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Crimson's Laws of Adventure (Lucas v.d. Berg)
(original, computer, chuckle)

Hi Brad (if that's still you taking care of international amusement),
hope you like this. Hope it's not too much like yet another cheap
Murphy imitation. I wrote some 50 articles on RPG and the stuff down
here is, you might say, the essence-made-word.
My e-mail is or just
Bye there.

                   Crimson's Laws of Adventure


        Any creature encountered must be presumed hostile
                      until proved helpful


              The threat posed by your opponent is
               directly proportional to the detail
              involved in its graphical description


   The threat posed by your opponent is inversely proportional
         to the innocence of its graphical description
    (i.e. the Wizened Old Man is the meanest creature around)


                  The safety of a structure is
        inversely proportional to its apparent sturdiness


            A fatal blow from an opponent will always come
                  at the most dangerous moment


        A fatal blow from an opponent will always strike
            at the most vulnerable member of a group


        The probability of the presence of a secret door
              or exit is inversely proportional to
              the exlusiveness of your surroundings
 (i.e. there is much more chance of finding a secret closet in an
   "ordinary kitchen" than in the "Grand Hall of Tournaments")


     Don't ever look in mirrors. Adventurers are invariably 
  depicted as images of their programmers; i.e. they are always 
  small, skinny, ugly, bald, etcetera. Freud would have had the 
        time of his life examining adventure-programmers.


          The last door in a set of 24 identical doors
                   is always a one-way device


          The last door in a set of 24 identical doors
                always leads to the Dragon's Lair


           All treasure must always be accepted except
              that which is not explicitly guarded
      Such treasure must either be left alone, or destroyed
             Decide what is the logical thing to do,
                 then do it the other way around
      This may not always work, but it IS the best approach


               The only good Troll is a dead Troll


          Trolls regenerate - There are no dead Trolls


              The chance of a monster being asleep
      is directly proportional to the acuteness of its ears


       The most important adversaries are never surprised


                  The complexity of a riddle is 
   inversely proportional to the bonus earned by its solution


                Poison: All snakes are poisonous
                If it has a sting, it's poisonous
               If it looks healthy, it's poisonous
                If it looks poisonous, it's fatal


          If it looks safe, friendly or valuable - run!


              Gods can be trusted, but not defeated


                                              Lucas van den Berg

	And some stuff for MUD players:

	No it's not fair but you are the only one who must sleep.
       	All monsters invariably suffer from chronic insomnia.

	You always get killed when you are within 5% of the xp
	needed to get you to the next level.

	You always get killed at the one time you did NOT join
	a group. Look on the bright side: you save rent!

	If there are four ways to run when you flee, YOU run
	into the death-trap. But: you save rent!

	Lagging always happens when you are under attack.
	Losing your link always happens right before the auto-save.

	MUDs are the places where death is the most expensive
	kick of them all.

						Happy Hunting,

(From the "Rest" of RHF)

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