If the rich & famous (tm) read the netnews what groups would they read? In the left column is a set of newsgroup lists - in the right column a list of names. See if you can match the names with the list of newsgroups they might read! (note: the newsgroups listed are active news- groups as of Mar. 30, 1993)
1. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica A. Oliver Stone alt.atheism alt.fan.gene-scott soc.religion.christian.bible-study2. rec.humor.funny B. David Koresh alt.fan.letterman alt.folklore.urban alt.politics.democrats.* ca.earthquakes rec.autos.tech
3. misc.entrepreneurs C. Bill Gates alt.politics.perot misc.invest fj.* rec.heraldry talk.politics.theory
4. soc.singles D. Philip Roth soc.motss rec.collecting rec.food.cooking rec.arts.bodyart
5. rec.guns E. Ross Perot alt.angst alt.divination alt.messianic misc.headlines misc.rural soc.religion.christian
6. alt.clubs.compsci F. Jeffrey Dahmer alt.geek alt.wedding biz.comp.software comp.os.ms-windows.* comp.os.msdos.*
7. alt.conspiracy.jfk G. Lady Diana rec.arts.movies rec.arts.movies.reviews
8. soc.culture.british H. Bill Clinton alt.heraldry.sca rec.org.sca alt.society.sovereign misc.jobs.offered
9. rec.org.mensa I. President of NBC rec.running talk.politics.theory alt.mcdonalds
10. rec.pyrotechnics J. Jay Leno rec.arts.tv.*
11. rec.games.cyber K. Charlie Brown alt.destroy.the.earth alt.motorcycles comp.robotics misc.fitness
12. rec.kites L. Arnold Schwarzenegger misc.kids rec.arts.comics
13. rec.arts.books M. Jimmy Swaggart alt.sex.stories soc.culture.jewish sci.philosophy.meta