This paraphrased story has been taken from June 1995 issue of Oregon Cycling. Apparantly, a local cyclist had a bit of trouble with a dog that ran off someone's porch and chased him down. He had a few words with the dog's owner and left. Later, he returned to take down the address of the house to file a formal complaint. When he returned, another person came out of the house with a gun. The cyclist fled as the person fired a couple of shots into the air. A year and a half later, the case finally came to trial and the gun-toting person was found guily of menacing. The cyclist said that the person probably did NOT help their case by: a) telling the jury that his hero was John Wayne b) not knowing exactly how many guns he owned and, c) that he strapped on his gun every day after coming home from working at the post office.
(From the "Rest" of RHF)