My wife, a physician at a children's hospital, occasionally comes home with some rather strange stories. This one seemed inappropriate for Reader's Digest so I thought I'd try it here. She first met this family when mom brought one of her kids in to the ER with part of her finger nearly cut off. The poor kid was crying and needed some comforting. However, mom just didn't quite react the way one would hope a mom should. Let's just say it was a good thing that dad showed up to help comfort and care for the poor kid. The next day my wife sees the kid and her sibs in the ER again with two police officers. She asks them why they were back at the ER again. Seems that dad called home to see how the kid was doing only to get no answer. After a while he calls the police who show up and have to break in only to the find the kids home alone. Well as they pack up the kids to take them to a shelter, mom shows up with her 5 year old son. She's still acting very odd, but does manage to have a few choice comments about the police and what she thinks of them doing their job. The police have some comments about her concept of motherhood. Then they ask her where she was. Before she could open her mouth the 5 year old says "We were out buying and selling drugs."
(From the "Rest" of RHF)