When I travelled in more elegant circles, I got a chain letter in the mail from one of my friends. It had a cover letter from everyone in the chain, and to my surprise, had been across a number of desks in reputable newspapers, magazines and advertising agencies. The instructions were to make five copies of the entire stack, add a cover letter to each stack, mail to five of your friends, and destroy the stack you received. I jumped right to the last step, but I still remember the cover letter by the editor of one of the two best U.S. newspapers (paraphrased here): > My normal reaction to chain letters is to toss them out. But my heart > has been warmed by the thought, true or not, that after all our years > in this cutthroat business, my colleagues and I may still have five > friends left. > > More touching is the apparent fact that someone else still believes > that I, specifically, have five friends left. > > I cannot help but pass this letter on to you, so that you may share in > this fantasy.
(From the "Rest" of RHF)