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Disney Films rewritten for PC (Peter van der Linden)

Snow White and the Politically-Correct Vertically-Challenged Rustics
All Disney movies up to and including the "Lion King" (shortly to become
"The Lioness Queen") are going to be rescripted and re-filmed to meet modern
standards of cultural and ethnic sensitivity.  Shown below is an example
from Snow White (to be renamed "Pigmentally-Deficient, though not implying a
judgement of worth, Snow")
  Former name       New non-culturally-judgemental name
  ___________       ___________________________________
    Happy              Euphorically Unbalanced survivor
    Sneezy             Rhinovirus Susceptible
    Sleepy             Surplus Fatigue disordered
    Grumpy             Heightened resentment disability sufferer
    Dopey              Intelligence deficit challenged
    Bashful            Person with diffident disposition syndrome
    Doc                Male therapeutic oppressor

(From the "Rest" of RHF)

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