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Education? (mark kraitchman)
(chuckle, UNIX)

********begin forwarded message*************************************

Should we tell morse that he does not have to specify a newsgroup
when he fires up rn? :-)

  2:32pm  up 6 days, 21:32,  7 users,  load average: 0.31, 0.65, 0.34
User     tty       login@  idle   JCPU   PCPU  what
jda      console  11:02am  3:29   9:10   9:07  xterm -sb -bg navy -bd purple -m
jda      ttyp0     2:24pm            1         w 
jda      ttyp1    11:03am     1      1         -sh 
jda      ttyp2    11:03am  2:00                -sh 
mark     ttyp3    Mon 5pm    44   9:56     19  /usr/local/bin/less 
jda      ttyp4    11:04am     5      1         -sh 
morse    ttyp5    12:57pm  1:31      2      2  rn 

[Note - names changed to protect the, uh, guilty... - ed.]

(From the "Rest" of RHF)

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