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Form to apply for a file to be restored (Bernard Hatt)
(smirk, computers)


Your name ? ________________

Your login name ? ________________

Which project ? ________________

1.  Urgency
	<1 hour   __	1-2 hours  __	2-4 hours __	 next day 
	next week __	never	   

2.  Reason for needing restore ?
	Accidental deletion __		Accidental corruption	__
	General clumsiness  __		Complete stupidity	__
	Other _____________

3.  Were you using "RCS" or "SCCS"
					Yes __		No 

3.1	If 'No' why not ? ________________

4.  Are you sure the file existed in the first place ?
					Yes __		No 

5.  Are you sure the file isn't somewhere else ?
					Yes __		No 

6.  How long do you think it would take for you to re-create the file(s)
    were a backup not available ? ________________

7.  How much had you had to drink when you deleted the file ? ________________

8.  Don't you think it would be better if you hadn't deleted the file in
    the first place ?

9.  If you didn't want to delete the file, why did you type the command ?

10. Do you appreciate the amount of inconvenience that restoring a few
    files from a backup causes ?
					Yes __		No 

11. Have you deleted more work than you would normally create in a day ?
					Yes __		No 

11.1	If 'Yes' why did you turn up for work today ?

12. Don't you feel really stupid having to rely on a backup to recover
    from your mistake ?
					Yes __		No 

13. Do you often regret things you have done ?
					Yes __		No 

14. Do you often worry about your responsibilitys ?
					Yes __		No 

15. Do you worry about not being able to control your actions ?
					Yes __		No 

16. Do you think that there could be any connection between someone
    destroying their own work and having self destructive thoughts ?
					Yes __		No 

(From the "Rest" of RHF)

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