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Bush cites differences from Perot -- top ten differences (B.J. 05-Jun-1992 1144)
(topical, original, chuckle)

        [This is original.  B.J.]

        The top headline of The Boston Globe on Friday 5 June 1992:

                       Bush cites differences from Perot

        So, here are my top ten differences between George H. W. Bush,
        the current U.S. President, and H. Ross Perot, a businessman who
        is leading the 1992 presidential polls mostly because he hasn't
        officially entered the race:

            10. Perot doesn't have a dog more popular that he is.

            9.  Bush knows which political party he belongs to.

            8.  Perot doesn't have friends and relatives that profit at
                the expense of the U.S. taxpayers, he does it himself.

            7.  Perot has submitted balanced budgets.

            6.  Bush has been elected to office.

            5.  Perot won't choose Quail as a running mate.
            4.  All of Perot's military operations have been successful.

            3.  Bush claims to have a domestic policy.

            2.  Perot has narrowed his potential cabinet selections to
                twenty people, solely on moral grounds.

            1.  Perot is a Texan.

(From the "Rest" of RHF)

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