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The Punk and the Drunk (Ronald Cole)

Two young punks walk into a bar and spot the town drunkard at the
end.  "Watch me make a fool out of that old drunk," says the one
punk to the other.  "Hey, you drunken bum, have you seen Bob?"
"Bob, who?" replies the drunk.  "Bob up and kiss my ass," retorts
the punk to the delight of his companion.

A little while later same punk says to his buddy, "Watch me fool
that dumb fuck again with the same joke."  "Hey, you drunken mess,
have you seen Bob?"  "Bob, who?" replies the drunk.  "Bob up and
kiss my ass," retorts the punk to the amusement of his pal.

The drunk, being tired of the abuse, goes outside to piss on the wall
and sees a friend in the gutter.  He relates his experience to his
friend who then offers this advice, "Ask those punk if they've seen
Eileen and then tell them 'How about I lean over and you kiss my ass?'"

So the drunk goes back inside, bellies up to the bar and orders a beer.
"Hey you punks, have you seen Eileen?" asks the drunk.  "Eileen, Eileen,
um, isn't she married to Bob?"  Replies the drunk, "Bob, who?"

(From the "Rest" of RHF)

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