DO NOT PASSS THIS ON This chain letter has been around the world 85 times! It has passed through the hands of formerly famous and powerful people. Spiro Agnew got a copy of this letter and passed it on to Richard Nixon. The next day he was impeached on TAX EVASION. Nixon later almost showed it around the whitehouse and JUST MANAGED TO ESCAPE IMPEACHMENT himself!!! It was thrown out and picked up by an anonymous DC politician. He kept it in a safe for many years and eventually became mayor. Then one day in a drug induced frenzy he made a xerox copy of it. The next day he was arrested for possession of CRACK COCAINE. He then ordered the letter destroyed and is now about to get his old job back. This letter was recieved by a miss Imogene Bufford of Little Creek, Missouri. Thinking it was a make money fast chain letter she sent off 20 copies to her best friends. The next day she had a stroke while commiting adultery with her minister. The end result was she was in a COMA for 7 months and when she came out of it she had and INCURABLE desire for Mayo on WHITE BREAD. What ever you do, do not send copies of this letter around.
(From the "Rest" of RHF)