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Nun is enough (Walter C. McCutchan (Duke of URL))
(chuckle, swearing, heard it)

The Mother Superior went to the construction site next to her Order's convent and sought out the Foreman. Once found she began to dress him down for the loud, foul language being used on the site, and express her umbrage that she and the Sisters were being exposed to these crudities.

The Foreman stood his ground (he must have been an Anglican). He told the Sister that while he sympathized, he was not running a finishing school and that all he required of the men working for him was a good day's work for a good day's pay. He told her he was not going to speak to the men, and advised her to remember that construction workers were hard-working labourers who "call a spade a spade."

The Mother Superior drew herself to her full height and said, "No, they don't! They call it a fucking shovel!"

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