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A man walks into a bar
(smirk, groan)

[Heard on WPLJ radio - New York City- 4/21/97]

A man walks into a bar and orders a drink.  After sitting for a few minutes,
he hears a voice say, "nice tie."  He looks around but doesn't see anybody
near him and so he forgets about it.

Some time passes and he hears the same voice say, "nice shirt."  This time
he looks everywhere; behind him, up and down the bar, under the chair,
behind the bar, everywhere he can think to look, but he doesn't see anyone.

A few minutes later he hears, "nice haircut." He can't stand it any more, so
he calls the bartender over and tells him he has been hearing this voice but
can't figure out who is speaking.

The bartender says, "Oh that...that's the nuts...................."

".....they're complimentary."

(From the "Rest" of RHF)

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