatz) chuckle, sexual
At the beep... (Ian Barkley) original, smirk
Baah Baah Black Sheep ( chuckle, sexual
Road safety ( smirk, true
Allnighters.... (Jeremy Matthew Toeman) original, chuckle
Don't give up! (Venu Dasigi) original, smirk, metajoke
Family Stress Test (Terry Morris) original, chuckle
Man's Best Friend? (Ali Lemer) smirk, sexual, gross
Vegetable Medley (Bob Kirkpatrick) smirk, gross
Boy I Love Losing Superbowls! ( smirk
White and Black (Robert Hull) smirk, offensive, racist
The million dollar guarantee ( smirk
Love the Doe, but ... (Erik Butterworth - x51510) smirk, true
Canadian Cities ( smirk
ronald macdonald (Paul Christopher Workman) original, funny
Creationism FAQ (Richard Harter) funny, original
Level-headed Kentuckian (Heath Ian Hunnicutt) smirk, regional
Clinton's schedule (Tom Gerstel) topical, smirk, true
Corporation mindset (Leslie Rosenblood) smirk, true
Waco Digest #3 (Maddirator) topical, chuckle, offensive, religion
No, just hot air (Dave Carr) smirk, engineers
More Writer's Euphemisms for Death (James Langdell) chuckle
Philosopher's revenge (Ronald L Chrisley) smirk, science
Drivers -- some times you have to wonder (Mike Carter) smirk
Immortality (Alan R. Katz) smirk, true, original
Diamond Necklace (David Pratt) smirk, sexual, heard it
Slip de jure (Adam Beneschan) smirk, true
Subway reliability (Karl Rim) smirk, true
Jeff Dahmer escapes.... (Dean Woodward) topical, smirk, gross
Koresh & King ( topical, smirk, offensive
capital confusion (Murray Spiegel) smirk
Immaterial Girl (John Stoffel) smirk, true
Yet another Koresh one-liner (David Hansen) topical, smirk, religion
Smoking reform (honey bunny) smirk, original
Wackos, FBIncompetents, original, funny! (Andrew Thomas-cramer) topical, chuckle, original, religion
holmes & watson, sexual (Asya Kamsky) smirk, sexual, heard it
Music, maestro (Geoff Arnold @ Sun BOS - R.H. coast near the top) smirk, true
Short Abstract (Shaun Appleton) smirk, science, true
Nerds? Nah, we aren't nerds! (Lee Crocker) smirk, computers, true
Special Waco, Texas Issue, No. 2 (Maddirator) topical, chuckle, religion, sick
Fish story (Mark Baldridge) original, chuckle, sexual
The *what* of Babylon? (jeff wilder) smirk, religion, true
Quite so (Walter Alden Tackett) true, smirk
Marketing Geniuses (Ian Staples) smirk, true
Special WACO, TEXAS issue (Maddirator) topical, chuckle, sick, religion
WYSIWIG (Sarang Gupta) smirk, computers, sexual
Shallowford Vasectomy has done it again... (Dave - the - Mage) smirk, sexual
They're at it again... (Name Withheld) chuckle, computers
A proposed new bit of jargon (John Murray) original, smirk, computers
Dying moderators ( smirk, metajoke
Job Application (Kevbo) smirk, sexual
Going ice fishing ... (Frank M. Michels) smirk, gross, heard it
Suggestion box ( chuckle
Month of the Tax (Rob Knauerhase) topical, smirk
One of these things doesn't belong... (Matt Downs) smirk
He's running 5:1 (Jim Griffith) topical, smirk, politics
How do you spell Perot? (Bryan Bayerdorffer @ Wit's End) smirk, politics, original
Newsflash from the IRS (Alan Munn) topical, smirk, computers
Sit down, take a load off! (Kevin McCormick) smirk
New charges in Reginald Denny trial ( topical, smirk
Finals Scam: Revenge of the Profs. (Michael J Lutz) smirk, true
New Ice Cream Flavor (Pete Bellas) topical, smirk
Worried about your inner circle... (Cliff Elam) chuckle
Caddyshack (Mike Kain) smirk, heard it
Wedding Anniversary (Bowyer Jeff) smirk, sexual
Clean up Somalia ( smirk, offensive
I Love Lemon... Not (Michael Gordon Shapiro) chuckle, true, original
Modern Problems (J Storrs Hall) smirk
Don't send her to the park (Heath I Hunnicutt) smirk
Monkey business (Vishram Dalvi ~) smirk
What Great Service... (Jason Allen) smirk
Urban life (Tage Stabell-Kulo) smirk, true
Yes, but could you prove it to the customer service rep? (Mark Feit) smirk, sexual
Ionic humor (James G. Acker) smirk, science
joke submit (Justine Ehlers) chuckle, original
Likely Locale (David Koosis) smirk, true
ISlAmaBAD Airport? (Loyd) chuckle
Happy Sperm ( smirk, sexual
Authority on Babies (Mikemoe) chuckle, computers
I'm built like a newborn (Kevin Filan) smirk, sexual
At The Christmas Play (Jean) chuckle
Daylight Savings (Rob Knauerhase) topical, smirk
Practice what you preach (Neil McKenzie) smirk, true
Pet Shop (Nick Hall) chuckle
Sex hour (Shubhendu Sekhar Mukherjee) smirk
Faster than a speeding bullet (Noel Estabrook) chuckle
a scientific metajoke ( original, chuckle, science
No beer in Cleveland, they're out of pitchers (Michael DeAddio) topical, smirk
RockNRoll is here to stay! (John Matrow) smirk, true
The UN Peace Process (Kanad Chakraborty) smirk
Protester Satisfaction Survey (Ben Scott) smirk, original
Bananas (Arthur Keller) topical, smirk
That's mine (Rajiv Kohli) chuckle, sexual
October Fools... (Joel Polowin) topical, smirk
Congressmen versus criminals (Walter Daugherity) topical, smirk
Disneysleaze ( topical, smirk, original
Michael Jackson's new record (Andy J Taylor) topical, smirk
Overheard in a Sarajevo confessional (Brian Colfer) topical, smirk, heard it
Dear Mr. Computer Club ( topical, funny
Bipartisan budgets (Dave Bakken) topical, smirk
Oh where, oh where has my satellite gone... (Jordin Kare) topical, smirk
New Intel Slogan (Amitabh Shah) topical, smirk, original
IBM & Jurassic Park (Zane Wilson) topical, smirk
I drink alone (John Gallant) chuckle
teed off golfer (John Bolhuis) smirk, golf
Parable of the Garden ( smirk, religion
Out of the mouths of babes (Rich Friedman) chuckle, awww
Where did the experts go? (Todd Lindstrom 952-3342) smirk, true, sign
History repeats itself (David Sherman) smirk
A Day In Court... (Derry Lyons) smirk, true
No word on what happened to the batter (708) smirk, sexual, true, sports
Infinite Choices (Willis Marti) smirk, academia
Reach out and touch someone (John Worley) smirk, phones, original
One annoyed bride (MARK WUTKA) smirk, true
Radical Solution (Architect of Sleep) smirk
Politically Correct Lunch (Terry Morris) original, chuckle, true
Opens on Impact ( funny, original
midwest floods ( topical, smirk, sexual
T.V. Land (Chad D Peterson) chuckle, tv
Advice for Michael's fans (John S Lundberg) topical, smirk, sexual
Mars Observer Found (Harry Langenbacher) topical, chuckle, science
The Irish Strike Back (Bill Lawson) chuckle, bigots
True sailing story (Bruce Pennypacker) smirk, true, awww
Appruximutly Humerus (Lee Sailer) smirk, true
This year's "Arrogance in Marketting" Award... ( smirk, computers
Guy Kawaski in NYT (Don't Know)
New definition of Goodwill (Dan Davison) smirk, true
collegiate situational (Mark Baldridge) smirk, sexual, heard it
It's not bad enough that he lied to the voters . . . (Adam Beneschan) smirk, politics, heard it
Committment Defined (Palmyra Pawlik) smirk
Hill - Billy Joke (J. Lane Molpus) smirk, sex roles
Two cars leave New York.... (Scott Wood) smirk, offensive
Stranded on a desert isle.... (NNUUURRRR'C'C) smirk, sexual
Exodus, movement of the People (Walter Alden Tackett) smirk, true
From the mouths of babes. (Michael J Lutz) smirk, awww
All the queen's horses ... (T.S.Reddy) smirk, royalty
Languages (bryan ford) smirk, stereotypes, original
Vacation memories (Chris Best) original, smirk, stereotypes
Say what? (Mark Baldridge) smirk, heard it
truth in advertising (Mike Parker) smirk, true, signs
The truth shall set you free (Stephen Andrew Weinstein) smirk, heard it
miracles of modern science ( smirk, heard it
Re: Letters of "Recommendation" (Jeff Adler)
Hardware, Software, Systems Engineers (Bob Montante) original, chuckle, computers, sexual
Long Rock Blocks (Kevin Oberman) smirk, ads
A Misconceived List (Carlo Sgro) original, chuckle, sex roles
Bill Session's malady revealed (Patrick Geraghty) topical, chuckle, politics
not a smart quote (Pete Gontier) smirk, true, computers
Do tell! (Michael Glass at Fermilab) topical, smirk, politics
Tandem Layoff Humor (Kevin White) topical, chuckle, original, work
Re: request
Russian Realists ... (Piotr Filip Sawicki) topical, smirk, politics, international
one and one are ... (John Eric Fosler) smirk, math, heard it
alt.polynomials exists for people with multiple terms (Christopher Hudel) usenet, chuckle, math
like father, like son (James R Crawford) topical, smirk, politics, original
Re: Gender testing (John Romine)
Coincidence or Prophecy? (Claude W. Anderson) topical, smirk, true, original, politics
Gary Larsonian Physics (Andrew Thomas-cramer) original, usenet, chuckle
Think about the US Dollar... (Paul Davis) topical, smirk, economics
You can fool all of the people some of the time (Stef Jones) smirk, history
Shallowford Vasectomy, again (ENGEL,MORTEN ALEKSANDR) smirk, sexual
Future TV (Richard Breedon) chuckle, original
The day after pill for men... (mary claire pugh) chuckle, sexual
Ideal Man vs. Ideal Woman (Anthony Laundrie {x66591 CF/DEV}) smirk, sex roles
What an Ass! (Mark Eve) smirk, sexual
What about Freedom Rides? (Mr N R Alcock) smirk, sexual, politics
Observations (Jonathan Kaye) smirk
Fishing for surfers (Walter P. Zaehl) smirk, sports
Most quoted book (Jon E. Stroemme) original, smirk, sexual, usenet
Where's the "exit" key? (Christopher R Volpe) smirk, computers
A funny thing happend on the way to the lecture... (Roy Smith) chuckle, folklore
technical awareness and elephants ( smirk, computers
A Head for Numbers (Samuel E. Buttrey) chuckle, military, true
Guaranteed success at intersections (Barry Brown) chuckle, cars
It's all in the bait (Gary W. Flake) chuckle, sexual
War Injuries ( smirk, military, gross
Unix command 'cat' (Craig Presson) smirk, computers
Problems in Democracy, #137 (David Daye) original, smirk, politics
Burnout Prevention and Recovery (Rob Fruth) chuckle, work
The Old Man and the Whale (Andrew M Andrews) chuckle, sexual, racist
NAFTA induced changes in Mexico! (Aditya Talwar) smirk, true, culture
Reading of The Will (D. Feigelson) chuckle, language
UNIX a dictatorship? (Randy J Ray) smirk, computers, true
A Waco winner (John Lundberg) smirk, politics
Oil's well... ( chuckle, parody
The Joy of Lex (David Fuller) smirk, sexual, language
Beat it ( smirk, heard it, music
Those sounds ethereal.... (Dave Jones) smirk, religion
Soppy Humor ( topical, smirk
Not with a bang... (Dan Breslau) smirk, computers, original
Jurassic Park - only fantasy? (James R Crawford) topical, smirk, computers
A new Jack In The Box drink (David Shenk 72134,2552) topical, smirk, gross, original
How to correct a typo (Robert A. Book) smirk, true, original
Davenport, Iowa ( topical, smirk
"That's not funny, that's sick!" (Ali Lemer) smirk, offensive, sexual
I bet that'll get his attention... (S. Spencer Sun) smirk, true
New newsgroups ( original, chuckle, metahumor, usenet
Radio Call Letters (Ed Ahrenhoerster) topical, smirk, original
Your Congress at work (Ken B Kirksey) smirk, true
barney, original (Kerry Stephenson) topical, chuckle, original
Derivative humor (William R Ward) smirk, math
Phone sex (Erann Gat) smirk, sexual
2nd Honeymoon ( smirk, sexual
Types of Orgasms (Mark Osbourne) smirk, sexual
Moving COBOL into the 1980's (Christopher Small) smirk, computers
Another Fast Food Sign (Paul Debevec) smirk, economics
WACO North.... (David Lesher) smirk, politics
They both come in gold, too (Randy Bewley) smirk, sexual
Bunny moment in Czechoslovakia (David L. Elliott) smirk, true, language
Newfoundland tax evaders (The Next Lexus) smirk
Microsoft hypocracy (Ian Dickinson) smirk, computers
Armed and Dangerous (Ken Buckland) smirk, awww
50 Ways to Kill an Ensign (Joel Polowin) chuckle, original, parody
OBGYN (Gregory S. Long) smirk, sexual
How to capture audience attention (Mark Kinney, Attorney at Chaos) smirk
Happy Hour (Mark Russell) chuckle, sexual
Bad place to be? (Herbert Leong) smirk, travel
Time Sheets ( chuckle, work, computers
Why doesn't my password work? (Pete Bevin) smirk, computers
Communication departments who can't communicate (FRANK BORGER) smirk, true, phones
Boom! (Cmmd. Benjamin Cisco) topical, smirk
New unit of time (Chris Phoenix) topical, smirk
Unintentional comments on X.400 (Bill Owens) smirk, true, computers
a sign of the times? (Stan Reeves) smirk, true, politics
Jurassic Park: THE MARKETING EXTRAVAGANZA (Paul Potts) topical, chuckle, original
Warm it up yourself (Richard Berlin) original, chuckle, true
New Coke campaign (David Cox) topical, smirk
Windows NT (mark kraitchman) smirk, computers
So they used Kermit's DNA... (Danny Clark) topical, smirk, stereotypes
Airport Safety? (Chris Stanaway) smirk, true
He got the neighbors, too? (Dave O'Shea) topical, smirk, gross
Bringing MS/DOS To The 90's, Quickly (John W. Hillenbrand) smirk, computers
Fermat's second-to-last theorem... (Bryce Nesbitt) topical, smirk, math
The WHICH guide to Computing (Jonathan R. Partington) original, smirk, computers
A signature posting (Mark Towfiq) original, chuckle, usenet
letter bombing at Yale ( topical, smirk
Real Life, Real Drama (Peter Taylor - Sun Canada General Accounting Mgr. [Toronto]) smirk, true
Multiple Choice (Paul Amaranth) smirk, college
Ways to make money... (Tension makes a tangle 07-Jul-1993 1053) smirk, money
Washday hints ( topical, smirk, sexual
Microsoft Magazine (Graeme Wong See) smirk, computers
Mom and... dad? (Mike Cepek, MGI) topical, smirk, awww
RIP? (Scott Norris) chuckle, offensive
Real men don't miss a season ( topical, chuckle, sports
World standards ( chuckle, true
Re: Is there a Santa Claus? ( topical, chuckle, xmas
More object oriented nonsense (Mike D. Jones) smirk, computers
Psychiatrist's "Bah, humbug!" (David Brahm) topical, smirk, xmas
Special Michael Jackson Digest (Maddirator) topical, smirk, sexual
How to buy a boat (Colin Watters) chuckle
The Ramifications of "Computer Literary" (Barry Jaspan) topical, smirk, true, computers
why not... (Alan Silverstein) topical, chuckle, original, metahumor, xmas
church and sex (John Palmer) topical, smirk, sexual, heard it
Well, did he? (original) (Eric Vaandering) topical, smirk, sexual
Santa & System Administrators (Ron Boerger) topical, chuckle, xmas
What price freedom? ( smirk, true
Government plan to raise revenue (Bruce Pennypacker) topical, smirk, politics
He should have worn gloves (Trinity) topical, smirk, heard it, xmas
Erotica and the government (Alexander M. Davis) smirk, politics, true
Not about Lorena Bobbitt (Rachel Scherr) chuckle, sexual, awww
I love it when you do that (dtd) smirk, sexual, offensive
More truthful than intended? (Robert Inder) smirk, computers
The new presidential limousine (Bruce x85530) topical, maybe, politics
Dictionary of performance review terms. (David Pratt) chuckle, work, heard it
Michael Jackson U? (Randy J Ray) topical, smirk
Canned laughter (morning impaired) topical, chuckle, gross
Computer literacy (priceje) smirk, computers
Michael Jackson is environmentally unfriendly (Jason Zions) topical, smirk
Not again. (Ed Symanzik) topical, smirk, science
Beat it, beat it, don't you make me repeat it... (Joel A. Fine) topical, smirk, sexual
LIRR marketing gone awry (topical, tasteless, original) (Bruce McDiffett) topical, smirk
Where were you on the night of... (Kendall Helmstetter Gelner) topical, smirk
Is there a Santa Claus? (Jim Mantle) topical, chuckle, original
I Love Lorena (Maddirator) topical, smirk, sexual
Hollywood commercialism (Bruce McDiffett) topical, chuckle, offensive, original
Dangerous AND Bad! (Bob Kirkpatrick) topical, smirk, sexual
Re: What CAN they do? (Otto J. Makela) smirk, true
No discount for John Bobbitt (Sriram Padmanabhan) smirk
The Punk and the Drunk (Ronald Cole) chuckle
Cool raffle prize (Clyde Smith-Stubbs) smirk
Really old bugs (Steve Tolkin) maybe, computers
Don't leave home with it... (Bryan Cowger) topical, smirk, sexual
Taxi Driver (Colm Buckley) smirk, sexual
Where's Michael? (Patrick Kalaher) topical, chuckle, sexual, original
What a guy! (Andy Lowry) topical, smirk, sexual
This isn't rocket science (Gabe M Wiener) smirk, true
Michael Jackson (Flossy the Camel) topical, smirk
Solution... (Rick Zeman) topical, funny, sexual
definition of exam failure (Dave Snowdon) smirk, college, original
The "Good Hands" Insurance Plan (Mike Shirley) topical, chuckle, sexual
Maybe they can reattach it... (Don Geddis) topical, smirk, sexual
A cure for Barney mania (Becca Sexton) smirk, awww
Not a bad idea, though (Jeff Wolfe) topical, smirk, politics
NHL Replacement Officials (Dustin Emhart) topical, smirk, original
UNIX for the PC (Ernest Prabhakar) funny, computers, original
Sure, but does the author use it? (Judi) smirk, true, computers
No clocks in new Pittsburgh airport (Marc A. Sarrel) smirk, true
Why men snore (Rodney Mertz) smirk, offensive
International Finance (Tim Poston) original, smirk
Good reply (Matt Fichtenbaum) smirk, sexual
A slip of the tongue (Joseph Devlin) smirk, language
Guide to kissing techniques (trygve lode) chuckle, philosophy
blood transfusions (Tim Poston) topical, smirk, original
John Bobbit should have worn one (Harish Devarajan) topical, smirk, sexual, original
Why guys really clean their apartments... ( original, smirk, parents
Califonia's Arsonist found? ( topical, chuckle
No tourists on board (Walter Daugherity) topical, smirk, true
Don't eat the dirt! (John Opalko) smirk, true
Everyone has a price (Shirley) topical, smirk, true, politics
football follies ( topical, smirk, sports
Yeltsin tells the truth (Eric James Ewanco) topical, smirk
Software Metrics (Patti Beadles) original, funny
Presidential Welcome (Dan Beauvais) topical, smirk
Holidays in Arkansas (Elliotte Harold) topical, smirk
Over-enthusiastic (Jorg Bauer) smirk, true
NRA's irrefutable logic. Where is my murder vaccination? (Mark Baldridge) topical, smirk, true
EMail to the Chief (Nicholas C. Weaver) topical, chuckle, computer
Where's the Tory? ( topical
Appel Newton Fore Sail! (J.David Ruggiero) topical, smirk
Vacuous Satisfaction (Walter Daugherity) topical, smirk, computer
PC ice cream (Dan McCrackin) chuckle
US Postal Service massacres (Dick King) original, smirk
Horse humor (Roy Wells) true, smirk
Additions to Mount Rushmore (Allan Meers - Sun Education) smirk
Wasted Resources/Missed Opportunities (Mark Dionne x5551) sexual, chuckle
Computer Bowl question (Stephen E. Miner) smirk
Anecdote about Angelo (Pope John XXIII) Roncalli (Ian Chai) chuckle
PCMCIAIEIEIO (Chuck Tomasi) smirk
cars and their drivers (Bill Ezell) original, smirk
Air Clinton (Scott 'Dr. Pain' Turner) topical, smirk
The private life of Tolkien (Jonathan R. Partington) original, chuckle, literature
old age doesn't have to be bad (Murray Spiegel) chuckle, sexual, old age
Insults for the 90's (Bill Robertson) chuckle, technology
jack goes to montana (Jesse Montrose) chuckle, sexual, heard it
Automobile Testers (Glenn Reid) smirk
Someone should tell Rush (Jim Harkins) topical, smirk, politics
Zappa does the Beatles! (Andrew Thomas-Cramer) original, chuckle
Most Dangerous Woman ( topical, smirk
Look and Feel ( topical, smirk, computers, original
Rodham Anthem (Richard G. Trott Jr) chuckle, politics, parody
Three Strikes and You're Out! (Bill Garrett) topical, smirk, politics, sports
Weather brought to you by Slice ( topical, smirk, sexual
October horoscope, original (Kerry Stephenson) funny, astrology
Kerrigan Fried Chicken (The Whiz) topical, smirk
Al Gore IS funny (Bob Jewett) topical, smirk, politics
Tree Expert (Bob Luchetti) chuckle, bigots
Irish/Mexican cuisine? MacBurrito! (Pete Gontier) smirk, computers, long
New story for old punch line (Ken Olum) smirk, metahumor, original
Go vs. Chess (Wu Wen) smirk, games
Conspiracy by Electric Company (Bob Luchetti) chuckle, heard it
You Can Sell Anything If You Advertise It Right (Anthony DeBoer) smirk, ads
Avoiding a radar trap (Bruce Pennypacker) smirk, police
Strange signs ( smirk, signs
A DAY IN THE OFFICE (Peter Boothby - Sun Melbourne SE) chuckle, awww
Original Nasal Anatomy Lesson (Colin Wilson) smirk, awww
Exposure (Perry McDowell) smirk, sexual
What's in a name? (Sam Nelson) smirk, heard it
Another true sailing story (Jeremy Elson) smirk, true
The butcher and the dog (Nigel M Burnett) smirk
Looking for old tests (Walter Daugherity) original, smirk, academia, true
actors, actresses, actrons, and . . . (Paul S R Chisholm) original, smirk, computers
A very bad sign (Daniel Barrett) smirk, signs, true
The IRS's contribution to the War on Drugs (Lauren Wiener) smirk, true, taxes
The "brightness" knob still doesn't work (Jack Morrison) original, smirk, tv
Assimilating the culture ( smirk, awww
Virtual Reality Fashion Problems (~Vireday) smirk, sex stereotypes, computers
Re-inventing Gov't (Terry Morris) chuckle, computers, politics
And I thought UCD was in Davis... (Jeff Shepherd) topical, smirk, signs
Tonya Harding Center for Opponent Neutralization (John S. Jacob) topical, funny, sports
Weight loss & make-up? (Sven Dietrich) smirk, products
Will John Bobbitt never learn? (Rich Holmes) topical, smirk
the Olympic spirit (Robert N. Winters) topical, smirk, olympics
Roadside snack (Larry Meadows) smirk, signs
Airline Slogans (John Harvie) original, smirk, ads
Time and Tides (Marc Auslander) smirk, true
Another amusing sign (Michael G. Katzmann) smirk, signs
grad student's checklist ( chuckle, academia, computers
This is FUN? (Bill Blum) smirk, signs
Teaching your Automatic teller who's boss... (Simon Hackett) smirk, computers, original
Useful signs (RRB Moderator) smirk, signs
Gravol (Paul Tomblin) smirk, warnings, true
RICH WOMAN ( smirk, sexual
Snow Job (Crispin Cowan) topical, smirk, olympics
Improving the User Interface ( chuckle, computers
Recent spate of granny-aged mommies in UK (Jacob Salomon) topical, smirk, old age
The Top Ten Reasons Not to Marry Ariel (Dean) smirk, movies, original
Kerrigan Assault -- Plan B (James G. Acker) topical, smirk, Olympics
Anti Valentine's Day Party results (Edwin Hoogerbeets) topical, smirk, sexual
Huh? (Willam J. Blackert III) smirk, computers
Windows marketing (Herb Peyerl) smirk, computers
Same to you, ma! (Marc Cooper) smirk, awww
Change notice -- Planck's constant upgraded (Daniel F Boyd) smirk, science, original
University Reorganization ( smirk, academia
Aggie employee (Thomas Hyer) original, smirk, stereotypes
Mom Must Be a Nurse (Miles Abernathy) chuckle, awww
I'm in the Army... (Allan R Hise) smirk, military
The Serbs are just scapegoats (Roy Johnson) topical, smirk, corporations
New earthquake fun for college kids! (Jim Sabo) topical, chuckle
President Hillary (David Daye) original, smirk, politics
Original, song parody, Clinton (Kevin THEOBALD) topical, chuckle, politics
Lorena Bobbit/Michael Jackson (William J Pirkl) topical, smirk, sexual
Job description (Vijay Madisetti) smirk, ads
Buffalo Bills freeze again (Roderick Hartley) topical, smirk
Try some Tylenol (Bad Scooter Searching For hHis Groove) smirk, racist
Stick Figures (Christopher Barkley) topical, chuckle, sexual
How did she know? (Brian Safford) smirk, sexual
Beats a scotch and soda. (Steven Abrams) topical, smirk
MAKE.TENURE.FAST (David DeMers) topical, chuckle, academia, parody
Render Unto Caesar... ( smirk, religion
Jargontalk (Henry O. Farad) smirk, computers, poetry
Buffalo Hunters (Chris Wood) smirk, science
Re: Need guinea pigs (Morris Jones) smirk, teaching
Memory trouble (Ann Summers) chuckle
148 Thesis Donts (Peter Alan Dutton) chuckle, academia
more toilet humor (Ervan Darnell) original, smirk, sex stereotypes
Only two drinks tonight (Joshua Mittleman) chuckle, heard it
Ice Skate 'Action' Figure (Dan Miley) topical, smirk
Prince of Wales (John Nixon) topical, smirk, irony
Signs In San Jose (Teach-A-Rooty) smirk, true
Michael Jackson out-of-court settlement (Tony McAlinden) topical, smirk, sexual
A NEW Bobbitt! (John Williams) topical, smirk, sexual
Power PC Users (Robert John Butera) smirk, computers
Tonya Harding, a hockey fan's perspective... (Jeremy Anderson) topical, chuckle
What's for lunch? (mark kraitchman) topical, chuckle, disgusting
High quality dog ( maybe
Perseids Meteor Shower report (Steve Sears) original, smirk, long
Baby Polar Bear (Jim Bob Howard) smirk, awww
Voted "Most likely to lose his job" (Matthew Merzbacher) topical, smirk
L.A. Earthquake (Andrew Disseldorp) topical, chuckle
This is advertising? (Alan S. Mazer) smirk, computers, ads
The end is near (Stef Jones) topical, smirk
California's problems (Alain van der Heide) topical, smirk, original
The Problem with HAL (Stef Jones) chuckle, computers
Cold & Government (William E Williams) topical, smirk, government
LA Disasters (Jonathan Katz) topical, smirk, computers
Pesky Solicitors (Jeffrey David Brown) smirk
The Digital age (Ronny Kohavi) topical, smirk, computers
Lorena Bobbit Trial--Special Edition (Maddirator) topical, smirk, sexual
Chinese Mice (Jinghong Li) smirk, politics
Los angeles Earthquake Conspiracy (dr. carasso) topical, smirk
Don't drink the water. (Ed Symanzik) topical, smirk
Irish gas station (Gavin Peters) funny, politics
Happy Birthday, Dr. King! (Mark C Spaeth) topical, smirk, true
Wilson Announces Anti-Quake Bill (Michael Stone) topical, chuckle
confused message (D. V. Henkel-Wallace) smirk, true
Apple Project Names (David Horvath) topical, smirk, computers
Special Nancy Kerrigan issue (Maddirator) topical, chuckle
Why professors are the smart ones (Bruce Pennypacker) smirk, academia, true
most people have a preference (Paul S R Chisholm) chuckle, sexual
Expert Palm Reader: Your future is in YOUR hands! (Sharan Kalwani) original, smirk, sexual
Hey, now the trains are on time! (Derek LeLash) smirk
A survey about LD relationships (Francisco X DeJesus) funny, sexual, religion
Just following orders (Howard Gayle) original, smirk, true
Plutonium (Carlo Graziani) topical, smirk
medicine, doctors, billing, grin (roger firestone) original, smirk, doctors
L'Eggs Changes Advertising (Craig Burley) topical, smirk, ads
Guns 'n Bombs (Don Wiggins) smirk
means of support (Hal Mueller) smirk, sexual, heard it
Christmas Confusion ( topical, chuckle, awww, religion
Medical breadkthrough (Jonathan R. Partington) topical, chuckle
manners (ROY TRUMBULL) smirk, sexual, heard it
Michael Jackson, encore! (Maddirator) topical, smirk
But do they get any free stamps, or is Jimmy Hoffa coming, too? (David Lesher) topical, smirk
I nuked my buddy at lunch today... (Anonymous By Request) smirk
New Publishing Trends (Alex Chun) original, smirk, computers
New series on Fox ( original, smirk, engineers
TV MID SEASON (ROY TRUMBULL) topical, smirk, original
Birds, Bees, and Mailmen (Matthew Sowder) chuckle, sexual
Joke No-No's (Tom Frauenhofer) smirk, metahumor
The following is an unpaid commercial announcement (Pete Gontier) original, chuckle, disease
OJ Simpson Digest #3 (Maddirator) topical, smirk
Altar Girls? (Clark Davis Adams) topical, smirk, sexual
A Better Mousetrap (Mark Alan Erickson) smirk, computers
Ticket to Jeopardy (Anand Venkata Raman) smirk, economy
Picabu! (Steve Magee) smirk, awww
Why Babies Need So Many Clothes (Tom Cross) chuckle, awww
The LAST Flood of '93 joke (Steve Magee) smirk
Top Ten Reasons for Studying Martial Arts (Daniel Abramovitch) chuckle, original
The literate Irishman (Jon Berger) smirk, accents
Re: World standards (Jonathan B. Horen) topical, smirk
Michael tries for Eagle (Matthew J. Bailey) smirk, sexual
O.J. Simpson Digest #2 (Maddirator) topical, smirk
talking about sailboats... (Tom Weaver) smirk, sexual
Special O.J. Simpson Issue (Maddirator) topical, chuckle
Lawyer Rings True (Brian McMinn) smirk, religion, original
Re: RSA license stuff. (for r.h.funny) (Andrew Brennan, LRC Manager) topical, chuckle, usenet
Office Courtesy Story (Christopher J Milner) smirk, signs
TOP 20 ENGINEERS' TERMINOLOGIES (Diagnostics and Self Test Calibration Section) smirk, engineering
Vegas Rules ( chuckle, true, original
Technology of! (Wonko the Sane) smirk, computers, true
CBs in the 90s (Rocky Craig) original, smirk, computers
Close Encounters of the Weird Kind ( smirk, sexual
old fisherman-psychologist story (bdragoin@UGA) smirk, sexual, true
Fish and Chip Shops (The Weird One) original, smirk, stereotypes
Cerebral oxygenation and men (Bob Luchetti) smirk, sexual
airport ticket agent terminology (Nick Beeson) chuckle
Priorities change as you get older... ( smirk, heard it
Bring your coffee (David William Etherington) smirk
Carnac the Magnificent (Lauren Bricker) smirk, sexual, heard it
DEC has not lost its timing, despite industry reports to the contary. (Lee D. Rothstein) topical, smirk, computer
Haitian Infield Embargo ( topical, smirk
Collector's Item? (Walter Daugherity) topical, smirk
Hooters (Dennis M. Reichhold) smirk, sexual
Dan Rostenkowski indictment (Jim Bertram) topical, smirk, original
Original - D-Day Anniversary (David Chesler) topical, smirk
The Garden (?) State (Dawn Myfanwy Cohen) smirk
Recursive References (Ben Caradoc-Davies) smirk, computers, true
The last cigarette (Matt Fichtenbaum) smirk, computers, original
Sweet Talk (Jason Gray) smirk, stereotypes
She must have been a librarian (Keith Peterson) smirk, true
Ice Cream Parlor Emasculation (Lawrence Curcio) chuckle, sexual, true
Barney == Satan (Brian Kendig) smirk, tv
What do they recommend? (Edwin Hoogerbeets) original, smirk, grammar
A flood of praise... (Daniel Mittleman) smirk, academia
Unbiased journalism (Clay R. Zambo) smirk
An Obscene Phone Callers Worst Nightmare! (Tracy Schuhwerk) original, smirk, true
Geek Speak! (Susan Loggiodice) smirk, computers
A vivid image (Walt Crittenden) smirk
girls and electricity (Robert Snyder) smirk, stereotypes
Hacker Dating Tips (Don Gratton) chuckle, computers
Speech Recoginition is a Good Thing (Brad R. Wetmore) smirk, computers
Denver airport (GARY) topical, smirk
Rampant Comedy in the Streets (Steve Trimberger) topical, smirk
Oh Thank Heaven for 7-Eleven (Sarah Durston Johnson) smirk, stereotypes
Winter Jokes. (Brad R. Wetmore) topical, smirk
It's Dan Quayle, Eager to Please (Rob Fulwell) topical, true, smirk
Life is fragile (Steve Zimmerman) smirk, language
Michael Fay caning (J S Greenfield) topical, smirk, pun
What if Earth First! handicapped the NFL? (Chris Carter) funny, original
Timothy Leary ( topical, smirk, true
Vacationing in Italy ( topical, chuckle
All we like sheep (William McClatchie) smirk, sexual
bobbitt hillbillies.. (Randy Wigginton) topical, smirk
Personal computing at _Scientific American_ (trygve lode) smirk, computers
Hillary's KFC Bucket (Carl R. Knecht) smirk, politics
Rob's Life (Rob Earhart) original, chuckle, college
IT ALL DEPENDS (Brian Powell Geeting) original, chuckle, old age
Motorola, Intel and a World Class IDIOT (I. Nandhra x 4567) chuckle, computers, management, long
THE TOP FIFTEEN RIDICULOUSLY LONG BIBLICAL NAMES (Stephan Zielinski) original, funny, religion, language
I can't help you, I'm in TQM (Chuck G.) smirk
whom don't you believe (Frank E. Ritter) smirk, weather, original
the truth about Smokey the Bear (David J Lanznar) smirk
11-year-old murderers sentenced ( chuckle, original
Each one with its own stamp? (David Lesher) smirk, computers
Compiler support call (Andrew Beattie) original, smirk, computers
soon there'll be a vacancy for a headline writer--or a president (Alexander Pruss) topical, smirk, news
cajun humor (Merle Grall) chuckle
#include (Ross Clement) topical, original, smirk
Some people just can't erase those memories of Watergate... (Daniel Mittleman) topical, smirk
pass rejection (Bob Gibson) smirk, dating
A hole in 1,000,000??? (David J. Pepper) topical, smirk, original
...And we'll send the bill to you! (And then comes the Duck!) smirk, signs
Nixon (Nick Rothwell) topical, smirk
Job Description (Gregory N. Bond) smirk, sexual
Nixon one-liner.... (Dustin Emhart) topical, smirk
Take Off, Eh? (Bud Greasley) smirk, ads, original
Rock on... (P.J. Geraghty) topical, smirk, gross
A financial aid ad (Matthew A Lecher) smirk, college
Nixon's Day of Mourning (Tom Comeau @ Space Telescope Science Institute) topical, smirk
Tricky Dick (alan inkster) topical, smirk
And he likes to walk in the street (Jeff Johnson) smirk, driving
Richard Nixon (Trevor Johnson) topical, smirk
These joint ventures stink (Alastair France) topical, smirk, gross, original
New life in an old cliche (Jonathan R. Partington) original, smirk, sexual, computers
New Food Labeling Requirements (B. Z. Lederman) smirk, true, original
New technology in phone solicitation (Ian Chai) original, smirk, true, phones
White House run by Foreign Agents! (Steve Forrette) smirk, computers
I didn't know I could do that! (Dave Dodson) smirk, law
I have no mouth and I must scream (Mark Chartrand) chuckle, true
Mystery Gift (Jason Gray) smirk, heard it
Bill Clinton Doll (Geoffrey Kidd) smirk, original
What that degree will get you... (Ken B Kirksey) smirk, true, academia
Good Help is hard to find...... (David Lesher) smirk, heard it
You will ... (Frederick Wheeler) chuckle, parody, original
Alternative to "Take Your Daughter To Work Day" (George Feil) topical, smirk
Lesbian Interior Decoration (David Wee) smirk, sexual, offensive
TQM in Action ( original, chuckle, true
Religion according to K&R ( original, smirk
FOOTOS -- A Guide to Modern Operating Systems (Jeremy Elson) chuckle, computers, original
Working Smarter (Alan Miller) smirk, marketing
A little pocket of oppression. (Miles Johnson) chuckle, sex stereotypes, original
Be patient, your post will not appear immediately! (Jim Sabo) smirk, computers
News at 11 (Steve Groom) smirk, news
How to Address a Politically Correct Business Letter (Andrew Berman) original, chuckle, stereotypes
say the right thing (Zhong) smirk
Safety First (Vijay Tulsiani) smirk, computers
Blank Page ( smirk, computers
Baseball openers -- Ceremonial pitches explained (Kevin P. Martin) topical, smirk
John Bobbit is Engaged (Susan Hamson) topical, smirk
Truth in Advertising (Peter Lombrozo) smirk, true, original
Problem Solving Flowchart (Harry Salvini) chuckle, heard it
Math Exam (Anonymous Submission) chuckle, racist, offensive
Top 10 (Thomas Beshere) smirk, original
Heard in a movie theater.... (Elliot Smorodinsky) smirk, awww
Computer Scientists (L.J. Wischik) smirk, comptuers
But I *do* write software... (Steven King, Software Archaeologist) funny, books, computers
MAKE MONEY FAST! ( chuckle, chain letters
Jesus in the bar ( chuckle, religion, slackers
Walter Payton murders three people ! ( topical, smirk, sports
Top ten reasons to become a woman (Clayton Brooks) original, chuckle, gender roles
It's pretty sick (Dawn Cohen) topical, smirk, politics
Campaign Slogan for DC Mayor's Race (Guest ID) topical, smirk, politics
A Voice from Above (Chris E. Becht) smirk, religion
Mr. Clinton, white courtesy phone (Jeri Steele) topical, chuckle, aviation
presidential assignments (The Rt. Rev. Wor. Dr. Y. Foo, FRC) topical, smirk, sexual, heard it
And there's a blue light special in Aisle 12 . . . (Sunita Kumari Bhatia) topical, smirk, mergers, original
Better than Neiman-Marcus Cookies ( chuckle, astronomy, urban legends
Lockheed - Martin Marietta - Air Force Merger ( topical, chuckle, military
Just don't inhale...... (David Lesher) topical, smirk
MAKE MONEY FAST!!! (Lee Sailer) smirk, computers, original
Welcome back to school! (Bruce Pennypacker) topical, smirk, true
New USAir Route (Robert Cradock) topical, smirk, aviation
Advice for a better marriage (Donald E. Carver) smirk, marriage
good negotiators can negotiate ANYTHING (Susan Fuhs) topical, smirk, sports
Funny, but real, chain letter (Othar Hansson) topical, smirk
Beware of dating musicians! (Brent -Mac- McNamee) smirk, musicians
The Virginia Senate Race (Chr_st_n_ _uror_) topical, chuckle, politics, original
Close, but no cigar. (Stacy W Slagle) topical, smirk, aviation, politics
Dead men don't wear... (Victoria Barclay) smirk, clothes
The delegates stampeded... (Carlo Graziani) topical, smirk, celebrities, original
Bobbit: no such file (Daniel Abramovitch) topical, smirk, computers, sexual, original
Perverse Computing (Alan R Meiss) original, chuckle, computers
for the man who has everything... (Unidentified Submitter) topical, smirk, celebrities
hi-tech road kill (Stefan Chakerian) topical, maybe, computers, original
Perverse Guide to Jobhunting (Alan R Meiss) original, chuckle, original, employment
Ahoy, Fidel! (m0165@tnc.UUCP) topical, smirk, original
Faithful to the end (Kurtis Araki) chuckle, gross
Everything else is... (Scott Cooper) topical, smirk, television
First Death Experience (Robert Copps) life, awww
Big fish eats little fish (Jaime Villacorte) topical, smirk, military, original
USAir Begins with U (Walter Daugherity) topical, smirk, aviation, original
Murphy's Law Proven (Scott Davies) original, chuckle, physics
How to attract voters... (Andy Pearlman) topical, smirk, politics
Computer-illiterate stenographer on drugs (Mark Delany) smirk, computers
Don't! Stop! (Mark Hartman) smirk, signs
speed traps (Camellia Koleyni) smirk, autos
Last exit (Jeff Milton) smirk, sign
Future Pulitzer Winner (Tod Weitzel)
Re: Where can I buy a marine (Robert Hanners) chuckle, nautical
The infinite lives of Shrodingers cat (Sam Jam) chuckle, physics
Perfect mates (Robert Lewis Glendenning) smirk, sexual
Inadvertent (?) juxtaposition. (Wayne Hathaway) smirk, classes
Your Highway Dollars At Work (Brian H. Safford) chuckle, government
reverse chain letter (Jeffrey Jonas) smirk, computers
Fish Story (Jon Phillips) smirk
Corporate lawyers ( smirk, lawyers, language, original
Next time ask for a jellyfish ( chuckle, awww
So when are you gonna graduate? (Ian Chai) original, smirk, politics
Buses and No-Smoking Regulations (Stephen Andrew Weinstein) original, smirk, true
The Ultimate Putdown (Martin Kaplan) smirk, insults
Another strange sign (Steven Correll) smirk, signs
John Elway and Nicole Brown Simpson (M. Watnik) topical, smirk, celebrities
Is it that time already? (Paul Picot) smirk, religion
Your Congresscritter on the Information Highway (Thomas B. Cox) chuckle, government, computers
Ford Press Release ( topical, smirk, celebrities
Brrr! (Duncan Chesley) smirk, computers, original
Can't we all just get along? (Jeffrey David Brown) topical, chuckle, celebrities
New Clipper Chip Application (Lance A. Brown) topical, smirk, computers, sexual
Behind You (Roy S. Rapoport) chuckle, seminars
Blue with Green equals..... (David Lesher) topical, smirk, internet, news
Hey, Rocky! (Jeffrey A. Wolfe) topical, smirk, politics
Wife vs. Email (Sweet n Sour Pope) smirk, computers
Baby Presley-Jackson (Dylan Rhodes) topical, smirk, celebrities
Now that the OJ trial is really getting going good.... (Susan Fuhs) topical, chuckle, celebrities
ride 'em, cowboy! (Steven Swinkels) chuckle, awww, sexual
Guess he's a little anxious... (Andrew 'Red' Wenzel) chuckle, sexual
Why the Internet is Like... ( original, chuckle, computers, sexual
New way to get AIDS? ( smirk, gross
Microsoft Quality (Brad Heaton) smirk, computers
Getting Older... (Jay Hipps) topical, smirk
Lead Counsel is Anita Bryant (Dan Beauvais) topical, smirk
Let's make this perfectly clear... (Doug Peters) smirk, signs
curly queues (Cave Newt) topical, smirk, metahumor
The Clinton Crime Bill (Dave Landis) topical, smirk, politics, original
More favorite signs (Zachary Paul Demko) original, smirk, signs
But otherwise, they could be sisters (Craig D Kauffman) topical, smirk, celebrities
Neither is endorsed by Rodney King (Jason K. Schechner) topical, smirk
We want you to bring us... A DRAPERY! (Edwin Hoogerbeets) original, chuckle, home
Why can't Johnny read (a map)? (Ren Tescher) original, smirk, geography
Good Evening, this are the news (Alex Lopez-Ortiz) original, smirk, TV
Flintstone Vitamin Controversy (Rob Kubik) original, smirk, products
The Information Superhighway (Chris Green) smirk, computers
How weather forecasters deal with dreary forecasts (Edwin Hoogerbeets) smirk, weather
Unix Tools for Brits Only (Julian Birch) smirk, language
The truth about Washington, D.C. (Bill Campbell) smirk, government
Software delivery room? (Larry Cynkin) smirk, awww, original
Unwedded bliss (Patrick Campbell-Preston) smirk, marriage
Martina Navratilova (Maddi Hausmann Sojourner) chuckle, offensive
Inertial Guidance System for dummies!!! (Morteza Ansari) chuckle, aerospace
Wedding Vows (Benjamin Hitz) topical, smirk, sexual, celebrities, original
Incredible advances in RAM size reduction! (Steven Ashton Walton) smirk, computers, work
Sailing class (Imagination of your figment) smirk, heard it, sexual
Eureka! (Ronnen Levinson) smirk, signs
Doing "the wave" for Brad (nostalgia) ( original, chuckle, metahumor
Denny's promotion (Thomas Bromley) smirk, bigots
Did She Have Her Father's Permission? (Dan Delany) topical, smirk, celebrities
the bobbitt bible (Aimee E. Lorts)
Mennonite Mania ( smirk, stereotypes
Alaskan Men (Carlos-) original, smirk, stereotypes
Rush Limbaugh (Paul Sleven) smirk
Noah At High Speed (ROY TRUMBULL) smirk, radio
O.J. Simpson & the Flat Earth Society conspiracy (Dale M. Skiba) topical, smirk
Discount Dykes! (Daniel Park) original, smirk, stereotypes
Mistresses, half off ( chuckle, heard it
news from Mars (Sara Blatt) topical, chuckle, stereotypes
Global Bus Error: Jesus coming parody (Zhahai Stewart) funny, computers
Nose of God (Conor McMenamin) topical, smirk, sports, original
Special OJ Simpson Digest #5 (Maddirator) topical, smirk
Guidelines for Submissions -- Once-Only Re-Posting (Sam Nelson) chuckle, original, parody
Don King in court (Hitoshi Sano) topical, smirk, original, celebrities
Pick-up line for the 90's (mark ashley) smirk, sexual
Palms (Richard Muise) smirk, academia
Quality processes (Andy McFadden) smirk, office
College names (Stephen Andrew Weinstein) original, smirk, computers, college
True Bravery (Kevin Anthony Scaldeferri) military, chuckle, heard it
Fixing Some Bugs on a Sunday Evening (David A Lyons) chuckle, computers, original
But what about our relationship? (Bob Gibson) smirk, sexual
A new blond joke, really! (
As Canadian As ... (Allan Pratt) smirk, nationalities
Escargot saves the day! (Margaret M. Hall) smirk
Oh, I'll get used to it (Edward T Spire) smirk, gross
Philosophical insight ( chuckle, language
They shoot joke-thieves, don't they? (Mark Pennington) smirk, pun
OJ Simpson Digest #4 (Maddirator) topical, smirk
Soccer penalties (Lael Tucker) topical, chuckle, original
Dating Quiz (Bart Schorsch) chuckle, relationships
Famous Sports Bloopers/Chokes Could Have Been Worse (Craig Burley) topical, smirk
As you wish (Ed Symanzik) topical, smirk, politics
Sign of the times (doritozilla) smirk, computers
3000 strokes, you're out! (Bill Bulko) smirk, sexual, original
Michael Jackson to Emergency Room ( smirk, sexual
You've earned them! ( smirk, sexual, religion
Making tourists feel at ease (Geoff Allen) smirk
A true story (Gail Flowers) smirk, sexual, awww
Barney's Hidden Agenda? (Graphics Group) original, smirk, sexual
Absolute Zero of Giftation? (Tom White) smirk, original, pets
Top-10 reasons to build Babylon 5 (Parag Patel) smirk, tv, original
Ode to Barney (Bill Alexander) smirk, television, parody
Pearly Gates for Married Men (Joseph Rohde) smirk, stereotypes, gender
TANSTAAFL redux (Dark Phoenix) smirk, grammar, signs
political target ( smirk, politics, original
I'm scared to see the ones that aren't (Robert L. McMillin) smirk, bureaucracy
Please, Mr. Postman... (Denise C. Bradshaw) chuckle, government
Flexible Job Applicant ( smirk, jobs, sexual
Too Old to Rock and Roll (Lynn Gold) smirk, music, true
Standard Bonehead Reply Form (Eric James Ewanco) chuckle, computers
What ever happend to IBM? ( original, chuckle, computers, standards
System Management Products (Ron Christian x5545) original, chuckle, computers
I FOUND JESUS! (W. Douglas West) smirk, religion, offensive
Fraud and schemes on the internet... (Augie Kuo) smirk, usenet, scams
Can I afford to save that much! (Susan Fuhs) smirk, bargains, true
Anything for You ( chuckle, relationships
Microsoft Keyboard (Bruce Pennypacker) smirk, computers
One of those has caused enough trouble (Evan McLain) topical, smirk, politics, typoes
what to do when the end is near... (Nathan Fisher) smirk, gross, sexual
The Bug Came Back (Joel Polowin) topical, original, computers, smirk, parody
Kids and Politics (Rick Goldstein) topical, smirk, politics
Major Burns, again (Peter Zuccolotto) smirk, gross
Better than "Intel Inside" (James Do) topical, smirk, computers
Foetal point math (David Wittenberg) topical, smirk, computers, politics
The Pilgrims (Alex Demyanov) smirk, holidays
Now it's Confirmed ( topical, smirk, geography
Bama Boffin' (Andrew Groth) smirk, sexual, offensive
Yet another Washington scandal (Julian Vrieslander) topical, chuckle, original, government
Game with the Warden (Steven Schoenberg) smirk, gross, hunting
Chess nuts ( topical, smirk, computers, games
Invest with Orange County now! (Gary Koerzendorfer) topical, smirk, government, original
It's dark in here... (Rus Ambler) chuckle, sexual, heard it
Gates strikes again! (Dan Zerkle) topical, chuckle, religion, computers
Increase your budget with chain-letter viruses (Tony Nardo) topical, chuckle, internet, meta-humor, original
Mail order privacy (Mark Nutter, Apple Support) smirk, mail
Atom Bomb Stamp Cancelled Digest (Maddirator) topical, smirk, government
Intel Pentium Digest #2 (Maddirator) topical, chuckle, computers
Green Card Lottery- Final One? (Daniel F Boyd) chuckle, original, parody, usenet
Jeffrey Dahmer Post-Mortem #1 (Maddirator) topical, smirk, gross
Michael Jackson in the news again! (Shirley Squirrelly) smirk, celebraties
top ten favorite mousepads (Adam Sah) topical, chuckle, computers
Clinton's Bills (Benjamin Wang) smirk, politics, law
Of Microsoft and Manholes (Matt Kennel) chuckle, original, computers
Off with his leg! (Brian de Alwis) topical, smirk, politics, gross
GATT (Brent E. Boyko) topical, smirk, politics
Freudian Slip (Thomas A. Deininger) smirk, medical, true
3 Nuns and an anonymous donation (Richard Rognlie) smirk, religion
A Kodak moment (Tom Frenkel) smirk, true
How about rubber cigarettes? ( smirk, PC
Maybe the theory was right... (Michael Wynblatt) topical, smirk, science, computers, original
Red, Raw Meat! (Dave Fuess) chuckle, lunch
Q&A: THE PENTIUM FDIV BUG (Michael Reed) topical, chuckle, computers
Boy I Love Losing Superbowls (Evan Marcus [JP Morgan Consultant]) topical, smirk, celebrities, original
People in glass houses ... (Tim McDaniel) smirk, true
Like Father, Like Son ( topical, smirk, gross, original
The Intel Way (George Herbert) topical, smirk, computers, sexual
Permission to initial, sir? (Terri Watson) chuckle, military
Misinformation Superhighway (Vance Gloster) smirk, internet
If only the IRS were run like Microsoft (Michael Glass at Fermilab) chuckle, taxes, bureaucracy
The proverbial desert island (A. B. Bonds) smirk, sexual, gender roles
Well, *you* voted for 'em... (J Storrs Hall) smirk, testing
So What's on Your PowerBook? (Warren Jokinen) original, smirk, computers, parody
well, that's one way to come out... (MICHAEL A PHIPPS) funny, parents, sexual
Why do I feel I am nothing without... (Justin Wondga) smirk, stereotypes
Prediction methods for MTBF (Stalker, Edward, Capt AFLMA) smirk
GM names Bausch & Lomb exec as new marketing chief (David E Aman) topical, smirk, ads, original
It's not just a good idea... (Jon Berger) smirk, true, government
Immigration Crisis and the '94 election (Don Dodson) topical, smirk, politics
Union, S.C. (Glen Stump) topical, smirk, gross, original
Out of the mind of babes... (Lael Tucker) original, smirk, kids
Cooking lessons (Raymond C. Minich grad) smirk, cooking
To bake the chicken (0x0E2 UNIX The saga Never Ends) smirk, stereotypes
Clinton's Popularity (Hal Lillywhite) topical, smirk, politics
Brave New World - Political Division ( topical, funny, election, computers
O.J. Simpson Digest topical, smirk
no, bad teeth (Martin Soques) topical, chuckle
Mispellers [sic] of the world, unite! (Walter Daugherity) topical, true, chuckle
how to really "make money fast" (Jeff Carroll) topical, chuckle
Nixon is no more.. (Tom Head) topical, chuckle
Tourism, Florida and sick humor (Joel Andrew Huddleston) topical, chuckle, original
It figures (Jim Griffith) topical, chuckle
multi-use parts (Murali Hariharan) chuckle, machines
Cuba's new national anthem (Peter Janssen Creath) topical, smirk
Top Ten list, Microsoft and Intuit Merger (Barlow, John) topical, chuckle, computers
AOL's cutting edge customer service (Jim Griffith) topical, smirk, computers
Top 10 Usenet news groups that don't exist (yet) (Warren Jokinen) topical, chuckle, original
Paper training? (M. J. Saltzman) smirk, animals
Here comes the bride (David Emery) smirk, weddings
Come-on Put-down (Robert M. Farrington) smirk, putdowns, true
Even best friends won't tell you (University of New Haven Site Guest Acct) chuckle, heard it
Personal Ad of the Week winner (Name Withheld) smirk, ads
Next, on Donahue (Susan Hamson) smirk, sexual
I never thought I'd be doing this... (angela allen) original, smirk, computers
I don't think that's quite what they meant... (Paul Hoefling) smirk, signs
drunken drivers beware! (Joyce Owen) smirk, police
Top 10 reasons to buy a bigger PC (Christian Scarborough) chuckle, computers, original
couple of cajuns in a boat (Tim Schmelter) chuckle, boating, cajun
Moses in our time (Marshall Kragen) smirk, religion, awww
Full faith and credit (Howard Gayle) topical, chuckle, economics
Reason for The Lion King delay in the UK (Jonathan Nicholson) topical, smirk, movies
The Gang's All Here ( smirk, gang paranoia
Differences between the 3 branches of Judaism (Ronnie B. Kon) chuckle, heard it, religion
Too much time online... ( smirk, computers
These joint ventures stink (Chuck Narad) smirk, autos
What's up, doc? (Mark Ogilvie) chuckle, academia
Easter Service (MARK GEALY) original, smirk, religion, physics
Bureau of Left and Right Hands ( smirk, tests
QVC vs Windows (dr. carasso) topical, chuckle, computers
Politicaly INcorrect Sexual Humour (0x0E2 UNIX The saga Never Ends) smirk, offensive
Quote of the Year ( chuckle, computers
A parking space too far... (Ross Oliver) smirk, excercise
Madonna moving up in the world ( smirk, computers
Now you stop that! ( smirk, sexual
Wall Street Wisdom ( smirk, rumors, finance
A fresh start for Haiti (Michael Gold) topical, smirk, celebrities, original
Our worst nightmare (Burl C. Tanner) smirk, computers, employment
One Screwup After Another (Greg Trotter) topical, smirk, polls
And you thought Quayle was bad (MLH Bonham) topical, smirk, news
How to not get hired (Marcos H. Woehrmann) smirk, employment
Emailing a Portrait (Michael Malone) laugh, computers
Parrot/Canary joke (Michael Hogan) smirk, gross, heard it
Suicide Art (Noel Estabrook) topical, smirk, celebrities
News Flash: C&S to publish book (Brad Templeton) topical, funny, usenet
Dr. Seuss Goes Hunting ( smirk, parody
If cars were *really* like computers (David Hull) topical, chuckle,original, computers
Sporting Goods Sale! (Lee Daniel Crocker) topical, smirk, sports
Nun shall pass (Martyn Amos) chuckle, religion, sexual
OJ jurors (Paul Wyles) topical, smirk, celebrities, original
Latin 90 (David Rabson) original, smirk, computers
Rules of Thumb for the Clueless (Scott Davies) original, chuckle
burning sensation... ( smirk, sexual
What a faaaaaabulous lamp! (Robin Simons) smirk, offensive
Transcripts from the General Motors help line (Michael Edward Chastain) original, chuckle, computers
Generations compared (Rick Richard) chuckle, original
Poor Jennifer & Ted (Erik Butterworth) smirk, language
What a party! (Neil Gall) smirk
Three Men in a Boat (Frederick J. Boyles) smirk, boating, gross
Re: Cat owners will agree... (Ian Barkley-Yeung) topical, chuckle, animals, kids
The Theory of Everything (John Atkinson) original, smirk, physics
Stay-at-home dads (Sonia Mayrath) smirk, kids
Linguistic balance (Chief Anarchic Officer) chuckle, language
What would the Reconstructionists do? (Scott Saftler) smirk, religion
50 Ways To Perplex In The Computer Lab (Eric A. Seiden) funny, computers
Realists vs Idealists (Leonard D. Woren) smirk, sports, philosophy
Government belt tightening (Paul Rensing) smirk, science
Joke stolen from Ian Greenhalgh's SIG (Chris Marble) smirk, sexual
You too can be a derivatives expert (Michael Jennings) topical, smirk, banking
RIP Barings (Gregory Bond) topical, chuckle, banking, politics
Empty Ritual (Jim Davis) smirk, religion
What a tough life (Daniel Barrett) topical, chuckle, internet
Matchbox up the nose ( smirk, kids
Air Jordan changing direction (Tom Comeau @ Space Telescope Science Institute) topical, smirk, sports, original
English Broken Here ( mirk
Land of the Free? (Peter J. Scott) topical, smirk, celebrites, original
New Class at Purdue University (Jeff T.P.) smirk, academia
Clear direction from RHF ( topical, smirk, true, metahumor
Position or Momentum, but not both (Mike Andersson) original, chuckle, physics
Reply from vending service (Pete Bellas) smirk, quality, form letters
Elephants Never Forget (Kendall Gelner) smirk, animals
Secret Ingredient (Duane D Morin) smirk, nationalities
You bought a WHAT? (George Farnsworth) smirk, stupid
What happens when your voice changes (William M. Coney) chuckle, awww
Carrier Pigeon Message (JimW903840) smirk, animals
Inspiration? (Dan D) chuckle, religion
Are you prepared? (Dale R. Worley) smirk, signs, true
German Joke (Kevin Roth) smirk, history
Not by Jerry Pournelle, oh no ( funny, parody, computers
Hair kit for men only ( original, chuckle, ads, parody
You know you're a computer geek when... (Jonathan Haas) smirk, computers
A beach tale (Sarah C. Stone) smirk, sexual
Rush Limbaugh's cold cuts ( smirk, celebrities, original
Singh, Singh, Singh (Narendra Tulpule) smirk, ethnic
Corporate Math (Name Withheld) chuckle, stupid, corporate
Re: Well, you've got to teach them culture... ( smirk, language, nationalities
Cat owners will agree... (Dawn Myfanwy Cohen) chuckle, animals
Make alot of money real fast (Bill Bremer) chuckle, parody
Califonia -- The Environmental State?? (Joseph A. Gherlone Jr) smirk, awww, true
A Return to Paganism? (Sergej Roytman) smirk, religion
Cost Savings (Gene W. Kohring) chuckle, government
"Understands and Follows instructions" (J. Paul Landolt) smirk, corporate
Times are a-changin' (Jeremy Elson) smirk, true, signs
Not unless he has a good lawyer ( smirk, awww, sexual
I think his is signing autographs ( smirk, celebrities
Phone lines aren't transitive! (Steve Goldman) smirk, bureaucracy
The Joy of Troubleshooting ( smirk, users
Newt (Gingrich) is against _all_ entitlements... (Kevin D. Rich) topical, smirk, politics, original
Humor in the Sears Catalog (Byron Hynes) smirk, ads
Canada's Triple 'A' Credit Rating. (Daniel J. Cochrane) topical, smirk, finance, nationalities
another bird joke (David M. Sibell) smirk, animals
Top 10 reasons the weather satellite map isn't working. (Chuck Corley) topical, smirk, computers
Legalese (Mark Waks) chuckle, lawyers, langauge
Re: Possible bug? (Netbomb NoSupport) topical, chuckle, computers, ISPs, parody
Mitnick Cracks Route 66? (John E. Norlin) topical, chuckle, computers, journalism
Please hold, we value our customers (Joseph D. Neff) smirk, music, telephones
Actual pick-up attempt (Robert Vollman) chuckle, dating
Nursery Tale (Mark Conty) chuckle, religion, health care
The Blood Lyin' (Fred Medlin) smirk, sexual
Adolf's goofs (Andy Coyne) funny, politics, history, original
Kevin Mitnick Legal Defense Fund (Maddi Hausmann Sojourner) topical, smirk, computers, original
68040 > 80486 (Robert Nickel) smirk, computers, religion
The strikeout king (Tina M. Wood) topical, smirk, government, sports
A problem with bicycle mittens (Dick King) chuckle, bicycles, awww
Re: WhiteHouse Arithmetic? (Eric Johnson) chuckle, computers, government
Back To School (Jack Cooper) original, smirk, computers, users
COURTESY STRICTLY PROHIBITED! (Two Sheds) smirk, computers, true
Home security for the 90s (Joseph T. Clarke) smirk, pc
Mental-Disease-of-the-Month Club (Abner J. Mintz) smirk, psyschology
Valentine's Day Poem (Carl and Cherie) topical, smirk, holidays
Keep those cameras rolling! (C. R. Oldham) topical, chuckle, politics
Speed Shopper (Heikki A. Levanto) smirk, sports, sexual
GUARANTEED NEWSGROUP REPAIR (Paul S R Chisholm) topical, chuckle, parody, original
Not Guilty, by Reason of Inanity? (Mark Graff) topical, smirk, celebraties
Pacific Bell saves its backside (Alan Millar) original, smirk, true, bills
Now, do you have any pain when...? (David Lesher) topical, smirk, politics
Microsoft and China (Nicholas C. Weaver) topical, smirk, computers
Quote of the Day (B. Monroe) chuckle, computers, academia
New Math??? (Alan Havens) smirk, true, academia
Reach Out and Grope Someone ( smirk, sexual, ads
And will spend their honeymoon in... (Jon Leech) smirk, marriage
Good grooming! (Bosley John) smirk, sexual
Fore!play (Mark Armstrong) chuckle, golf, sexual
Interstellar Navigation (Yuval Kfir) smirk, military
hearing aids (Seana Evelyn Wood) smirk, old age
Electrical Engineering Purity Test (Nabeel Robert Ibrahim) chuckle, computers
Stolen hub caps (Roger Pfister) smirk, autos
The Information Highway Blues (Jack Jung) smirk, metaphors, original
Reality Bites (Dave Flanagan) smirk, sexual
Microsoft Windows does Real-Time (John Whitten) smirk, computers
The Devil Made Me Do It (Steve Davis) smirk, television, religion
Documentation for OS/2 (Chris Rywalt) smirk, computers
Cat Food Killer (Karina Montgomery) smirk, cooking
Very urban legends (Palmer B. Emmitt) smirk, offensive
Taiwan Visa Application (David C. Barber) smirk, translations, forms
Lord, what geeks these mortals be! (Christopher Barkley) smirk, computers
BBS User from Hell! (Jawed Karim) funny, computers
All OJ, All the Time (martin frederic melhus) topical, chuckle, celebraties, original
Professor Gingrich! I have a suggestion. (Michael Glass) topical, chuckle, politics
Vacation on Massachusetts Bay (The Old Bear) original, smirk, language
Disharmony (Pat Ryan) smirk, music
I guess he isn't rich or famous yet (Daniel Barrett) smirk, computers, status, true
UW-Madison (Michael D Rand) smirk, academia
TV: Truth in advertising (Gail Elber) chuckle, tv, true
THE DEVIL MADE ME DO IT ( smirk, telephones
Radical Internet Marketing Approach? (Terry Altmayer) smirk, usenet
Kids are pretty smart ( smirk, kids, sexual, heard it
Wink, wink, nudge, nudge ( chuckle, jobs, sexual
Contract Bridge (Bill Conrad) chuckle, parody, original
SEX AND POLITICS ( smirk, politics
Definition of an Optimist (Karen M. Bowen) smirk, sports
New lows in junk mail :) (The hardest to learn was the least complicated 07-Oct-1994 2004) smirk, mail
Prostate Surgery (T. Randolph Harris) smirk, sexual, ouch
How to Reduce the deficit (greg martin) smirk, politics, stereotypes
How to pronounce computer terms (Piran Montford) smirk, computers
Strange Signs Digest (Maddirator) smirk, signage
There's a draft in here (Andy Coyne) chuckle, military
As ye sow, so shall ye reap (Stephan Zielinski) smirk, sexual, gross, original
Orthodox interface (Ed Westemeier) smirk, computers, religion
Ant Apocalypse (Jason Hellwege) original, chuckle, insects
NOW I understand (John R MacMillan) smirk, computers, awww
Advice for Hillary? (Bill Ganoe) topical, smirk, coincedence
Proper diskette care and usage (Keith Meidling) funny, computers
Yet another Intel Joke (Michael Myers) topical, smirk, computers
New Intel Spokesman (Mr. Sarang Gupta) topical, smirk, computers
A hard way to learn (Free Spirit) smirk, computers, language
Microsoft Clarifies Trademark Policies (Nancy Cedeno) topical, chuckle, computers
Bob-bob-a-looh-bah (Mark Hartman) topical, smirk, computers
Why Beer is better than Jesus (Robin Siddique) chuckle, religion
Self-Selecting Samples in Psychological Studies ( smirk, psychology
Scottish Health Care (Robert L. McMillin) smirk, nationalities
Pet Shop Boys (Bob Sholl) smirk, stupid
Hamster Power (John Morgan Salomon) chuckle, animals, physics, original
Got to see a great concert, man.... (Sammy Squid) chuckle, music, autos, original
How do you spell that? (Thomas F. Zadlo) smirk, guys
This bag is not a toy. (Annette S. Riffe) funny, health care, gross
Saved by the Bell (W. Jodi) smirk, academia
Internal response list (Joel Garry X210 12-Aug-1994 1710) smirk, bureaucracy, original
Not just any key (Duane D Morin) smirk, computers
Did I tell you that I told you? (Bruce Merritt) smirk, government
Barney Limbaugh (Skip Vogt) smirk, television
Intel Pentium Digest #3 (Maddirator) topical, chuckle, computers
Your Tax Dollars At Play (jennifer whitaker) smirk, sexual
Joycelyn Elders finds Employment (Andrew Fischer) topical, smirk, politics, original
Information Superhighway: The Real Scoop (Scott Austin) smirk, computers
Business is Booming (Dr Nancy's Sweetie) topical, chuckle, computers
But who's going to see it? (T-Rex)) smirk, television
Australian Christmas (Ian Chai) topical, smirk, holidays
FW: Microsoft Loves You! (Tim Lesher) original, chuckle, computers, health care
Al Gore, where are you when you're needed? (David Lesher) topical, smirk, government
William Jefferson Clinton School of Political Stuff (Steve Barr) topical, smirk, politics, original
Truth in Labeling ( smirk, government
Pet Shop Politics ( topical, smirk, politics, original
Blue Suede Uniform (Geff King) topical, smirk, postal
Vintage Home Economics Textbook Excerpt (Robert Coats) smirk, gender roles
They only fly right here (Scirocco Boy!) topical, chuckle, airplanes, original
PC Midwinter Festival in a Pear Tree (Jaye Pinterics) topical, chuckle, holidays, pc
What will they call the concert series? (Miles Duke) smirk, music
John Salvi Triple Threat (Maddirator) topical, chuckle
Length of OJ Simpson Trial ( topical, chuckle, celebrities, metahumor
legal riddle (Charles Hunter) smirk, lawyers
Chicago/Win 95 (Dan D) topical, smirk, computers, original
James Bond would be impressed (ga03021) chuckle, spies, gross
Santa's checkride ( topical, funny, holidays, aviation
Buffalo Come ( smirk, old west
Do we face Mount St. Helens twice a day? (David Lesher) topical, funny, parody, computers
Addition to Devil's DP Dictionary ( chuckle, computers, original
Snow White and One Perfectly Good Person, Despite Being Short (Sylvia Lanz at GB-15/280 on 40-3939) original, chuckle, movies
And you thought usenet flames were rough... (Kendall Helmstetter Gelner) topical, smirk, computers
So, a guy is stranded on an island.... (Thomas Margolis) smirk, sexual, animals
Just wait until Passover (Tim Rolfe) topical, smirk, academia
Computer Nightmares (Jeff Liebermann) chuckle, original, computers, true
Liberate the Rolls Royces (D Parsons) smirk, politics
More from the one liner file ( various, swearing, sexual, offense=just about everyone
TQM from on high (Jason K. Schechner) chuckle
It ain't over 'till it's over.... ( topical, smirk
True Airline Ticket Agent Story (Thomas J. Murphy) smirk
A Great Success. (RGCarlisle) topical, smirk
The True News Digest part 3/22 (Funny Guy) smirk to chuckle, swearing, sexual, offense=just about everyone
T-Shirt, LA Riots (Paul Winkler) smirk
FUN: Microsoft C++ (Jeff DeMello, Oracle Secure Systems) chuckle, computers
Fed Speak (Paul S R Chisholm) smirk, true
My PC has gone PC! (Duane Morin) smirk, computers
Strawberry Fields Forever ( topical, smirk
The True News Digest part 2/22 (Funny Guy) smirk to chuckle, swearing, sexual, offense=just about everyone
Electric Train stop. (William C. WadeIII) smirk, swearing
First mate, bring me my red shirt! (Malor) smirk, heard it
The (other) Two Cultures (Duane D Morin) smirk
State Trooper (Martin Schamis) smirk, sexual
Democrat joke (Lavonia Tillis) chuckle, heard it, offense=Democrats
The True News Digest part 1/22 (Funny Guy) smirk to chuckle, swearing, sexual, offense=just about everyone
World-leaders Mailing List (James Hursey) chuckle, computer
Funny testing song (James Tierney) smirk, computers
Came up in a conversation with a friend... (Jonathan E. Katz) original, smirk
3 guys applying to the CIA... (Ben Dubin) chuckle, heard it
Texas Culture (RSPI) chuckle, offense=Texans
Theory and Reality (Joseph R. Bauer Iii) smirk
NO SUBJECT PROVIDED (Anthony Spataro) smirk
Freudian Slip (Dean Horn) smirk
Par 1 for the marriage (Tyler Jones) smirk
T-shirt joke ( smirk
Dust Off Your Funny Bone (John Nunley) chuckle, swearing
Good news and bad news... (Mike Kavcak) topical, chuckle
sick pioneer joke (Scott Joseph Sumerak) smirk, heard it
Dictionary humor (smock smock smock) smirk, sexual
It really is that color! (Brian Zikmund-Fisher) smirk, computers
Newsgroups, one by one (Leonard Woren) topical, chuckle, usenet
today's safety tip (Sean Azarin) chuckle, true
Poot joke ( smirk
Accidents will happen (David Goodenough) topical, smirk
The 4 F's ( smirk
"lost hat" joke ( smirk
What a woman! (Scott Cooper) smirk
Penis (Keith) smirk, sexual
Real Smart ( smirk
But what newspaper do you run it in? (Jordin Kare) smirk
Shark Chum (Justin P. Norfleet) chuckle
Apple warns about buying a Mac (Richard Feuerriegel) chuckle, true, computer
Real kitty litter. (Dean Edmonds) smirk, true
"Do not operate heavy machinery while wearing..." (Amethyst) chuckle
OJ Trial (Gary Brunner) smirk, original?
More Truth In Advertising (Dean Tabor) smirk, true
Wayne Fontes Wave (Tom Wands) smirk, true
So there! (Matt Janis) smirk, sexual
Useful error message (Sharad Gupta) chuckle
L.A. seasons (Joe Zeff) smirk
How's that again? (Everett Greene) smirk, true
Oscar Wilde quote ( smirk
Religion in school has its revenge (Anthony Spataro) smirk, true
Sexuality and the Lord (Paul Freda) smirk, sexual
Shrink Shingle (SSE)) chuckle, original
Unhappy New Yorkers ( smirk
Free OJ! billboard (ANDREI KOROVIKOV) smirk
Rednecks (Timothy Allen) smirk
Digital's newfound profits (Caleb Cohen) computer, smirk
Day off (Keith) smirk
Term Limits (Dave Chapman) smirk, scatological
Young man seeks rubbers (Barry McGinnis) smirk, sexual
Lesbian Frogs (Ken Weinert) chuckle, sexual
Microsoft aquires Microsoft Acquires (Joshua Goodman) topical, chuckle, computer, usenet
the spirit of Three F (Mark Crispin) smirk, true
capitol steps joke re marian barry (Arthur J. Beaudry) smirk
The Savey Wife (Paul Freda) smirk, sexual
Flaim! Flaim! you r an ideot who cann nott eeven spel (Stephen Andrew Weinstein) topical, smirk, original
MICROSOFT to sue satirists (Greg Owen {gowen}) topical, smirk, computer
Windows 95 New Feature (Michael Stone) smirk, computer
Little Old Ladies ( true, smirk
bunny batteries ( sexual, smirk
Satan at School, New rules set up (David Henkin) smirk
95q2/sig ( true, various
Flashing past Fourty ( original, chuckle, sexual
Jordan's Autograph (Dale Cook) topical, chuckle
Good Times (Rand Whillock) topical, computer, internet, chuckle
Ch-ch-ch-chrysler! (Andrew Thomas-Cramer) topical, smirk
MICROSOFT Aquires Christmas (Rob Reiser) topical, chuckle, computers, holidays, original
another way to say it... (the original dr foo) topical, smirk
THREE STRIKES, YOU'RE OUT (Tony Lima) topical, chuckle, original
X Files rejected scripts (Bill Conrad) chuckle, television, original
Sex, Jewish style (Mr. Mitchell Edelman) smirk, medicine, sexual
Why are Jews so smart? (Dag-Erling Smoergrav) smirk, bigotry
The God Squad (Andy Coyne) chuckle, religion, publishing
That's why the Maytag man is lonely (John Robertson) original, smirk, true, stupid
The "Good Old Days" of the I-Way (Chris Rutkowski) smirk, internet
Inclement Weather Policy (Karen Denbleyker) smirk, working
Old before your time (Robert Vollman) smirk, aging
Reply to Wile E. Coyote v. ACME Company suit (Jim Menard) funny, parody, cartoons
Kids these days (Paul McFedries) smirk, gross
Light Years (Meow3Mix) smirk, ads
A powerful report (Chris Murphy) smirk, government
Twelve ways to get drunk cheap! (Chris) original, chuckle, alcohol
Don't Park Your Car Without One! (Schwartz, Jeff) smirk, cars
The Patty Duke Show ( smirk, television
Avoid Foul Language! (Thomas Savundra) chuckle, language, profanity
Funny answers from school tests. (Roxane Johnson) chuckle, science, stupid, true
Math humor (Michael A. Stueben) chuckle, original, math
A *real* Digital Sweatshop... (John P Crawford) smirk, computers
Personal Ad for the Outdoor loving Guy (Gary Powell) smirk, ads, dating
Try THIS in the mosh pit (Kevin Hughes) smirk, parody, computers
Oh waitress... (Gino Castellano) smirk, sex roles
Usenet posters license (old, recycled) (William Colburn )) chuckle, computers
Microsoft gets a little slack... (Kendall Helmstetter Gelner) topical, chuckle, computers, religion
from the aescetic to the sybaritic (Peter Gontier) original, smirk, computers, packaging
How to be a boss (Christopher Kashinath Patil) chuckle, heard it, nationalities
You've Read Oedipus The King... (John Perry) chuckle, literature
International sex (Paul Darwen) original, funny, nationalities, sexual
newspaper of choice (Stephen Druger) smirk, bigots
Who do they think I am ? Superman ? ( smirk, technology
History`s first failed franchise (Jeff Evarts) smirk, religion, gross
golfing (NAOMI SULLIVAN) smirk, golf
Small town jokes (Alexander Pruss) smirk, stereotypes
How To Use This Guide. (John Stewart) smirk, computers
LOSE MONEY FAST (Mark Beirne Lively) chuckle, computers, urban legends
Petitio principii (Howard Gayle) chuckle, computers
Men and hunting ( smirk, sex roles
Backwards Bunny (Mark Kovalsky) smirk, ads
Antacid or Aphrodisiac? (Dennis Cronin) smirk, ads, sexual
Brave New (Business) World (Carl Castrogiovanni) smirk, business
You, Moses! (Paul Botts) smirk, religion, government
Calling Cards Are Our Friends... (Stu Bell) smirk, telephones
f is for ... (Beck-o-rama) smirk, computers, language
Try over in Idaho (Scott Cannon) smirk, agriculture
Good thing I'm mentally stable..... (Michael J Conover) chuckle
Professor UNA Bomber ( topical, smirk
Funny kid's statement (Richard Swent) chuckle
Who Gets the Profits? (bonnie hutchens) topical, smirk
Trial of the Century to end soon (David Chesler) topical, smirk, USENET
Can I get an extended contract? (Will Doss) chuckle
What's a flasher? (Walt Molzen) smirk
GM defends itself in court (Greg Diamond) topical, chuckle
correction, geek, bumpersticker, C (Robert Forsman) smirk, computers
WC walls (Glen Ketteringham) smirk
Valentine's Day presents (Tina Femea) topical, smirk, sexual, original
Actually, I hate puns.... (Sylvia Lanz) smirk, computers
Interpreting female sexual capacity (Steve Simmons) smirk, sexual
re:Johnson Disposal ( smirk, sexual
Latest Microsoft Digest (Funny Guy) smirk to chuckle, offense=Microsoft fans
Even my code hates me... (Alistair Bell) smirk, computers
Betty Crocker (Keith Meidling) topical, smirk
CNN Programming ( topical, smirk
Letter to Reader's Digest (Colm Buckley) chuckle
And now a note from Intercourse PA... (C. D. Tavares) smirk, true
gruesome and/or sick (Jonathan Ganz) smirk
Sex for Dummies (Jim-Michael Smith) topical, chuckle, sexual
Surfin the net poem (Terri Cutherell) smirk
Some Packwood comments (Funny Guy) smirk, sexual
A table for one, please. (John C. Sluder) smirk
US Embasy in Russa and the Grenade Launcher (shadow) topical, smirk
Love a Bear (Roy Trumbull) smirk, swearing
weather reports (Jo) smirk
A toddler's opinion ( smirk
The Colonel won't be proud... (Holger Reusch) chuckle
Nights of Passion... (Dean Woodward) chuckle
Apollo 13 ( smirk
An Athletic Diet (Mitchell N. Perilstein) smirk, gross, true
Radio Z (Hanspeter Schmid) smirk
Long trial ( topical, chuckle, offense=lawyers
More from the One-liner file (2/3) (Funny Guy) smirk to chuckle, swearing, sexual, digest, offense=almost everyone
Chalk up another one (Jordin Kare) original, smirk, computers
Airport Announcements (Rick Smith) chuckle, true
"Looks like a carrot to me, Bob." (tabby ever after) smirk, sexual
Training grounds for public service (Cameron Laird) smirk
Transcript or tape? (Gary Koerzendorfer) smirk
More from the One-liner file (2/3) (Funny Guy) smirk to chuckle, swearing, sexual, digest, offense=almost everyone
At a bar... (Bill Conrad) smirk
How to Shout in Sign Language (Jim MacDonald) smirk, heard it
Domestic terrorism (Chris Best) topical, smirk, offense=Microsoft fans
Domestic terrorism (Chris Best) topical, smirk
The First OJ Book After the Verdict (Evan Cohn) smirk, topical
Sports Short ( topical, smirk
Packwood troubles (Rob Knauerhase) topical, smirk
New Age software (Jack Morrison) smirk, computers
Great Disasters (David Morgan) topical, smirk
Will you "bee" mine? (Diane MacMartin) smirk, sexual
More from the One-liner file (1/3) (Funny Guy) smirk to chuckle, swearing, sexual, heard it, offense=almost everyone
HOW THE GinGRICH STOLE CONGRESS BY DR. SUIT (Rick Namey) topical, chuckle, original, politics
Songs of Cesium (parody, original) ( chuckle, long
Topical, Political (Silas Hurry) chuckle, offense=conservatives, heard it
French Victory (Gregory Bond) topical, smirk, offense=French
What's that sound? (John Bailin) chuckle, heard it
The True News Digest part 22/22 (Funny Guy) smirk to chuckle, swearing, sexual, offense=just about everyone
Suicide (Rickneill) chuckle
data transmission 101 (Dave Burton) chuckle, computers
Rev. Green (Richard Beckett) chuckle, heard it
Just Sit Back and Relax (Randy Cassingham) chuckle
The True News Digest part 21/22 (Funny Guy) smirk to chuckle, swearing, sexual, offense=just about everyone
An elephant and a plastic surgeon (Amanda Zahorik) smirk, heard it
DOS Nursery Rhymes (Sam Jones) smirk, computers
Quoting an Insane Austrian Emperor (Dennis Allen Carr) smirk
A Reword to the Wise (Aaron Bycoffe) mirk
1001, 1002 uses ( smirk
The True News Digest part 20/22 (Funny Guy) smirk to chuckle, swearing, sexual, offense=just about everyone
With this joke, achieve Nirvana... (Helen, The Ill-Tempered Ticket Lady) topical, smirk, gross
Humor in Lawsuits (long) (Jeff Lee) chuckle
Lost in the translation (This is my bacque pas, this is my faux pas)) chuckle, offense=Christians
AOL Disks (Ronald Reiner) chuckle, computers
Netscape IPO Funnies (Chris Holten) topicle, chuckle, computers
plant biology pun (Paul W. Box) chuckle, sexual, heard it
Fishin' around on a Hewlett Packard (Rus Ambler) smirk, computers
The True News Digest part 19/22 (Funny Guy) smirk to chuckle, swearing, sexual, offense=just about everyone
Topical: Bill Bennett and Pat Buchanan, how little we knew ye... (Mary Pugh) chuckle
A Highly Specilized Dumpster (Your Name) smirk, sexual
OJ's Furman Tapes (John Higgins) topical, chuckle
The True News Digest part 18/22 (Funny Guy) smirk to chuckle, swearing, sexual, offense=just about everyone
"Oh, so THAT'S why!" (Karl Geiger) smirk
Hurricane Felix ( original, topicle, chuckle, sexual
ORIGINAL: Win '95 advertising (Mark Wutka) topical, smirk, computers
Blue Ribbon ( smirk, sexual, heard it
Latest Microsoft digest (Funny Guy) topical, smirk, offense=Microsoft fans
Waitress Wisdom (H N Simpson) smirk
TOPICAL & ORIGINAL Re: Win 95 advertising campaign (Richard Fritzson) topical, smirk, computers
fractured fairy tale (Matthew L. Ginsberg) smirk, sexual
Vocabulary Homework ( chuckle, stereotypes
The True News Digest part 17/22 (Funny Guy) smirk to chuckle, swearing, sexual, offense=just about everyone
Male Guide to Selecting an Outfit (alan meiss) smirk
Traveling Salesman Joke ( smirk, swearing, heard it
The NRA would be proud... (Brett Barksdale) chuckle
Snap decision? ( chuckle, sexual
new device (Dan Beauvais) laugh, computers
The True News Digest part 16/22 (Funny Guy) smirk to chuckle, swearing, sexual, offense=just about everyone
town names (Ross Thompson) chuckle
Is it merely a coincidence? (Tom Horsley) topical, chuckle
New Microsoft Biological Weapons Division to Acquire ICS Refrigerator (original) (David B. Lewis) original, chuckle
FUN: Reorganizations (Jeff DeMello, Oracle Secure Systems) smirk
Wow, nice fire...lots of smoke, too! (Randy Clarke) chuckle, computers
French Bombing Solved! (Andreas Ramos) topical, chuckle
joke submission (David G. Beausang) smirk
Jerry Garcia one-liners (Funny Guy) smirk to chuckle, offense=Deadheads
The True News Digest part 15/22 (Funny Guy) smirk to chuckle, swearing, sexual, offense=just about everyone
A Peril-Sensitive Newsreader! (Matt Welsh) original, smirk, computers
Why do USENET articles disappear? (Pete Hickey) original, smirk, computers
Disgusting joke (Tatiana A Covington) chuckle, sick, rot13
How to get rid of unwanted phone calls. (Elan Feingold) chuckle
Administrivia - Happy Anniversary (Jim Griffith - Moderator) less than smirk, offense=people expecting a joke
5 Toughest questions women ask. (RDPMLB) chuckle, offense=women
The True News Digest part 14/22 (Funny Guy) smirk to chuckle, swearing, sexual, offense=just about everyone
Reminder: Group meeting tomorrow (Peter Leppik) chuckle
A whole new world - for rec.arts.disney (Mark Hartman) topical, chuckle, USENET
Shelf life (Alain van der Heide) original, smirk
NASA Downsizing proposals (Tom Comeau @ Space Telescope Science Institute) topical, smirk
New partner for Sipowicz? ( topical, smirk
Windows 95 Cool User Program (Charles Forsythe) chuckle, computers
International finance (Tony Konashenok) smirk
The True News Digest part 13/22 (Funny Guy) smirk to chuckle, swearing, sexual, offense=just about everyone
Attn: stock trackers... (David Lesher) smirk
Irish Baseball (Jeffrey Kaplan) smirk, sexual, heard it
breaking up with women? (Todd Fulton) chuckle, offense=women
Bar Joke (Seth Hillbrand) chuckle, heard it
The True News Digest part 12/22 (Funny Guy) smirk to chuckle, swearing, sexual, offense=just about everyone
Catholic joke [non-offensive] (Harry Haygood) chuckle
Threatening Advertisements (Jimmy Dee) topical, smirk, ads
Anoterh V-chip Quote (Crispin Cowan) topical, smirk
PBS under the Republicans (Timothy Moy) chuckle, offense=conservatives
Never thought of it QUITE that way ( original, chuckle, computers, heard it
Anagrams for Information Superhighway (Michael Pollak) chuckle, computers
The True News Digest part 11/22 (Funny Guy) smirk to chuckle, swearing, sexual, offense=just about everyone
Do we *really* need to know that? (Anthony Spataro) chuckle, sexual
The history of DOS (Adam Allouba) chuckle, computers
A medical problem (Bob Stein) smirk, sexual, heard it
"Sir, did you ever...?" ( smirk
The True News Digest part 10/22 (Funny Guy) smirk to chuckle, swearing, sexual, offense=just about everyone
Norway (no, NOT the Eurovison Snog Contest) (Chris Parkin Lilley) smirk
Genie in a bottle (Steffanie Taylor) smirk
Man buying bra (Sebastian) smirk
Disney Films rewritten for PC (Peter van der Linden) smirk
Trix are for kids (Elkana) smirk
Michael's at it again... (Robert M Chittister) topical, smirk, sexual
The True News Digest part 9/22 (Funny Guy) smirk to chuckle, swearing, sexual, offense=just about everyone
computer humor? (HARLEY! chuckle, computers
Radiation? (eong20@vax7.curtin.EDU.AU) smirk, heard it
Technology would be nice ... (DementDJ) topical, chuckle
African Grey Parrot Humor. (Charles Fiterman) smirk
Airemail (Mark Shapiro) chuckle
Tiered pricing (Tony Konashenok) chuckle
The True News Digest part 8/22 (Funny Guy) smirk to chuckle, swearing, sexual, offense=just about everyone
Top ten ways the internet could get worse (Eric van Bezooijen) smirk, computer
Fortune Cookies Don't Lie! ( smirk
When Post-Its Don't Cut It Anymore... (George Herbert) chuckle, long
A little usenet humor (Michael Pollak) smirk
Snapple (Yaacov Haber) chuckle
Re: Shark Chum (Nik Simpson) smirk
Hugh Grant one-liners (Funny Guy) smirk, sexual
The True News Digest part 7/22 (Funny Guy) smirk to chuckle, swearing, sexual, offense=just about everyone
Woodpecker (Joe Zeff) smirk
Forwarded mail.... (Melissa Faul) smirk, sexual
On the move at the new IBM. (Sid Manning) smirk
I think they've got something here (Joseph J Cox) smirk
Russian Joke (Michael Krakovskiy) smirk
College view of art (original) (Sarah Ross) topical, smirk
The True News Digest part 6/22 (Funny Guy) smirk to chuckle, swearing, sexual, offense=just about everyone
Saying Grace (Bob Calvert) smirk
Uplifting news (true) (Lee Daniel Crocker) topical, chuckle, sexual
Warning label joke (Kawamura) chuckle
7 dwarfs (Kimac) chuckle, sexual, swearing
Good Ol' Jesse Helms ( topical, smirk
Heard on the radio (Naama Ben-David) topical, smirk, sexual
A Little Too Much to Drink (Mike Burke) chuckle
joke (Graham King) chuckle
Topical (Bruce Hamilton) topical, smirk
The True News Digest part 5/22 (Funny Guy) smirk to chuckle, swearing, sexual, offense=just about everyone
Albert DeSalvo Honored (Jeanne Goodman) smirk
But it's natural and organic... (The Old Bear) chuckle
Lost (endorsements) in Space (original) (Nick Simicich) topical, smirk
TV licence bill (Karen Roem) smirk
News, smirk, newspaper reporting (Jeffrey Firestone) smirk, true
Vernon distraught... (Monument) topical, chuckle
The True News Digest part 4/22 (Funny Guy) smirk to chuckle, swearing, sexual, offense=just about everyone
Apology (Cardinal Ximenez) original, chuckle, swearing
Beans, Beans, the magical fruit ( smirk
colin powell dropped out, but... (gabe rosenkoetter) smirk
Bobbitt... Would You Believe? ( original,
Trick or Treat (original) (Steve Kirkish) original, smirk
Santa's Christmas Shopping (John Smolka) topical, smirk
I love you, Mommy (Robert Vosatka) smirk, awwwww
The College Food Chain (Brock Schneiderman) chuckle
True Christmas, parking and injuries (William Daul) topical, smirk
The Non-discovery of Australia. (Robert B. Alcorn) chuckle, offense=Dutch, Spanish, French, English
ACLU Sues Santa (shadow) topical, chuckle
But what's the limit of the elevator? (Ranma Saotome) original, smirk, math
Win95 vs Jesus Christ (Wayne Davison) topical, chuckle, computers
Boston's new tunnel (Glenn E. Brensinger) smirk, heard it
Typographical Error (Bill Kinnersley) chuckle, Spanish
Seen on condom machine... (Erick Marvi Vermillion-salsbury) chuckle
First Grade Hell ( smirk
Best Sign (Michael R. Grabois) chuckle
Are these wafers kosher? (Paul Israel) smirk
And he faced his mortality..... (Nancy Bonanno) chuckle
Why important people are important... (True story) (Joseph Carl Pemberton) smirk
A bad .sig day (original) (James A. Cherry) funny, USENET
A Bosnia solution ( topical, smirk, offense=postal workers
A conversation with a pollster. (Charles Fiterman) smirk
Oh bull! (Jim Knepley) topical, smirk
A REAL budget battle... (Robert Whisler) smirk
Mechanical Genius (giri iyengar) smirk
Solving the Serbian problem (Pete Bellas) topical, smirk
Special Funky Extra-Shake Towel ( smirk
Santa is a System Administrator (Keith Meidling) chuckle, computers
(Government related) Bond Issue by Lehman brothers (J. Cappe) smirk
Things in Common (Michael Quinn) smirk
net censorship (Kevin Hinshaw) topical, chuckle, USENET, sexual
Only Lost One Game (Gordon Banks) smirk, heard it
michael jackson in the hospital (Bryan James Lekas) topical, smirk, sexual, sick
Calling In "Sick" ( chuckle, sexual, sick, heard it
The next government shutdown (James W. Stephens) topical, chuckle
Dinner Time (Ken Kubey) chuckle, sick
The latest news (Dan Zerkle) topical, smirk, computers
License Plate (Dan Mallison II) smirk, offense=lawyers or NRA
Taking care of business (Elkana) smirk
MIT is so cool (John Thomas Mongan) chuckle
Gee, Dad, I'm Impressed! (Keith E. Brandt, M.D.) smirk, sexual
Natural Born Morons ( chuckle
World War II Ace? (Bill Mc Caffery) chuckle, heard it
Grosser than Gross (Jeffrey Champa) smirk, gross
Are you _sure_ they're not returnable? (Lucian P. Smith) chuckle
Programming problems (Benjamin Wong) smirk, computers
Thin Walls (original) ( original, chuckle, sexual
Tolkien.SYS (Dave Jarvis) chuckle
(topical): Xmas (Heikki A. Levanto) topical, chuckle, offense=Christians
Speech Pathology (Cameron Bales .:.) original, chuckle, offense=speech-impaired people
Early Retirement (Lawrence T. Hardiman) chuckle, long
Mac's World (Jonathan F Partee) smirk, computers
How much time do I have?!? (Hansang Bae) chuckle
Thesis loophole (David M. Cottle) smirk
Windows 95 a la Shakespeare (Adam Allouba) chuckle
Fashion Cafe's Gimmick (Unknown) smirk, offense=people with eating disorders
Barney Goes Natural ( topical, smirk, original
Annals of legal etiquette (Mitchell Wand) chuckle
Greenkeepers lament (Guy Smith) smirk
Downsizing Government (Jim Hargrove) chuckle
Your headlights have been left on... (Keith Rimes) smirk, long
Bike helmet opinion form letter (Timothy E. Vaughan) original, chuckle, USENET
Bob Ross Painting Humor (The Traveling Squirrel) smirk
Medical questions - silly answers (Todd Anderson) smirk
Herodotean pastiche (Adam Bucky) original, smirk, historians
Freakin' the Evangelists, or: Later, Day Saints! (TRISTAN CLAIR DE LUNE/KEN MONDSCHEIN) chuckle
Uncle Sam Wants...a goat? (Tina Mancuso) smirk
Intelligent graffitti (Ian Samuel Potter) smirk
Conference submission rejected ( smirk, computers
The Beatles' New Song. (Michael A. Chaplin) topical, original, smirk
Very basic first aid treatment (Tye Leslie Sanders) chuckle
More uudecode humor (Kyle Barger) smirk, computers
Error messages (Timothy J. Hunt) chuckle, computers
PC Magazine Headline ( smirk, sexual, computers
Munch, Chomp, Burp... (Allen Reeves) chuckle, sexual
My mother the sex fiend . . . (Naomi Zikmund-Fisher) chuckle, sexual
Halloween costume - tasteless, perhaps offensive (Todd Anderson) topical, smirk, sick
Prejudice (Ryan Simmons) smirk
government shutdown (Kevin G. Anderson) topical, smirk
Give Peace a Chance (Scott Truesdell) smirk
government shutdown (Sam Steingold) topical, smirk, computers
Campus safety tip (Jason E. Holt) smirk
Understanding our differences... (Chris Silvester) smirk
Latest One-Liner Digest (1/2) (Funny Guy) smirk, swearing, sexual, sick, heard it, offense=almost everyone
All in a Day's Work ( chuckle
how to fight religious bigotry (true story) (Matthew L. Ginsberg) smirk, offense=Jews
rent to own? (Phil Ryals) smirk, sexual, swearing, offense=women
The Brothers Methrin (Robert Baruch) smirk
Greased Lightning (Jeff Roberts) original, smirk
It must lose something in the translation (Tom Comeau @ Space Telescope Science Institute) topical, smirk
Latest One-Liner Digest (1/2) (Funny Guy) smirk, swearing, sexual, sick, heard it, offense=almost everyone
Safety First (Peter) smirk
New Canadian $2 Coin [Original - Credited] (Jim Mantle) chuckle
A bad start to the week (Chris Seabrook) chuckle
Things that make you go Hmmmm....... (Michael J Conover) smirk, topical
A plea to the little swimmers (Elizabeth A. Kingsley) smirk, sexual
But which one will need rabies shots? (Richard Heritage) topical, chuckle
How do you uudecode uudecode without uudecode?? (Dan 'Steele' Peck) smirk, computers
new phonetic alphabet (Rich Wilson) chuckle, heard it
Wife Joke (David Swanger) chuckle, heard it
DEAD MAN (ng chun ken) chuckle, heard it
The World of Barbie (Ken Foster) smirk, heard it
A question OJ can answer (Brad Templeton) topical, smirk
The C++ programmer's "wedding" (Tim MacKenzie) original, funny, computers
Halloween (original) (John Campbell) chuckle, sick, offense=parents, rot13
Faux Pas (Andy Newman) chuckle, sexual
The Prodigal Son's Return (SARDog3752) chuckle
Judge Ito's Bar and Grill (J Munchausen) chuckle
Sympathy for the Devil (Steve Morgan) chuckle, heard it
Hardy Boys Drinking Game ( smirk
Halloween costume (Beverly & Eric Boerner) topical, smirk, heard it, swearing
More traditional condom humour (David Tong) smirk
anagrams for the O.J. trial (Monty Solomon) original, topical, smirk
The moral of the story... (Greg Rapawy) original, smirk
From the mouth of babes (David J. Kelk) smirk, awwww
Another bar joke... (Snibor Eoj) chuckle
That's Italian (Crispin Cowan) smirk
A sick joke from Yerkes primate lab (CREPEAU_LORING) smirk, sick
My little brother (original) (Geoffrey Brent) smirk
Lawyer (Joe Block) chuckle, heard it, offense=lawyers
Iraqi elections (Ray Gilbert) topical, smirk, heard it, offense=Iraqis
O'Leary Brothers (JONATHAN WICHMANN) chuckle, heard it
God Sues Catholic Church for Undercount of Angels (David Sewell) topical, chuckle, offense=Nation of Islam members
Dating, parents, and what children will say (Emily Soper) smirk
Additional research on FBS (Fake Blonde Syndrome) (Bruce Wehr) topical, smirk
W.C.Walls (Henry Francis) smirk
Read the manual (#Elen Hunt) smirk, computers
Hi-Tech Coasters - Free! (Rich Chen) chuckle, computers
Seeing Eye Chihuahua (Michael C. Nesel) chuckle
Bronze Rat (Keith Meidling) smirk, offense=lawyers
new joke (813) 975-7600) smirk, heard it
Psyschiatric Hotline (Gary Koerzendorfer) chuckle, heard it
Bar joke... ( chuckle, heard it
Fake Blondes: ( smirk, offense=blondes
Visa ( smirk, sexual
Kings of Cyberspace! (Mikael Degermark) smirk, computers
processor speed (FHOWARD.US.ORACLE.COM) smirk, computers
Mouths of Babes (Victor Biggs) smirk
military humor (Cheryl Isaak {81712}) smirk
I didn't know it was irreversible... (Wei-Hwa Huang) original, smirk, computers
The artery formerly known as... (Jack Morrison) original, smirk
Dog Control (David Daye) smirk, heard it, offense=Germans
There Ought to be a Law (Original by my brother) (Ramon Holt) original, chuckle
White Male Awareness Month (was Re: OJ acquited during...) (Mark Sobolewski) topical, chuckle, offense=women,non-whites
rec.humor.funny T-shirt (Tim Poston) original, chuckle, USENET
Political Agenda..... (bill dixon) chuckle, swearing
The **COMPLETE** us & uk confusions (D J Barton) chuckle, long, sexual, swearing, offense=British & Americans
Reagan's funeral. (Dhiraj Thakkar) chuckle
Desert Island (Naomi Zikmund-Fisher) smirk
Back, back, back,back, back... (Bill Blackwell) chuckle (Coltraine) smirk, USENET
Trial of the Century (Paul Tomblin) topical, chuckle
religion, quote, true ( chuckle
7 states pass "Wealthy Defendant Evidence Act" (Brad Templeton) topical, smirk
Coincidence? We think not! (Larry Salomon Jr.) smirk
I don't understand art anymore (Daniel S Chen) chuckle
Missed her (James Webb) smirk, swearing
The vacation (Noam Ascher) chuckle