Came over the FAX machine today from of all places, First American Title: "WOMAN CLIPS OFF SLEEPING HUSBAND'S PENIS THEN THROWS IT FROM MOVING AUTO" DON'T LAUGH, IT'S TRUE AND IT COULD HAPPEN TO YOU!!! Right now, thousands of agitated, irate women have read that headline and are contemplating taking that action against you the next time you make an uninvited sexual advance, look at them the wrong way, or just piss them off in general (not to mention PMS and "that time for the month"). MEN, PROTECT YOURSELVES NOW!!! If you find yourself a victim of "CLIP AND FLIP SYNDROME" could you be sure that the appropriate authorities would find your clipped member in time and intact? Could you be sure that the penis part they find is yours? Sign up now for our low cost Penis Protection Plan (known as PPP). We'll tattoo and register your penis and scrotum with their own unique registration numbers, insuring that in case of separation, you will get a perfect match every time. Or, for just a slightly higher fee, you can sign up for our "JURASSIC PRICK" program in which we will take a cell sample from your penis and clone replacement parts for you in the event a tractor trailer runs over your dismembered penis or some wild animal mistakes your detached member for a chew toy. DON'T GET CAUGHT SHORT, SIGN UP NOW!!!
(From the "Rest" of RHF)
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