[Here's a series of related jokes I originally posted to rec.humor] It seems that mathematics isn't so impeccable after all! Especially when it comes to sex! Here are some mathematical truisms that didn't quite hold up! Q: If you are having sex with TWO women and ONE more woman walks in, what do you have? A: Divorce proceedings, most likely. Q: If you have two friends and six women, how many women do each of your friends get? A: None. Q: Is three an odd number? A: Not in this day and age. Q: If a 6-inch penis can attract 10 women, how many women can an 18-inch penis attract? A: Two billion. Q: If you go to bed 9 hours before you have to wake up, and you wife wants to have 2 hours of sex, how much sleep will you get? A: 8 hours, 59 minutes-- who cares what she wants! Q: How are math and sex the same? A: I don't get either one.
(From the "Rest" of RHF)
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