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Anagram (John Kingston)
AIAI, University of Edinburgh, Scotland

This is taken from a book entitled "The Sacred Diary of Adrian Plass, aged 37
3/4" by Adrian Plass (the title is a lampoon of "The Secret Diary of Adrian
Mole, aged 13 3/4"). I'll give the anagram in its original context, but
paraphrased for reasons of (a) copyright and (b) me not being able to remember
it exactly:

[Gerald and Elsie are just finishing their teenage romantic relationship]

As Elsie stood at the door, Gerald walked towards her and laid a hand on her
shoulder. He looked into her eyes and said:

"There's one thing I want you never to forget, Elsie"

"What's that, Gerald?"

"Elsie - I want you never to forget that `Mother In Law' is an anagram of
`Woman Hitler'"

(From the "Rest" of RHF)

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