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Reverse chain letter

jeffj%jiji (Jeffrey Jonas)
(smirk, computers)

As I attempted to use the office photocopier,
I found that the previous user had left it jammed,
so I unjammed it and found 10 copies of a chain letter
in the duplexor (internal tray for double sided copying).

so, here's MY version of a chain letter:


This letter was written by Joxyl Ozzyfoxyl
using Microsoft Word for Windows on a PC.
Two days later, his department was dissolved during a hostile takover
leaving Joxyl jobless and the PC homeless.

The floppy disk was found by Josh Doesjack
during the liquidation of the company assets.
After printing this letter, the disk jammed and destroyed the floppy drive
and the printer self destructed by strangling itself with the ribbon.

Josh tried to throw out the letter
but on the way to the recycling bin it was intercepted by Jane Dogong
who typed it neatly on her IBM selectric typewriter.
3 days later, her typewriter was replaced by a word processor
that required constant servicing and never worked repliably.
Jane's efficiency rating plummeted
and her self esteem was irreverably damaged.

One copy of this letter went to John Ackers at IBM.
He was caught copying the letter on an office copier
and was fired for using office copiers for personal business.

In the charred remains of a cabin, the cause of the fire
was determined to be due to a laser printer that overheated
while printing this letter.

This letter has been around the world by INTERNET 6 times,
causing a wake of destruction and mayhem wherever it stays more than 2 minutes.

Whatever you do, DO NOT COPY THIS LETTER!

(From the "Rest" of RHF)

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