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Kook Appraisal Test V2.1
(chuckle, usenet)

Kook Appraisal Test (KAT or KAT Index)

Instructions :

In this section give yourself ONE point for every YES answer.
Give yourself additional points for multiple occurences.

Grading scale follows questions.

Have you ever :

1. Been the first to go ad-hominem in a newsgroup debate.
2. Accused someone of breaking a non-existant Federal Law.
3. Called a properly formatted cancel of a BI>20 article a *forged cancel*
4. Ranted about *Free Speech* when a moderator rejected your article.
Two points if it's spelled "FREE SPEACH."
5. Complained to someone's ISP when you got spanked in a flame war.
6. Been complained about to your ISP deservedly.
7. Flamed someone from an anonymous account.
8. Made a spelling flame.

In this section give yourself TWO points for every YES answer.
Give yourself additional points for multiple occurences.

1. Called someone a pedophile or drug pusher without proof.
2. Ranted about *Free Speech* when an anti-spammer cancelled your article.
3. Posted to a newsgroup via sock-puppet.
4. Thought about becoming a Freedom Knight.
5. Voted via sock-puppet in a Big Eight vote.
6. Defended a well known kook.
7. Been Nominated for a Kook award.
8. Called someone a NAZI or otherwise invoked Godwin's Law.

In this section give yourself THREE points for every YES answer.
Give yourself additional points for multiple occurences.

1. Threatened to kill or cause bodily harm to another via mail or post.
2. Stalked/harassed an opponent off-line.
3. Mail-bombed anyone.
4. Spammed a newsgroup.
5. Posted a forged or altered newsgroup article.
6. Lost an account due to abuse.
7. Won a kook award
8. Threatened a groundless lawsuit via mail or post.
9. Had a FAQ posted about your kookiness.

Scale/Rank :

1 - 5 points : Kook Wannabe. Read Grubor's posting history on dejanews.
You have much to learn. You may have just screwed up once.

6 - 10 points : Journeyman Kook. Continue to mimic the real kooks.
You could be a contender.

11 - 20 points : Kook First Class. Still a lesser light, but you HAVE arrived!

21 - 30 points : Kook cum Laude. Someone is considering writing a FAQ about

31 + points : Kook Magna cum Laude. You have a FAQ.
You've won all the big awards.
You can leap tall newbies with a single bound.

[Note: originally posted to alt.usenet.kooks by Cipher [at];
reprinted with permission. This is version 2.1, if my records are correct.]

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