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Jurassic Park - only fantasy? (James R Crawford)
(topical, smirk, computers)

[Note: you need to have seen the movie to "get" this.]

	By now, millions of small children have probably seen the
movie "Jurassic Park," despite the fact it's not a movie for small
children.  Given this, a lot of parents might have small, frightened
children on their hands, who, still being a bit fuzzy on that fantasy
versus reality thing, might very well believe that "Jurassic Park" is
real, and happened (or is happening) somewhere.

	So, how can frantic parents make their small children believe
that what happened in "Jurassic Park" was pure fantasy, and nothing
more?  What one example can they point out that will convince them,
once and for all, that the movie was total fiction?

	Simple: no good-looking young girl is ever interested in
computer science.

(From the "Rest" of RHF)

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