MAKE MONEY FAST!!! Here's a way to make more money than you ever dreamed possible, PLUS you get to help build the Information Superhighway at the same time. The instructions are simple. 1. Buy an Internet connection from the provider named at the top of the following list. a. PSI b. UUNET c. Alternet d. SURNET e. The World 2. Remove that provider, moving everyone else on the list up one. 3. Start a company that provides Internet connections. (You've got one now, so why not?) 4. Add your company to the bottom of the list. 5. Send a copy of the new list, along with these instructions, to all of your friends. Within the next few weeks, thousands of people will call you to get Internet connections. DON'T BREAK THE CHAIN!!!
(From the "Rest" of RHF)