POLITICS Whitewater Overflows GPO Web Site: When Senate Report Tops Every On-Line Search List, Some Wonder Who's in Control. The Washington Post, July 22, 1996, pA17. EPA employee Randall Brinkhuis, environmental protection specialist with the Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, has discovered that the Government Printing Office World Wide Web site has been configured to insert a citation to a Senate report about Whitewater at the top of every response to a search, no matter what the search topic. Brinkhuis used search words including "toxics," "TSCA," "Yeltsin," "Princess Di," "doofus," and "Pee Wee Herman," and each response showed the Whitewater document at the top of the list of available documents satisfying the search request. **
(From the "Rest" of RHF)