Apparently-From: sagan@AOL.sol.mwy (Joshua W. Burton)
(original, chuckle)
From the rec.humor.funny joke archives.
Has it occurred to anyone yet that the reason we haven't gotten any
replies from Out There may be the same as the reason we don't often
bother flaming AOLers?
"Oh, _goody_, Yendor---here's another one. Let's see, it says
[*** --> MAKE FRIENDS FAST !!! <-- ***] on the front panel; how
_original_. Two nudes on the plaque, scanned in at low res.
What do you want to bet they didn't get permission from the
copyright holder? Hmm...address in pulsar distances, but they
mangled the Reply-To: line; I don't think `Sol III' is a fully
qualified domain at all. You would think all these spammers
out in Sirius sector would know about the anonymous reposter
at Fomalhaut by now, anyway...."
"Well, do we forward it to their sysop?"
"What's the point? Look at the header; it's some dinky yellow
G2 dwarf. The sector is lousy with them---if we have Her shut
it down, they'll find another star before She even has time to
clean out the logfiles and reboot."
"But look at this bandwidth-hogging crap---this audio disk must
have a couple of hundred incompatible languages on it. I don't
think this one is even the same _species_; it sounds more like a
whale to me."
"Well, if they've got whales on-site, maybe they'll ask some
questions and eventually get a clue. In the meantime, I can't
be bothered; I've got a whole globular cluster to upgrade to
4.0.2 this eon. Besides, in the long run it only encourages
them. The sort of pathetic race who starts these chain
letters craves any kind of attention at all."
[This one is original to me; Yendor and Zontak will be way pissed
if anyone forwards it along without my name....]
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