[original] I dunno, I still think Nuremburg was the trial of the century... Nuremburg: OJ: Number dead: 50 million 2 Cost: Billions of dollars, pounds, rubles, etc. Slightly less. Live TV: No Yes Defendant(s): Old Nazis Middle aged sports hero Clothing: Old Uniforms $5,000 suits Prosecution: Boring soldiers Marsha Clark Defence: Boring soldiers "The Dream Team" Racists: Nazi Regime LAPD Juror squabbles: No Yes Justice: YES No Movies: "Judgement at Nuremburg", a classic An anticipated horde of rushed "TV Movie of the Week" type efforts. All of them crap. I think it's still clearly Nuremburg in the lead. Granted, OJ has more of the here and now appeal and good looks, but that won't last.
(From the "Rest" of RHF)