This sequence of notices was reported on the Faculty of Education's News Sheet. The name of the writer has been changed, but follows the original form of signature each time. Enjoy. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- Third Year Noticeboard. !-------- Friday, May 4, 1990. Just a friendly reminder. Please note that the last date for the submission of continuous assessment essays is Friday May 18 1990. Your essays should be handed to Maureen in the departmental office on or before that day and a receipt obtained. Generic Lecturer !-------- Friday, May 18, 1990. It rather looks as though some third year students have not yet handed in their continuous assessment essays to Maureen in the departmental office. The FINAL deadline for the submission of these essays is TUESDAY MAY 22. Generic Lecturer (Prof) !-------- Tuesday, May 22, 1990. One or two third year students have still not handed in their continuous assessment essays to Maureen in the departmental office. The ABSOLUTE AND FINAL deadline for submission of these essays is FRIDAY MAY 25. You are advised that failure to submit by this date may have implications for your final mark. G. Lecturer (Professor) !-------- Friday, May 25, 1990. Listen. You lot really are pushing your luck this year. I know that some of you are relying on the soft-hearted liberals and pusillanimous social workers in the department to vote down any system of penalizing late submissions but you should note that we failed to get a draconian punishment system through by only one vote last year and that means with our new and highly authoritarian external examiner on the committee this year you could be in for a very nasty shock indeed. (How about THREE marks off your total for every day late? What d'you think of that, eh?) So this is your ABSOLUTE AND FINAL AND ULTIMATE LAST CHANCE. Unless you get those bleeding essays in to Maureen by Monday morning May 28 at 9.30am, I will do my damnedest to ensure that there'll be no reason whatsoever for YOUR mother to show up on this campus on Graduation Day. GET MY DRIFT? Professor G. Lecturer BA, MA, PhD. -- Joe Voros Department of Physics, Monash University, Clayton, VIC, 3168, Australia.
(From the "Rest" of RHF)