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Signs of fatigue (Rob Vaughn)

An original by my friend, Peter Soderquist, Electrical Engineering Grad at
Cornell U.

Checklist for Engineering Graduate Students

Signs that you might be getting too little sleep:

 1.  You become convinced your clock radio is actually a computer terminal,
     and you need to finish your programming assignment on it NOW.

 2.  You become convinced that your mind is connected to the Internet
     and is being taken over by a worm.

 3.  You can hear different parts of your body talking to each other.

 4.  Objects in the room appear to rush at you and then recede from you
     suddenly and without warning.

 5.  You look at your clock radio and wonder what units the display is
     in: foot-pounds or cubic centimeters?

 6.  You look at your clock radio and wonder whether the time is given
     as a real or complex quantity.

 7.  You go to the restroom and forget why you went there.

 8.  You go to the restroom and forget the way back to your office.

 9.  You worry incessantly about doing the homework in classes you
     aren't even taking.

10.  You can't figure out which tube sock goes on which foot.

Note:  These are gleaned from actual experience.

(From the "Rest" of RHF)

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