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JFK Jr. Digest (Funny Guy)
(smirk to laugh, heard it, sick, ROT-13, offense=almost everyone)

Below find the better Kennedy jokes I've received so far. These are jokes which are funny, but which didn't really warrant posting separately. I post such a digest whenever I have enough entries to warrant it. Particularly selective readers will probably not enjoy the digests, and may want to killfile RHF jokes with "Digest" in the title.

If you are at all disturbed by sick humor, don't read any farther.

= = = = = = =

What we learned from the experiment [rec.humor.funny]

What we learned from the experiment

> Q: Why did Maria Shriver marry Arnie?
> A: They were trying to breed bullet-proof Kennedys.

Maybe she should have married Dean Cain. Then we'd have bullet-proof
Kennedys that can fly...

= = = = = = = (P.J. Geraghty)

Personal Ad from Martha's Vineyard Newspaper 7/18/1999 [rec.humor.funny]

Personal Ad from Martha's Vineyard Newspaper 7/18/1999

Wanted: girlfriends for scions of internationally-famous, politically
active, Irish-American family based in Massachusetts. Candidates must be
highly attractive, tolerant of heavy media exposure, and sexually
permissive. Based on experience with past applicants, SWIMMING ABILTY IS
REQUIRED. Call 1-800-KENNEDY for more information.

= = = = = = = (Adam Frix)

Twist of fate [rec.humor.funny]

Twist of fate

The universe has a twisted sense of humor. The only Kennedy that's able to
survive, despite all his own efforts to the contrary, is Ted. (Erez Zadok)

Presidential photo op [rec.humor.funny]

Presidential photo op

Upon hearing of of John Kennedy Jr.'s plane accident, Presidential hopeful
Dan Quayle suggested that if Kennedy indeed died, New York should name an
airport after him.

= = = = = = =

New kennedy movie [rec.humor.funny]

New kennedy movie

Hey, did you hear about the new movie they're making about John
Kennedy Jr.'s fateful last plane flight?

They're calling it, "Three Funerals and a Wedding."

= = = = = = =

clarke@econ.Berkeley.EDU (Chuck Clarke)

JFK Jr.'s Lasting Contribution [rec.humor.funny]

JFK Jr.'s Lasting Contribution

If you don't think that the JFK Jr. story is important,
answer me this:

When was the last time the news led off with the deaths
of a publicist, an investment banker, and a lawyer, and
you actually felt sad about it?

= = = = = = = (John A. Taylor)

JFK, Jr. crash....... [rec.humor.funny]

JFK, Jr. crash.......

There has already been a lot of speculation as to what may have caused
JFK, Jr.'s plane to crash. Some have even suggested that he may have run
into a bird. Others have questioned how many and what type of bird would
be enough to bring down an airplane under these circumstances.

I myself subscribe to the single pullet theory...

= = = = = = = (Robert Wizer)

Body count update [rec.humor.funny]

Body count update

>From the desk of Bill Clinton
>Date: Friday, July 16, 1999
>To: CIA operatives

No, no, no! I said *Jar Jar* must die!


= = = = = = = (Mechanic of Xanadu)

Garage of Xanadu

JFK Jr. Funeral [rec.humor.funny]

JFK Jr. Funeral

It was announced today that they finally found JFK Jr's body in the waters off
Martha's Vineyard after being lost at sea for four days. The Kennedy family
announced that JFK Jr. will be buried at sea.

It's part of the new catch and release program...

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