Paraphrased from the July 1, 1992 issue of "The Chronicle of Higher Education." "Women's-Studies Group, Hoping to Heal Wounds, Finds More Conflict" "This year's annual meeting of the National Women's Studies Association was supposed to heal fractures that crippled the organization... "Within half an hour of the opening of the conference ... the keynote speaker had offended lesbian women by making what were described as heterosexist remarks. Other women complained that a white women should not have been selected to start [the] conference..." Then meeting organizers apologized "to Jewish conferees who had been inconvenienced by the Friday-night session... "Later that evening, some 'eco-feminists' ... complained that every meal served at the conference included meat. "Finally, one conferee complained that participants should be asked to forgo hair spray and perfume, which allergy sufferers might find irritating." Said Ms. Wilma Boddie-Beaman of NWSA's steering committee "'If I had my wish, we would stop comapring ourselves to other organizations. We're different.'" -- Bob Matthews Armstrong State College, Savannah, GA
(From the "Rest" of RHF)